Do Not Disturb Sync (DND) between Webex App and desk phone
The Do Not Disturb status can be synchronized between the Webex app and the desk phone to provide a more integrated experience for Webex callers.
It is now possible to enable Do Not Disturb (DND) on all Webex Calling registered clients at once, rather than having to enable Do Not Disturb on each of them separately when you need time to concentrate on your work. Using the Webex app with state enabled will automatically sync the state on your desk phone with the state that is set up on the Webex app. The state of your Webex apps is automatically synchronized when you enable it on your desk phone.
Registered Webex Calling clients with DND status do not receive incoming call notifications. Calls that are forwarded to voicemail due to busy settings go straight to voicemail. In the absence of a voicemail configuration, the caller hears a busy signal.
See Webex App | Let people know you’re busy for instructions on how to enable DND on Webex App and Multiplatform Phone (MPP).
Control Do Not Disturb (DND) status sync at organizational level in Control Hub
A user can disable both call and message notifications when DND is enabled on their desk phone and synchronized with their Webex application. A user can disable DND synchronization if they prefer not to disable message notifications.
Disabling DND synchronization is as follows:
- To access the Control Hub, go to
- Click on Services > Calling > Client Settings.
- The Allow DND to be synchronized option is toggled to off in the Do Not Disturb (DND) Status Sync section.