Deploying Meeting Connector with multiple zones in Zoom App
On-Premise solutions from Zoom can be configured in many ways based on the client’s needs. By default, all servers within a single meeting zone are automatically distributed to all participants during On-Premise meetings. It is recommended that if the servers are geographically distributed, then there should be an independent meeting zone for each cluster. In the process of choosing the most suitable zone for a meeting, Zoom uses this distributed system to ensure a high degree of performance and system availability for that meeting.
A meeting zone needs at least one controller VM to work, and a second controller VM can be deployed to ensure high availability within the zone. In the case of larger deployments than two zones, our recommendation is to contact Zoom for best practices.
We will show you how to set up more than one meeting zone in this article. For information on how to set up a single meeting zone, see Getting Started with Meeting Connector.
Prerequisites for deploying multiple zones
- Meeting connectors are deployed
Deploying the secondary meeting connector
Install a second Meeting Connector and configure it for multiple zones using the standard deployment procedure.
How to configure for multiple zones
- The default username and password for the web management interface are admin and admin. For this particular VM, the URL to access the interface is provided on the VM console.
- On the web management interface, go to the Network tab and click on Save Settings to edit the network settings.
- When you choose Configuration on the tab, you can choose whether or not this VM is intended to be either the first or second meeting zone controller, and enter the IP address(es) of the controller(s) for that zone.
- By visiting, you can copy the account-specific on-premise token.
- In the web management interface of the Controller VM, in the Configuration tab of the VM’s web management interface, paste the on-premise token.
- Click Save Settings to save your settings.
- The default username and password for the Console VM are admin and admin
- Using a text editor, open the following file to configure the system settings: /opt/zoom/conf/ssb.cfg
- MMZ is a setting within the SSB section of the configuration that can be changed to reflect the preferred meeting zone. You can change the number following the word zone from 1 to 2 to reflect what is most appropriate for the conference room.
- Click on the “Save ” button.
- Click on the “Restart” button.
- You will need to repeat this procedure for each VM Controller.
- Depending on whether or not other on-premise servers are going to be deployed, you will need to make sure they are configured to use the appropriate controllers in the zone where they are going to be installed.