Check Room Availability and Room Schedule with Webex Share
During the course of the day, a calendar of all the meetings scheduled for the day is displayed in the conference room that has been equipped with a Webex Share device.
There will be a calendar displayed on the TV screen of a room where there is a Webex Share, when you walk into the room.
If you don’t see the TV screen displaying the calendar, then your organization’s administration has not enabled the feature.
In the calendar, if the room is marked as available at the top, it is indicated by a blue bar. Orange means that the room is reserved if the top bar of the calendar is orange.
When someone schedules a meeting, the status of the room will change from ‘Available’ to ‘Reserved’, at which point it becomes ‘Reserved’.
See Schedule a Meeting with Cisco Webex Share for more information on how to reserve a room with a Webex Share.