Dial via Office Call Issues in Cisco Jabber in webex
In Cisco Jabber, there are issues dialing via office calls
I call the person I’m calling via Dial via Office (DVO) and they hear my voicemail system or another number.
Depending on the circumstances, the person you call may receive a voicemail or a call from a different number when you place a DVO call with one of the following:
There is a problem with the connection between your mobile phone and the mobile voice network. In order to ensure that you don’t encounter this issue while making a DVO call, be sure that your mobile voice network has a strong connection before dialing.
If you have selected a different phone number as your DVO Callback Number, it will be different from the number on your mobile phone. The easiest way to avoid this issue is to change the DvO Callback Number in your Cisco Jabber settings to your mobile phone number.
Your device is set up to receive voicemail if you are not able to answer your callback in time.