Broken Screen When Attendee is Sharing Desktop in webex
The screen is broken when the attendee shares his or her desktop with the group.
It is necessary to fix the tearing of the Webex screen.
When the desktop is shared in a meeting, what is the best way to fix a broken screen?The Webex window may be tearing for some users who have graphics cards from NVIDIA, as well as some users who have AMD graphics cards. When your camera is set to mirror its image, it may result in torn incoming camera feeds as well as torn self-view previews (see the example below), if your camera is set to mirror its image.
The steps below will guide you through fixing this problem:
The Webex application should be closed.
On the right side of the Task Bar, you should see a caret that can be clicked. To open the menu, simply click on the caret to the left of this image. Click on the icon of NVIDIA and select the right-click option.
As you can see in the image below, the first step is to click on Manage 3D Settings located on the left hand menu.
Click on the Program Settings button. Please allow a few seconds for the list to be populated.
Please click the Add button so that the Webex app executable can be added to the list. The Add menu can be sorted by Recently Used in the Recently Used section. Then, click on the Add Selected Program button after you have selected “Cisco Webex Service.”.
When you click the close button, the pop-up will close, and you will now be able to see the options that can be changed in the application.
As you follow down the left column in the box labeled Specify the settings for this program, you will find the feature titled Antialiasing – Mode, which is located at the bottom of the column.
The correct way to do this is to move to the next row of the table, and then click on the text in the Antialiasing Mode row that you see. There is a good chance that the text will say Use global settings by default.
Click on the Off button to select it.
Click on the Apply button at the bottom of the window, which is located in the bottom-right corner.
Check that the problem has been resolved by opening the Webex app and checking if it has been resolved.
To make sure you have the altered settings applied to Webex, you need to close the application and then reopen it if you forgot to close it before beginning.
In the event that you continue to have issues, please contact us at