Customizing user settings in Salesforce in zoom app
In your Zoom Meetings integration, you have the option to control some of the actions that are taken by it.
How to customize user settings
Make sure you are logged into Salesforce.
You can open Zoom Config from the App Launcher by clicking on the icon.
You can access the User Settings by clicking here.
How to enable personal meeting ID
Instead of using a generated meeting ID to create your meetings in Salesforce, you should use your Personal Meeting ID (PMI) to create your meetings there instead. A complete overview of Personal Meeting IDs (PMI) and Personal Links can be found here.
How to email attendees at the start of a meeting
When you start a meeting, one of the first things you should do is send an email to your attendees. You will be automatically redirected to send an email message to your attendees when you click the Start Zoom meeting button in Salesforce once you click the Start Zoom Meeting button. The Zoom meeting details have been prepopulated in this email.
How to send ICS attachments in invitation emails
If you would like to add ICS files to meeting invitations, you can use this setting to do so.
How to disable invitation emails
The integration can be disabled using this setting in order to prevent the invitation email from being sent.
Note: Salesforce admins are able to configure this setting based on the settings configured in the organization settings.