Customizing webinar email settings in zoom App
The webinar branding allows you to personalize the emails sent out to the panelists, the registrants, the attendees, and the absentees of the webinar. All emails are delivered in HTML format and FreeMarker format.
Additionally, your webinar registration page can also be customized.
The following topics are discussed in this article:
- Creating customized email templates for all webinars in an account
- Changing webinar email settings for all webinars in the account
- Changing webinar email settings for a specific webinar
- Email variables
- Account type: Pro, Business, Education, or Enterprise
- Zoom Webinar add-on
- knowledge of HTML, CSS, and the FreeMarker format
- (Optional) The account owner or administrator will have permissions to edit email templates for all webinars associated with their account
Customizing email templates for all webinars in the account
- As well as the Webinar Attendee Email template, the Webinar Attendee Email (without registration) template, and the Webinar Panelist Email template can also be customized within the Meeting tab of Account Settings.
- There is no way to change the From field in webinar confirmation and reminder emails for pro accounts, since these are sent directly from Zoom.
- Sign in to the Zoom web portal by entering your email address and password.
- Click Account Management at the top of the page, then click Webinar Settings.
- It is optional for you to select a language from the drop-down menu in the Select Email Language field to be used for the email templates.
- There are different email templates for each language.
- Select the email template you’d like to customize from the email templates list and click Edit. For more information, refer to the email variables.
- After you have finished editing, click Save.
- To preview your changes, click Send Me a Preview Email.
You can restore the email to its original template by clicking Edit next to the email template and clicking Restore.
Changing webinar email settings for all webinars in the account
The From field cannot be modified for webinar confirmation and reminder emails sent from Zoom accounts.
- Log in to Zoom’s web portal.
- Under Account Management, click Webinar Settings.
- In the Email Settings section, click the Edit button.
- (Optional) Select the language you would like to customize the email templates in from the Select Email Language drop-down menu. Different languages have different email templates.
- You can change the default setting by clicking Edit next to the email settings:
Note: - Depending on the current setting, you will see different text in the web portal. You can view each setting’s effect on the webinar email template by referring back to the webinar email template.
- Invitation Email to Panelists:
- If the webinar host adds the panelists, the Invite Panelist Email should be sent.
- Confirmation Email to Registrants:
- Edit the subject line and add additional text to the beginning or end of the Registrant Confirmation Email if it is not sent.
- Reminder email to Attendees and Panelists:
- Edit the subject line of the Reminder Email and add additional text to the beginning or end of the email body, as well as when and if the Reminder Email is sent to attendees and panelists. There is a choice of sending reminders one hour, one day, or one week before the webinar starts.
- Follow-up email to Attendees:
- A Follow-up Email for Webinar Attendees can be changed to be sent when and if it is sent to attendees, the subject line can be edited, and additional text can be added to the beginning or end of the email. You can send the follow-up email between one and seven days after the start time of the webinar.
- Follow-up email to Absentees:
- You can change whether and when the Absentees Follow-up Email is sent to webinar attendees who fail to join the webinar, edit the subject line, and add additional text to the end of the email body. A follow-up email can be sent between one and seven days after the webinar has taken place.
Change webinar email settings for a specific webinar
The webinar confirmation and reminder emails are sent directly from Zoom, and the From field cannot be modified on Pro accounts.
- Log in to the Zoom web portal by using your email address and password.
- Then, click Webinars on the left-hand side of your screen.
- Now, select the webinar that you want to edit from the drop-down list.
- You will then see a tab called Email Settings.
- From this tab, you will be able to change whether these emails should be sent or not:
Note: - It is important to understand that the text you see in the web portal will change based on the current settings.
- Select Email Language:
- The webinar emails can be sent in a variety of languages. The language will be automatically set based on the recipient’s Zoom profile, if it is available, if you select Same as the recipient’s default language. On the other hand, if the user is viewing the registration page in a foreign language, the emails will be sent in that language. Visit the Zoom website to learn how you can change your language settings.
- Email Contact:
- Change the email address and name that will appear as the “reply-to” address for your webinar emails.
- Invitation Email to Panelists:
- Change whether or not an invitation is sent to panelists once they have been added to the webinar by the webinar host.
- Confirmation Email to Registrants*:
- The webinar registrant confirmation email can be changed to be sent to the webinar registrant, the subject line can be edited, or additional text can be added to the beginning or end of the email body. Customization of existing emails is only possible for admins.
- Reminder email to Attendees and Panelists*:
- The ability to send a reminder email to webinar registrants and panelists, select the time that the email is to be sent, edit the subject line, or add text to the end of the email. Only administrators have access to edit the existing email text.
- Follow-up email to Attendees*:
- You should change whether or not you will send a follow-up email to webinar attendees. Add some text to the end of the body of the email and change the subject line. Admins are the only ones who can customize the existing email text.
- Follow-up email to Absentees*:
- A follow-up email can be sent if and when registrants who did not attend your webinar are not contacted. The subject line of the email should be changed, and you should add some text to the end of the body of the email. The text of the email can only be customized by admins.
Only when webinar registration is required will confirmation, reminder, and follow-up emails be sent.
Email variables
- ${username} – Registrant’s full name
- ${topic} – Webinar Topic
- ${description} – Webinar Description
- ${customTextHeader– Custom text header (Webinar host can add custom text)
- ${hostEmail} – Host’s email
- ${meetingTime} – Time of Webinar
- ${occurrence} – If recurring meeting, the specific recurrence (array)
- ${icalendarLink.key} – iCal Key (ics) Recurring
- ${icalendarLink.value} – iCal Value (ics) Recurring
- ${joinUrl} – Unique join URL
- ${password} – Webinar Passcode
- ${addToCalendarUrl} – Non recurring calendar link – iCal/Outlook (.ics file)
- ${googleCalendarUrl} – Non recurring calendar link – Google
- ${yahooCalendarUrl} – Non recurring calendar link – Yahoo
- ${tspPsdTitle} – Telephone option
- ${tspPsd} – Telephone option
- ${tollCountry} – Toll number’s Country Name
- ${tollNumber} – Toll number
- ${meetingNumber} – Webinar ID
- ${pmNum.displayNumber} – Premium Number
- ${pmNum.countryName!’US’} – Premium Number Country Name
- ${tfreeNum} – Toll-free number
- ${tollFreeCountrys[tfreeNum_index]} – Toll-free number Country name
- ${teleConferenceUrl} – URL for telephone numbers for the account
- ${otherAudioConferenceInfo} – 3rd Party Audio conference information
- ${customTextFooter} – Custom text footer (Webinar host can add custom text)
- ${cancelUrl} – Link to cancel the registration.