Create breakout sessions In Webex
When you are hosting or co-hosting an event, you will be able to easily create breakout sessions depending on the needs of your event. The sessions can be created and started during the meeting at any time you want, so you can start them as soon as you are ready.
During the scheduling process of a meeting, hosts and cohosts will be able to create the breakout sessions and assign participants in advance, as well as allow participants to join the session of their choice.
A Webex Meeting and a Webex Webinar are supported with this feature. This feature can be found in the Webex App when you have a meeting platform that supports Edge Video Mesh.
Depending on your role in a meeting, you will be able to do a variety of things in breakout sessions.
- To enable breakout sessions for your group, go to the Breakout menu and click Enable Breakout Sessions.
If you are scheduling a meeting or a webinar, you may also choose to enable the breakout session feature.
There is a Breakout sessions button in the meeting controls when the breakout session feature is enabled in the meeting.
- You can select Breakout Sessions from the meeting menu.
Breakout session assignment dialog boxes can only be opened by one host or cohost at a time, so only one session can be assigned at a time.
If you are scheduling a meeting or a webinar, you may also choose to enable the breakout session feature.
- Please select how many breakout sessions you wish to create, as well as how you want your participants to be assigned to those breakout sessions:
Assign automatically—We would like to divide your participants equally among the breakout sessions that we will be holding for you.
Assign manually—Each breakout session is assigned to a specific number of participants.
Let participants choose any session—Any of the sessions can be attended by participants.
A webinar’s breakout sessions can only be assigned to panelists if they are registered for the webinar. Attendees cannot be assigned to a meeting. The attendees can then choose which breakout sessions they would like to attend once the breakout sessions have been launched.
- Select the Create Assignments option from the menu.
A breakout session is created in order to discuss the topic. It is standard to name breakout sessions according to their contents, such as Breakout session 1, Breakout session 2, etc. After the breakout sessions have been set up, you can rename them as you see fit.
You will be able to assign the participants automatically if you select Automatically as the assignment method. The breakout sessions will be assigned to the participants if you chose Manually.
You can also reset the choice of breakout sessions or the way in which the participants were assigned to the breakout sessions if you want to change them. All of the existing breakout sessions have been replaced with new breakout sessions.
- It is time to change the settings for the breakout session.
- Once you have selected all the breakout sessions that you wish to run, click the Start Breakout Sessions button.
What to do next
Depending on whether the breakout sessions are set up to automatically end after a specified number of minutes, you can manually end them all by clicking the X button as soon as you have finished using them.
- You can break out into breakout sessions by tapping the More Options button.
If the option Breakout Sessions is not available, someone else is editing the breakout sessions at the moment. Make sure you ask if there are any changes being made by the host or cohost.
- You can choose how many breakout sessions you want to create and how you wish to assign your participants to those breakout sessions by selecting the following options:
Automatically Assign—We would like to divide your participants equally among the breakout sessions that we will be holding for you.
Let Participants Choose Any Sessions—Any of the sessions can be attended by participants.
- Tap Create Assignments.
As a rule, breakout sessions are numbered by default as follows: Breakout session 1, Breakout session 2, and so on. The breakout sessions can be renamed at a later date if you wish.
In the case of automatic assignment, the participants will be assigned automatically if Automatically Assign is chosen. In the event that you selected Let Participants Pick Any Sessions, then assign breakout sessions to participants.
Tap Reset and repeat the previous steps to change the number or assignment of breakout sessions. There will be a replacement for all existing breakout sessions with the new breakout sessions.
- Settings for breakout sessions can be changed.
- Select Start Breakout Sessions when you’re ready to begin all breakout sessions.
What to do next
You can end all breakout sessions when you’re finished using them if they’re not set to end automatically after a certain amount of time.
- Select Breakout Session from the More Options menu.
There is someone editing the breakout sessions if the Breakout Session button isn’t available. Inquire about any changes made by your host or cohost.
- You can create as many breakout sessions as you like, and then assign participants as follows:
Automatically—Our breakout sessions will be divided evenly among your participants.
Manually—Each breakout session is assigned a group of participants.
- Select Create Assignments from the menu.
