Customize the Webex Events (Classic) Registration Form in Control Hub
You have the ability to personalize the registration form that attendees use to submit their information for a specific event. You have the ability to create your own unique options in addition to selecting the common options you would like to see on the form while you are customizing it.
On the tab labeled “Customize Registration Questions,” a host of an event has the ability to alter the information that shows up on the registration form that is used by default when organizing the event.
1 Beginning in the customer view of, navigate to the Services menu.
2 Navigate to the Meeting menu, select Sites, pick your location, and then click the Configure Site button.
3 Select Registration Form from the drop-down menu located under Webex Events (Classic).
4 Click the checkboxes next to each option under Standard Options that you want to be mandatory on the registration form.
5 (Optional) To add custom options to the form, go to My Custom Options and select one of the following from the drop-down menus:
Text Box : Opens the page that allows you to specify text boxes that will show on the Enrollment form. This page is accessed by clicking the Add Text Box button.
Check Boxes : Opens the page that allows you to define check boxes that will show on the Enrollment form. This page may be found by clicking the Add Check Boxes button.
Option Buttons : Opens the page that allows you to choose the option buttons that will appear on the Enrollment form. This page may be found by clicking the Add Option Buttons button.
Drop-Down List : This action launches the Add Drop-Down List page, where you can define a drop-down list that will be displayed on the Enrollment form.
Registration Questions : This action launches the page named Add From My Registration Questions, which allows you to select the questions that are displayed on the registration form.
6 Mark the relevant items on the form by selecting the checkbox next to them in the form’s drop-down menu.
7 Choose to save the file.