Customize what attendees see when they join a webinar in webex
In the event that registration is required for the webinar, the host can customize what attendees see when they join the webinar in order to provide them with a more personalized experience. To see how it looks on computers and mobile devices, you can adjust the color theme, logo, background, and speaker profile on the website in order to make sure you like the look.
Your Join page can be customized to reflect your webinar requirements if it is a registration-based webinar:
Decide which theme you would like to use (Dark or Light).
Make sure that your background image is uploaded
You need to specify the color of the background for the left panel, as well as the background color for the header and the background color
The webinar title should be changed to a different color
The host’s name and the agenda items should be in a different color to the host’s name
On the landing page of the webinar, hide the name of the host
Each speaker should have an image and a description uploaded
You can access your calendar by logging into your Webex site from your desktop and clicking on the Calendar tab.
Click on the webinar of your choice. You can edit your brand by clicking on the Edit button under the Branding section.
In the Layout menu, you can choose themes, logos, background images, text colors, and buttons based on your preferences.
By clicking on the content, you can choose whether the host, the speaker, or the agenda look visible or hidden.
Here is an example of how your page would look on a desktop computer or a mobile device by clicking or .
Save the file by clicking the Save button.
A practice session can also be incorporated into your webinar as an image, such as a screenshot of the agenda or QR code to enable Slide polling; a text message, such as a welcome; and even music that will be played while attending the practice session. Check out Webex Webinars’ instructions for uploading an image, message, and music to your practice session for more information.