Compare Webex Assistant and automated closed captions
All paid Meetings and Webex Webinars plans include Webex Assistant and automated closed captioning as part of their features. The features included in these products can make your webinars and meetings more searchable, actionable, and effective while also being accessible to people who are deaf or hard of hearing in order to maximize their productivity. It is important to note that based on the needs you have, you should select the appropriate feature based on this article.
All paid-plan sites with 41.7 and later versions of Webex are now able to receive Webex Assistant and automated closed captions. There is an independent schedule for the release of these features. The status of your site will be updated when the feature is available on You can find captions for closed captions on all paid plans by searching for ‘Closed Captions on all paid plans’ and ‘Webex Assistant on all paid plans’.
Webex Assistant
All paid Meetings plans include the use of Webex Assistant as part of the service. A host has the option of saving highlights of meetings and events, and he or she can create actionable items as a result. If people were not able to attend the meeting, event, or webinar, share these items on your Webex site with them so that they can refer to them if they can’t attend.
When you are in the middle of a meeting, event, or webinar, you can automatically record notes, highlights, and action items using voice commands rather than having to do it manually.
Neither Webex Assistant nor an attendee view of the live webcast is available with Webex for Government.
Learn more about Webex Assistant
Webex Assistant for Webex Meetings
Use Webex Assistant in Webex Meetings and Webex Webinars
Automated closed captions
For your next meeting or webinar, Webex automatically turns on automated closed captions for you if you have used them in your previous meeting or webinar.
The host does not need to create any post-meeting assets if he or she needs closed captions during a meeting, event, or webinar, but if you need closed captions during your meeting, event, or webinar, you can present closed captions during the meeting or event without creating any post-meeting assets.
The option to enable closed captions is available to you as a host, regardless of whether you use Webex Assistant. Only those participants who have turned on closed captioning will be able to see the captions.
Whether you are hosting a meeting or webinar, closed captioning is available to all participants if you have a paid plan. In a meeting, event, or webinar, participants can choose whether they would like closed captions to be enabled for their own use.
There are a number of ways you can assist you to understand the discussion taking place during a meeting or webinar. These include real-time translations and closed captions. There are 13 spoken languages that can be captioned to more than 100 other languages if the host has a license that allows real-time translation. The languages include English, German, French, and Spanish. If you want to learn more about how we offer real-time translation and transcription in meetings and webinars, please see our documentation. It is not possible to view the live webcast for Webex for Government participants or to view the live webcast for attendees in real-time.
The Webex for Government can be accessed with closed captions.
Learn more about automated closed captions
Show or hide closed captions during a meeting or webinar
Show real-time translation and transcription in meetings and webinars