Enabling upcoming meeting reminders in zoom App
Getting notified of upcoming meetings and being able to join them with one click is made easy with upcoming meeting reminders. Zoom will remind you of meetings you’ve been invited to and meetings you are hosting if you’re using calendar integration. Depending on your preference, you can choose to receive reminders 5 minutes, 10 minutes, or 15 minutes before the meeting.
Prerequisites for enabling upcoming meeting reminders
- Zoom desktop client
- Windows version 4.1.24407.0507 or higher
- macOS version 4.1.24423.0507 or higher
Enabling upcoming meeting reminder
All users in the account should receive upcoming meeting reminders:
- As an administrator you can edit account settings through the Zoom web portal.
- Go to the Account Management section and select Account Settings.
- Select Meetings.
- Check that Upcoming meeting reminders are enabled under Schedule Meeting.
- Turn the toggle on if it isn’t already. Verify the changes by clicking Turn On if a verification dialog box appears.
- The option to make this setting mandatory for all users on your account can be found by clicking the lock icon, then clicking Lock to confirm the setting.
You may notice that the Group Management page has been renamed to Groups if you have created a Zoom account after August 21, 2021, or if you are using the New Admin Experience on your account.
For a group of users to receive Upcoming meeting reminders:
- As a Zoom admin with the permission to edit groups, sign in to the Zoom web portal.
- Select User Management and Group Management from the navigation panel.
- To change settings for a particular group, click the Settings tab.
- To change meeting settings, click the Meeting tab.
- Ensure that Upcoming meeting reminders are enabled under Schedule Meeting.
- Toggle the switch to enable the setting if it is not enabled. You can verify the change by clicking Turn On in a verification dialog box.
- Note:
- In the case of grayed out options, the account level has locked them and they need to be unlocked within that account level.
- Click the lock icon and then click Lock to confirm the setting. (Optional) If you want the setting to be mandatory for all users in the group, click the lock icon.
You can enable the Upcoming meeting reminder for your own use by following these steps:
- Register for a Zoom account.
- Click Settings from the navigation bar.
- Select Meetings from the list.
- Click the Upcoming Meeting Reminder option under Schedule Meeting on the navigation bar.
- This option may be disabled, in which case you must toggle it on. To verify that the change has been made, press the Turn On button if a verification dialog appears.
Note: - There are several reasons why the option may be grayed out, such as a group or account level lock. If this is the case, you should contact your Zoom administrator.
Using upcoming meeting reminders
Windows | macOS
Turning on upcoming meeting reminders
The Zoom desktop client should automatically turn on Upcoming meeting reminder when you sign out from the desktop client and sign in again after you enabled this setting in the Zoom web portal. Please follow the steps below if you wish to adjust when you receive reminders or if you are not receiving any.
- Connect to Zoom via the desktop client.
- Navigate to Settings after clicking your profile picture.
- Go to the General tab.
- Choose Remind me by ___ minutes before every meeting.
- Please choose a different number from the dropdown menu if you would like to be notified of your upcoming meetings earlier.You will receive a reminder when your meeting is scheduled. The reminder can be clicked or hovered over to start/join or close the meeting.