Audiocodes for the MP-1288 – Manual Reconfiguration Procedure in webex
In addition to the Manual Reconfiguration Procedure for Audiocodes MP-1288, you will also find the necessary Firmware Files, and Default Webex Calling Configuration Files that you will need to configure the Audiocodes MP-1288 for use with Webex Calling services.
Listed below is a list of Audiocodes Manufacturer Part Numbers that are supported by Webex Calling and can be used with this product. A preinstalled client certificate has been preloaded from the factory on these models.
This procedure should be used if your Audiocodes MP-1288 was not purchased or leased directly by your provider, but rather through a reseller. Due to this fact, the Webex Calling devices that are factory shipped with the appropriate configuration and firmware have already been configured.
Before proceeding to the manual reconfiguration process, ensure that your device’s firmware version matches F7.20A.202.203 before proceeding to the manual reconfiguration process. In order to make sure that your device is capable of connecting to the configuration server successfully, you should perform this check. A version of the Audiocodes ATA firmware that supports Webex Calling is included in this article.
In order to make Webex Calling work properly, it’s important to note that all Audiocodes ATAs come with proprietary firmware versions that are loaded with the Audiocodes hardware. Taking into account that end users may not be able to obtain this software readily, we have attached it to this post.
Reconfiguration of Webex Calling Manually is as follows:
The MP-1288 ATA manual provides a detailed explanation of how to reconfigure the device.
Webex Calling Proprietary Firmware Files: (Firmware contained in a single .ZIP file)
Audiocodes MP-1288 Devices = – Contains MP1288_SIP_F7.20A.202.203.cmp
Webex Calling Default Configuration Files: (Configuration files are contained in a single .ZIP file)
In this ZIP file, you will find MP-1288-Flash-(REGION).ini from
The Customer Service team can assist you with the additional steps required to add your Audiocodes ATA to Webex Calling Service if you require assistance with doing so.
Listed below are the files that are contained within this folder:
Reconfiguration Procedures for AudioCodes MP-1288 ATA by AudioCodes MP-1288 ATA Manual.pdf
The hardware installation manual for the LTRT-28020 MP-1288 can be found here.
Flash file for MP-1288 CANADA