Configuration templates for Webex devices
Configuration templates are created, saved, and exported as CSV files that can be used on multiple devices or on a single device as needed.
You can save time and effort when configuring devices by using configuration templates. When you create a template, you have the option of writing a description. Your templates can be applied, edited, and copied later using the Control Hub.
Using a template only needs to be done once. It is not possible to edit the configuration of a template on a device that it is being applied to. For the configuration to be updated, you must apply it again to the device.
Applying templates with many configurations and to many devices at once may cause performance issues.
For devices with Control Hub managed configurations enabled running RoomOS 11.1 or later that are cloud registered, connected to the Edge, or have control hub managed configurations enabled but are not set up as a cloud registered device.
Create templates
- The customer view can be accessed from where you can go to Devices and select Templates from the list. Create a template by clicking the Create template button.
- Name your template in a way that makes it stand out from the rest. The template can also be described by adding a description to it. The next step is to click the Next button after this has been completed.
- It is important that you add the configuration to the template that you want. In the event that all the configurations that you need have been added, click on next in the event that you want to review your changes. In addition to editing and removing configurations from this page, you can also create new ones. You will be notified of any errors on this page if there are any, and you will be able to correct them. The template will be created and saved once you click the Create button.
The template is available in the form of a CSV file that you can download.
If you would like to learn more about the particular configurations for devices running RoomOS, you can visit this website:
It is highly recommended you read the Add features to a Room Phone article if you are interested in learning more about the individual configurations for the Webex Room Phone.
The configurations are saved as new templates, which means that if you want to apply configurations in bulk to multiple devices, you can save them as templates which will be available for later use.
Apply templates
Having created templates, you are able to apply them to devices when you are done saving them in Control Hub.
- As you are viewing the Customer view and selecting the device you wish to configure, you should go to Devices under the Customer view on
- Alternatively, you can click Edit from the left-hand menu and then select Device Template on the right-hand side of the screen.
On the device page, select Device Templates from the drop-down menu to select a template for an individual device.
- Click on the drop-down list to select the template that you want to apply and then click on the Next button. Once the changes have been reviewed and the configurations have been applied, click on the Apply button.
Edit or delete templates
After you have created a template, you will be able to go back and edit it. As well as deleting the ones that you no longer require, you can also unsubscribe from them.
- When you are viewing the customer view on, go to the Devices section and select the Templates option. If you want to change the template, you need to select it first.
- Choose either the Edit or Delete option under Actions at the top of the page.
There are the same steps involved in editing the templates as there were in creating them. For the changes to take effect on a device after you have edited a template, you need to apply the template again once you have made the changes.