This is so the breakout sessions can be named by default, such as Breakout sessions 1, Breakout sessions 2, and so on. The breakout sessions can be renamed at a later time if you wish.
You will be able to assign the participants automatically if you select Automatically as the assignment method. The breakout sessions will be assigned to the participants if you chose Manually.
In case you wish to change how the breakout sessions were assigned or the number of breakout sessions, you can tap Reset and follow the previous steps again. There will be a replacement for all existing breakout sessions with the new breakout sessions.
- You can change the settings for breakout sessions by clicking here.
- In order to initiate all breakout sessions, tap the Start Breakout Sessions button once you are ready to do so.
What to do next
Depending on whether the breakout sessions are set up to automatically end after a specified number of minutes, you can manually end them all by clicking the X button as soon as you have finished using them.
- You can find more options by tapping More options > Advanced > Breakout sessions.
In the event that the Breakout Session button is not available, that means someone else may be editing the breakout session. If your host or cohost is making any changes, you should ask them about it.
- You can create as many breakout sessions as you wish and you can decide how the participants will be assigned to each session:
Automatically—We would like to divide your participants equally among the breakout sessions that we will be holding for you.
Manually—Each breakout session is assigned to a specific number of participants.
Let participants choose any session—Any of the sessions can be attended by participants.
- You can create assignments by tapping the Create Assignments button.
As a rule, breakout sessions are numbered by default as follows: Breakout session 1, Breakout session 2, and so on. The breakout sessions can be renamed at a later date if you wish.
It is recommended that you choose Automatically Assign if you wish to assign participants automatically. Assign participants to breakout sessions if you chose to do it manually.
In addition, you might want to change the number or the method that the participants were allocated to breakout sessions if you want to change the number. Tap Reset and repeat the previous steps. There will be a new set of breakout sessions to replace all the existing ones.
- You can change the settings for breakout sessions by clicking here.
- In order to initiate all breakout sessions, tap the Start Breakout Sessions button once you are ready to do so.
What to do next
Depending on how long the breakout sessions have been scheduled, you can set them to end automatically after a specific number of minutes or you can set them to end when you have completed the session.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I create a Webex session?
Using the desktop application, you can
Log into your account by clicking the link below.
Choosing Schedule will take you to the page where you will be able to schedule your meeting.
Select the meeting template you would like to use.
Please enter the information about the meeting and send an email invitation to all attendees by entering their email address.
Make a schedule by clicking on the 5Click button.
How long is a Webex session?
You can use a free Webex account to communicate with other Webex users and make unlimited phone calls over Webex. Webex meeting software allows you to host an online meeting that lasts up to 40 minutes with up to 100 participants.
Can I attend two Webex sessions at the same time?
There can only be one meeting running at a time. You cannot have more than one meeting running simultaneously. There is an exception to this rule, though, in the case of having a Support Center site where 4-8 support sessions can be conducted simultaneously.
What are Webex breakout sessions?
Breakout sessions are separate sessions that are set aside from the main meeting or webinars that allow smaller groups to meet. For workshops, classrooms, or private discussions, breakout sessions are an effective tool to use outside of the main session, when you need to focus on a few participants privately. In Webex Meetings as well as Webex Webinars, you will be able to use this feature.
How do I create a free Webex session?
Go to and click the Start for free button if you have not signed up for a free plan yet. Enter your email address and you will be directed to a page where you can request an account by following the instructions. A link will be emailed to you when your account is ready, allowing you to create a username and password as soon as it is ready.
How do I join a session number in Webex?
Visit the Webex website at and follow the instructions. You will find the Join a meeting button in the top right corner of the screen.
Enter the meeting, session, or event number in the field labeled Enter meeting information, and press the Enter key on your keyboard once you have entered the information.
Please enter the password for the meeting.
We would like to receive your email address and your name.
Are Webex sessions recorded?
You may store a recording of your Webex meeting locally on your computer or on the site where you host your Webex meeting. Your Webex site will allow you access to your recordings, so that you can share or download them based on your needs. To obtain the recording of a meeting that is not yours, please contact the person who hosted your meeting.
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