Automatically Delete Completed Meetings from Your Site in Webex
If you are ready to delete previous booked meetings, training sessions, and events from your website, you are not required to keep a record of them there. You have the option of selecting the time period that is most convenient for your users, but by default, finished meetings are removed from the system ninety days after they have been held. This setting applies to events, training sessions, and meetings that are scheduled in the future. It does not apply to gatherings that occur on a regular basis.
Site Admin
1 After successfully logging in to the Webex Site Administration, navigate to Configuration > Common Site Settings > Options.
2 Using the following setting, under the section titled Schedule Meeting Options, you can define the number of days following which you want the following scheduled meetings, training sessions, and events to be deleted automatically: Delete planned meetings, training sessions, and events from the meeting lists of the users [n] days after the conclusion of the meeting.
If you want users’ meeting lists to be automatically cleaned up after the conclusion of meetings, set the number of days to 0.
3 Select the Update button.
Control Hub
1 From the customer view at, navigate to the Services menu and pick Sites from the Meeting menu subheading.
2 Select the Webex site whose settings you want to edit, and then click the Configure Site button.
3 Choose Site Options from the drop-down menu located under Common Settings.
4 In the section titled “Site Options,” you will find a setting that allows you to define the number of days following which you want the following items—scheduled meetings, training sessions, and events—to be deleted automatically: After [n] days have passed after the conclusion of the meeting, scheduled meetings, training sessions, and events should be removed from users’ meeting lists.
If you want users’ meeting lists to be automatically cleaned up after the conclusion of meetings, set the number of days to 0.
5 To update, click the button.