Exporting logs and config files (Yealink) in zoom app
The support team can assist you in troubleshooting issues if you provide them with logs and/or configuration files so they can better understand what you are experiencing. In the web interface, these files can be downloaded and then sent to the support team for further analysis via the email address that you specify.
Prerequisites for exporting logs and configuration files for Yealink phones
Devices that are supported by Yealink
The Zoom web portal has been updated with a Yealink device
In the account-level settings for desk phones, web interface is enabled
How to obtain the phone’s IP address
Unlike the T4 series, the T4 series does not have a touchscreen
Select the Menu option from the menu bar.
- To select Status, make use of the directional pad on your phone.
The IPv4 address should be noted down.
T4 series with a touchscreen
From the homescreen, you should be able to access the menu.
A touch screen version of the T4 series is available: Tap Status.
The IPv4 address should be noted down.
T5 series with a touchscreen
The home screen can be accessed by swiping left.
Click on the Settings button.
Select General from the menu.
The IPv4 address should be noted down.
How to access the phone’s web interface
If you are connecting your phone to the same network as your computer, open up a web browser on the computer.
The IP address of the phone should be entered here.
Please log into the web interface of the phone as an administrator.
Note: There are two default admin usernames and passwords, which are admin and admin respectively. Those who are unable to figure out their username and password should contact the company that sells them the phone. Zoom’s web portal allows you to view the password that was set as the admin password if it was set globally.
How to export logs and configuration files using the phone’s web interface
Note: You may find that the web interface of older Yealink devices has a different header bar with the green color on it.
Choose Settings > Configuration from the menu on the left.
To enable local logs, you will need to make the following changes:
Section for Local Logs
Enable Local Log: It is possible to select either On or Enable.
Local Log Level: Change to 6.
Max Logfile Size: Enter 2048.
Section for Syslog (optional)
Note: In order to learn more about how to set up syslog in Yealink, please visit the support page for Yealink.-
Enable Syslog: Click on the On or Enable button.
Syslog Server: In this field, you should enter the address of the server where you want the log files to be exported to.
Syslog Transport Type: The transport type should be changed to TCP.
Syslog Level: Change to 6.
The login feature can be started by clicking the Start button.
You will need to repeat the process on your Yealink phone in order to produce the same issue.
After clicking the Stop button, you will need to wait for two to three minutes. There will be automatic generation and download of the allconfig.zip file. It may not work if you click Export if it does not.