Adding questions to a Zoom Events survey
You can add questions to a survey when creating a conference, by selecting the Advanced Options tab while filling out the information regarding the conference.
In order for hosts to collect feedback about the events they are hosting, they should use surveys as a valuable tool to gather information and receive suggestions on how to improve their next events.
This article covers:
How surveys are promoted
Event-level surveys
Session-level surveys
How to add questions to a Zoom Events survey
Available question formats
Multiple Choice
Single Choice
Short Answer
Long Answer
Rating Scale
Additional customization options
Prerequisites for adding questions to a Zoom Events survey
Zoom desktop client
Windows: 5.8.6 or higher
macOS: 5.8.6 or higher
Zoom mobile client
iOS: 5.8.6 or higher
Android: 5.8.6 or higher
Pro, Business, Enterprise, or Education account
Stripe or PayPal Business account is required to create paid events
Zoom Events license
How surveys are promoted
As part of the process of promoting both event- and session-level surveys at the event, different methods are used to make the surveys more visible to attendees throughout the event. This is geared toward increasing the number of respondents to the surveys.
There are several survey-related data points that hosts will be able to track:
In the survey result table, there is a column that indicates how many attendees saw at least one survey invitation during their conference
At least one survey list page has been viewed by at least a quarter of attendees
Attendees have chosen to skip each of the survey invitations that they have received as part of their registration
Event-level surveys
It is intended that this event will provide attendees with an opportunity to participate in an event-level survey, which will be presented via a pop-up in the lobby after the event ends. Attendees can:
Take the survey
Postpone taking the survey
Skip the survey from the survey list
After completing 5 surveys, attendees will receive a silver badge, and after completing 10 surveys, they will receive a gold badge; the badges will be displayed on their profile page once they have completed the surveys. – LEAVE FOR FUTURE USE IN 2023
Session-level surveys
Upon leaving a session or when the session ends, attendees who have spent a certain amount of time with the session will be invited to take part in a session-level survey by e-mail when they have finished the session. As it varies depending on the length of each session, the amount of time it takes for an attendee to determine whether or not they will receive an invitation will vary.
In the invitation, attendees have the option of taking or postponing the survey, depending on their availability. Surveys on the survey list can be rejected by attendees if they do not want to participate in the survey.
A survey’s metrics can be viewed on the results page of the survey by survey hosts. In addition to the number of attendees, the metrics include information such as:
Received the survey invitation
Completed the survey
Postponed the survey
Rejected the survey
It is important to keep in mind that the data is refreshed every time you open the results page.
How to add questions to a Zoom Events survey
Set up an event for the conference.
Click + Create under the Survey section in the Advanced Options tab of the page.
Event Survey: If you want the survey to be displayed once the event has ended, then you should select this option.
Session Survey: You can select this option if you want the survey to be shown to the participants after the session has ended; you will be able to choose the number of times the survey will be shown.
Select sessions: By using the drop-down menu to the right of the survey, you are able to choose one or more instances at which the survey will appear.
All Sessions: There will be a survey available after each session has ended.
Note: If you add sessions to the conference, you will also see their names in the drop-down menu when you open the conference. -
There is an option to remove a session by clicking the X next to its name in the box under Select sessions.
You will be able to add a question by clicking + Add Question.
If you would like to edit a question box, click on it.
In order to select a question format for your question, you will need to click the Single Choice drop-down menu:
Multiple Choice
Single Choice
Short Answer
Long Answer
Rating Scale
If you have any questions or answers, please type them in the field provided.
Adding another question can be done by clicking + Add Question (optional).
Note: It is possible to add up to ten questions to the survey. -
(Optional) Select the following checkboxes in order to complete the form:
Show as DropDown
Anonymous Answers
Save the file by clicking on the Save button.
Available question formats
Multiple Choice
During the registration process, ask registrants to answer with one or more options by using the multiple-choice format.
If you would like to type a question, click Untitled Question.
The first answer can be typed by clicking Choice 1. The second answer can be typed by clicking Choice 2 if it is necessary.
Using the + Add Option button, you can type in the new answer, and you can repeat the process as many times as you wish.
Single Choice
If you want to ask the registrants to choose only one option, you need to use the single-choice format.
To type your question, please click on Untitled Question at the top of the page.
The first answer can be typed by clicking Choice 1. The second answer can be typed by clicking Choice 2 if it is necessary.
Using the + Add Option button, you can type in the new answer, and you can repeat the process as many times as you wish.
Short Answer
Registrants can be asked to provide a short answer up to 500 characters in length using the short-answer format.
Min Character: The answer must contain at least the specified number of characters.
Max Character: This field is used to specify the maximum number of characters a response can contain.
Long Answer
In the long-answer format, you can ask your registrants to provide a written answer that contains between one thousand and two thousand characters.
Min Character: The answer must contain at least the specified number of characters.
Max Character: This field is used to specify the maximum number of characters a response can contain.
Rating Scale
The rating-scale format is used to ask registrants to respond with a number between a range of numbers that they feel represents their opinion.
Score from: Use the arrows on the left and right of the box to choose the number that should be the starting point.
To: Using the arrows on the right side of the screen, select the number where the range should end.
Low Score Label: In this field, type the value that represents the lowest score.
High Score Label: In this field, type the value that represents the highest score.
Additional customization options
Depending on the question format, there are additional customization options available, including:
Anonymous answers: The option to make the details of the users who take part in this survey anonymous can be checked if that is what you want.
Note: Under the Advanced Options tab of the survey creation screen, you have the option to enable this option. -
Required: Ensure that the question must be answered before moving on to the next step.
Show as DropDown: You should check to see if there are options that can be displayed as a drop-down menu.
Deleting an option: To remove an option, you will need to click on the trash can icon found above its name.
Deleting a question: Go to the question that you wish to delete, then click on the trash can icon in the bottom-right corner of the screen.
Duplicating a question: To duplicate a question, click the More icon… at the bottom of the question you wish to duplicate and then click Duplicate at the bottom of the window.
Rearranging the order of the questions: To rearrange the order of the questions, click on and drag the six dots at the top of the question box when you have two or more questions and drag the cursor up or down to rearrange the order.
Despite the fact that one ticket has been sold, event creators still have the option of adding or deleting custom registration questions.
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