Cisco Jabber Version 9 or Newer is Unable to Read by Microsoft Intune Out of Office 365 Cloud in webex
In Office 365 Cloud, Cisco Jabber V9 or later will not be able to be accessed by Microsoft Intune.
Cisco Jabber version 9 or higher cannot be analyzed by Microsoft Intune from the Office 365 Cloud.
It is possible to install Cisco Jabber version 8.5 or lower through the Office 365 Cloud using Microsoft Intune. Unless you are using Office 365 Cloud, you will not be able to interact with Cisco Jabber version 9 or newer through Microsoft Intune.
For any assistance you need during the installation of Cisco Jabber, please contact your IT helpdesk.
I would recommend contacting your mobile device management (MDM) vendor if the installation of the Jabber client is being conducted via MDM.