Configure Kiosk mode on Board and Desk Series devices- Webex
Convert your Cisco equipment into a kiosk that offers a specialized user experience for the people who use it.
Kiosk mode enables you to replace the home screen of your Cisco device with an application on the web of your own design that you are responsible for hosting and maintaining.
- Kiosk mode is not supported on Desk Hub, DX70, or DX80.
Convert your Cisco equipment into a kiosk that offers a specialized user experience for the people who use it.
Kiosk mode enables you to replace the home screen of your Cisco device with an application on the web of your own design that you are responsible for hosting and maintaining.
Kiosk mode can be utilized in reception areas, for instance, if you want to display your own branding to enhance the first-time experience while also controlling the user experience on the Cisco device. This can be done while maintaining complete control over the user experience.
It is possible to disable the non-video functionalities of the device, such as whiteboarding and screensharing, and to prohibit users from altering the settings of the device by switching it to the Kiosk mode and keeping it in that mode.
Typical flow of a kiosk use case:
Even when the gadget is set to Kiosk mode, it is still possible to make phone calls with it. The user experience during a call is the same as it is during any other call; however, as soon as the call is terminated, the device returns to the kiosk web app.
The following are examples of typical use cases:
- Virtual receptionist
- Visitor registration
- An overview of the facility
- Expert services provided remotely
- Configuring Kiosk mode
Through the use of the xAPI, the device should be configured for the kiosk mode.
- To begin, you will need to turn on the online Engine, which is essential for displaying online applications.
- On is the mode for xConfiguration WebEngine.
- Indicate the URL of your web application here.
- “” is the URL for the xConfiguration UserInterface Kiosk.
- The service mode page will be displayed on the kiosk in the event that it is unable to access the URL. In addition, the website shows the IP address of the device as well as a button to try again.
- Turn on Kiosk mode.
xConfiguration UserInterface Kiosk Mode is in the On position.
Your web application should appear as the new home screen at this point.
Recommended settings
Through the use of the xAPI, you have the ability to establish options that will allow you to fine-tune the behavior of your device. We strongly suggest that you constantly configure the following:
- Locking things in the Settings panel prevents unauthorized access. A padlock icon will appear next to any settings that call for user authentication.
- Locked is the mode for the xConfiguration UserInterface SettingsMenu.
- Strong security mode for the xConfiguration UserInterface configuration tool
- This necessitates the establishment of a passphrase for each and every user account that has administrative privileges.
- Turn off the voice assistant if you want to:
- Off is the current mode for the xConfiguration UserInterface Assistant.
- In order to prevent Webex apps from partnering with the device, ultrasonography must be turned off.
- Maximum Volume for xConfiguration Audio and Ultrasound: 0
Allowing calls
Simply activate the SIP URL handler setting to make it possible for users of your web app to make phone calls:
- WebEngine Options and Configuration for xConfiguration SipUrlHandler: On
- After that, you’ll be able to incorporate links into your web application by using the sip protocol. Take, for instance:
- a link with the text “”Call Erica</a>
- Getting into the Configuration panel
- When the device is in Kiosk mode, the panel for configuring the settings is hidden. It’s possible that you’ll wish to access it in your capacity as an Admin user so that you may view the IP address, diagnostic messages, or other settings. Tap the screen three times with three different fingers at the same time to activate the Settings menu.
- This motion is not designed to function as a security feature; rather, its sole purpose is to decrease the likelihood that the settings would be altered inadvertently. You can lock the Settings panel with any one of the following to decrease the danger even further:
- Locked is the mode for the xConfiguration UserInterface SettingsMenu.
Strong security mode for the xConfiguration UserInterface configuration tool
Other settings
You will need to activate the SIP URL handler setting in order to enable phone calls to be made from your web app.
xConfiguration WebEngine Capabilities and Features SipUrlHandler: On
After that, you’ll be able to use the sip protocol to add links to your web application. Take, for example:
- I can be reached at a href=””>.Call Erica</a>
- Gaining access to the Settings panel
- When the device is in Kiosk mode, the Settings panel is concealed from view. You might want to access it as an Admin user in order to check the IP address, read diagnostic messages, or change other settings. You need to tap the screen three times with three fingers in order to open the Settings menu.
- This motion is not designed to function as a security feature; rather, its sole purpose is to lessen the likelihood that the settings may be altered inadvertently. You can lock the Settings panel in order to decrease the danger even further by using:
- Mode: Locked xConfiguration UserInterface SettingsMenu
Strong is the selected security mode for the xConfiguration UserInterface.