Create a Cisco Unified Videoconferencing Session Type- webex
You are able to combine Webex services with video conferencing sessions on the CUVC system by using the Cisco Unified Videoconferencing (CUVC) session type. You can accomplish this integration with the help of a meeting ID.
Ensure the following things are in place before attempting to link Webex services with the CUVC system:
- Your Webex site offers the CUVC audio and video conferencing option.
- On the settings page, the CUVC option has been activated and selected by you.
Note: The CUVC Desktop will take the place of the Webex video while a session is in progress if the CUVC option is turned on.
- You have the option of utilizing either a Dynamic CUVC meeting ID or a custom CUVC meeting ID when you configure the CUVC integration on your end.
1. After logging in to the Webex Site Administration, navigate to the Configuration menu, then click Common Site Settings, and then Session Types.
2. In the column labeled “Session Code,” look for the primary session type that corresponds to the one for which you want to build a new custom session type.
3. Select the Add new custom session type for the link that is labeled “session type.”
4. To create a custom session type, enter a name in the appropriate field.
5. Continue scrolling down until you find the option to use Cisco Unified Videoconferencing (CUVC).
If you do not see an option for Cisco Unified Videoconferencing (CUVC), then it is possible that your location does not have it provisioned.
6. To enable the Cisco Unified Videoconferencing (CUVC) integration with the Webex service that you have chosen, select Cisco Unified Videoconferencing (CUVC) and then type the CUVC URL. When you attempt to add the session type without providing the CUVC URL, an error notice will appear in your browser.
7. (Optional) In order to configure the CUVC integration, you will need to provide either the Custom CUVC Meeting ID or the Dynamic CUVC Meeting ID.
Choose the option that says Allow inputting a CUVC Meeting ID in the meeting scheduler so that you can supply the Custom CUVC Meeting ID.
In order to supply a Dynamic CUVC Meeting ID, you must first ensure that the meeting scheduler is not set to Allow entering a CUVC Meeting ID. When you book a meeting, the number that is assigned to the Webex meeting serves as the CUVC Meeting ID. For the CUVC URL, you also need to provide something called a “service prefix” in the %MeetingID% variable. As an illustration, you may use’Service_Prefix>%MeetingID%’.Within the meeting scheduler, the option to Allow entering a CUVC Meeting ID is off by default.
8. (Optional) To display the Help topic pertaining to the CUVC settings, select Example URL from the drop-down menu.
9. Pick the Add button to start creating the CUVC session type.