Advanced Associated Domain configurations in zoom app
It is possible for you to approve your custom domain as an Associated Domain for your Zoom account at any time, which will allow you to restrict the creation of Zoom accounts and user profiles by users with personal emails that match your domain. Depending on your needs, this might include blocking external users, whom you intend to use that email domain (including new and existing users) from using your account, as well as forcing those users in your account to consolidate into your account or to use a different email address outside of your domain in order to log in.
Presented here are some common configurations for managing your associated domain, as well as how users are notified about these changes.
Prerequisites for Advanced Associated Domain configurations
Accounts for businesses, enterprises, or educational institutions
Ownership or administrative privileges on an account
Domains that have been approved as associated
Common configuration settings and their effects
As soon as your account is granted the associated domain, you will be able to manage any existing users associated with your domain and will be able to enable users to create new accounts associated with your domain once the associated domain has been granted to your account. Below you will find a list of settings that need your attention:
Manage users with the same domain: If a user attempts to create a Zoom account with an email address belonging to one of these domains, then the user will be asked to choose another email address when creating the account. Those who do not belong to your account but do have this domain will need to change their email addresses in order to access your account.
Allow users with the same domain to consolidate into this account: Those users who already have a managed account will be given the opportunity to consolidate their accounts into that account or change their login to use a different email address. A user will have the option of signing into his or her account up to three times before he or she is forced to make a choice.
Allow users with the same domain to sign up for Zoom: An email address with an associated domain can be used for the registration of a Zoom account by users. A user who wishes to sign up under could do so, for example, if the associated domain is Users who have not activated their accounts will be sent an email that will allow them to do so. If they sign in to the managing account for the first time, they will be asked if they want to consolidate or alter their email address after signing in. In order to enable this setting, you must enable Manage users with the same domain. By default, this setting is disabled by default.
Note: For users to have the option to consolidate their accounts, it must be enabled in the User account settings, Allow users with the same domain to consolidate into this account. When forced to use SSO for login, this setting will not be able to be enabled.
Depending on the combination of settings that are configured when configuring the three settings available when an approved domain is associated with an account, different results can be achieved for users in relation to what they can do with accounts created through your domain. In the following examples, we will examine a few of the effects of these actions:
Manage users with the same domain only
In the case that you just enabled the first option, Manage users with the same domain, you will have the following result:
It is expected that existing users will be reminded to change their profile email address when they sign in for the next time.
In the event that a user creates a new profile with an email address in your domain, Zoom will send them an email letting them know that they need to contact their organization’s Zoom administrator in order to gain access to Zoom or to use another email address. It is not possible to obtain any information about your account through this website.
Manage users with the same domain and allow consolidation into this account
This is what you will experience if you only enable the first two options, Allow users with the same domain to consolidate into this account, and Manage users with the same domain.
There will be an additional prompt up to four times at their next login before they are asked to add the account that manages this domain to their existing account, or to change their email address. In the event that they skip this decision for a period of three times, they will be forced to make a decision, even if they choose to temporarily skip it.
Users who create a new profile using an email address in your domain will receive an email from Zoom informing them that they will need to contact the Zoom administrator at their organization to create a Zoom account or if they would like to use a different email address from the one they currently use. There is no information provided about the account.
Manage users with the same domain, allow consolidation, and new user sign up
Taking into account that you have enabled all three options, Manage users with the same domain, Allow users with the same domain to consolidate into this account, and Allow users with the same domain to sign up for Zoom, then, if you have enabled all three options, then, you will get:
Users outside of their accounts can be seen by administrators (although neither names nor email addresses will be displayed), and Zoom can send an email to those users offering them the chance to consolidate or change their email address.
At their next sign-in, existing users will be prompted to join or change their email address up to four times. It is possible to temporarily skip this decision, but after three skips it will be forced upon them.
You will require users to consolidate into your account as soon as they create a new profile with an email address in your domain.