Enable or disable screen sharing for calling in Webex App
Calling on the Control Hub gives partners and customers who have full administrator access the power to enable or stop screen sharing as well as any other in-call functionality. The ability to enable or disable screen sharing is included with all Calling licenses and may be configured in Control Hub at the level of the organization, the user, or the user group.
Adjust an organization’s settings to allow screen sharing or turn it off.
Screen sharing, video on mobile or desktop, and access for remote control are all features that the Webex Calling administrator has the ability to enable at the company level.
The screen sharing toggle is set to be enabled by default, and this setting applies to the entirety of the organization. If the settings for screen sharing are changed at the organization level, then they will affect all of the users who are associated with that organization.
To enable the possibility of screen sharing at the organizational level, perform the following steps:
1. Navigate to the Calling section under Services > Client Settings while you are in the admin view of https://admin.webex.com. There is a representation of the settings page.
2. From the In-call experience, pick the Screen sharing option to share the screen with other users at the organization level.
Screen sharing can be enabled or disabled for a user.
The Webex Calling administrator has the ability to enable screen sharing for the user that has been chosen. This value takes precedence over the settings made at the user group level and the organization level.
1. Beginning in the customer view of https://admin.webex.com, navigate to the Users menu.
2. Pick the user whose settings you want to change and click the Edit button.
3. Navigate to Calling and scroll down until you reach the In-call experience section. Once there, click the Screen sharing toggle to activate or disable screen sharing for the user.
After this parameter has been configured for a user, all additional alterations that need to be made are done so at the user level. The default settings for the organization will not be restored to the user’s profile automatically.
Screen sharing for a user group can be enabled or disabled.
Through the use of a calling template, an administrator can make screen sharing available to a user group. All users in the group will be affected by the changes that are made to the values in the calling template.
It is possible to employ calling templates in order to apply settings to a whole group. Control Hub makes it possible to search for an existing template, check the settings that are currently being used, replicate the template, and assign the template to a user group. For further information, please refer to the Manage calling templates section of the Configure setting templates document.
Follow these procedures in order to monitor the screen sharing functionality at the user group level:
1. Find a Calling template that has a screen sharing toggle enabled so that you may turn screen sharing on and off for the user group. You can examine the Calling templates by navigating to the Calling submenu under Services > Client Settings and clicking on the Templates button.
2. Using the customer view at https://admin.webex.com, navigate to the Users menu.
3. To assign the template to the user-groups, navigate to the Groups menu and look for the Settings Template submenu. This guarantees that screen sharing is available for all users.
A couple of helpful considerations to keep in mind when implementing the Calling templates:
- When a user is added to an organization, such settings are inherited by the user from the organization-level settings.
- When a user is added to a user group, the settings from the Calling template become active for that user.
- If a user is a member of more than one user group, the template with the lowest rank will take precedence over the others, and the parameters for that template will be utilized.
- If the individual user has their own settings, then those settings will take precedence over any user group or organization-level settings that may be in place.