Access the Event History for Hybrid Services-Webex
You are able to have access to records of events and historical modifications that were carried out on hybrid service resources in your business by logging into the Cisco Webex Control Hub. You can utilize the information that has been maintained in the event history to help you isolate, debug, and troubleshoot problems, and it can also be used for auditing purposes. The information shows statuses, settings, and alerts. You have multiple options to filter on the data that is pertinent to you, and the records go back as far as a month in some cases.
You are provided with a record of actions that were carried out within the company, regardless of whether those actions were carried out by an administrator or by the system itself. If there is already a ticket filed for your issue, you can also assist the support team with additional technical data.
These several categories of entries can be found in the event history:
- Operations carried out on the connector (including Created, Updated, Deregistered, and Removed)
- Operations (including Created, Updated, and Deleted) performed on a connection cluster.
- A resource group can have its Created, Updated, and Deleted actions carried out.
- (Alarms Raise, Problems Solved)
- Activities performed on a service (Enable, Disable)
- Additional ad hoc steps (including an update to the mailing subscriber list)
- Go to the Services page in the customer view of, and then select Events from the card of a hybrid service to obtain a view at the service-level. This service-level view will include all clusters, nodes, and connections that are a part of a particular hybrid service.
You can also open a cluster, select a node, and then access events from there; however, you will only see the events that are relevant to the node you selected. We strongly suggest that you open events from the service level so that you may get a more accurate picture of your hybrid deployment and effectively debug any issues that arise.
The event history is displayed for the hybrid service that you choose. The history of the past twenty-four hours across all clusters is the view that is displayed by default.
In the view of the event history, each event is displayed as:
- The name of the gathering
- severity (this metric is only relevant for alert events)
- Service
- The resource (either the cluster or the connection)
- Who among the administrators was responsible for the activity that resulted in the event being triggered (either a person or the connector itself)?
- When will the event begin?
2. Utilize the filters located at the top of the page to modify the data that is displayed:
- Cluster—You can choose to filter on either all of the clusters that execute a service or a particular cluster that does so.
- Node— Filter either on all of the nodes for one or all of the clusters, or on a particular node within a cluster.
- Services (on the resource you’ve chosen)— You can choose to filter on either all services or a specific service on the cluster.
- Since—This is where you may select an option to filter the data based on how far back in time you want it to go. You have the option of selecting Recent 24 Hours, Recent 48 Hours, Recent 7 Days, or Recent 30 Days.
The event, its severity level, the type of event, the hybrid service, the resource ID, as well as who or what carried out the action that caused the event, and a timestamp are updated and displayed in the view of the event history.
3. To view additional information about an event, click on it.
When you click on an event, the panel on the side will appear, revealing the details of the event:
- A description that provides information about what changed or which action was made, along with all of the available information that was transmitted in the event from the management service.
- Specific technical information, including the connector ID and the tracking ID; the support team can utilize these IDs to perform more troubleshooting.
Make a copy of the technical particulars and give them to support along with the issue you submit. If you want them to look into a particular hybrid incident, they will have access to precise information that they can utilize in their investigation.