Configure Notifications for Hybrid Services-Webex
After you have deployed hybrid services, you, along with other people in your business or persons outside of your organization, may want to get notifications about the state of the service, alarms, software upgrades, and other similar topics. You can enroll users to get notifications by email or the Webex app in whatever combination you like.
You also have the option to disable these notifications for users, in the event that they do not wish to continue receiving email notifications regarding the state of the Hybrid Calendar.
- Click Edit settings from a hybrid service card after navigating to the customer view at and selecting Services > Hybrid from the drop-down menu.
- In the area titled “General,” you can sign individuals up to receive any of the following notifications:
- Scroll down until you reach the section labeled “Email Notifications,” and then enter the email addresses of any users who would like to receive email notifications regarding hybrid services.
- You can set whether users receive email notices about new Hybrid Calendar features when they are released by scrolling down to the User Email notices section of the settings for Hybrid Calendar and then toggling the email notification on or off. If you chose the settings for Hybrid Calendar, you will see this section.
- In the Webex app, navigate to the Notifications section, and then enter any email accounts that belong to people who wish to get bot notifications in Webex Teams about hybrid services.