Facebook livestreaming meetings or webinars in zoom App
Facebook allows you to stream Zoom webinars or meetings to your timeline, a group page, or a page you are an admin of. Viewers can watch your Facebook Live or join via Zoom.
- You may receive the following message when live streaming to Facebook:
In the future, the Live API will replace this deprecated endpoint. Please use the Live API instead.”
This message should be ignored. Instead, select where you would like to stream, and click Next. With an upcoming release, Zoom will ensure Facebook live streaming won’t be disrupted. - The updated Facebook Live Producer is not supported by Zoom. Click the Dismiss button in order to dismiss a notification that you have been sent regarding the new Live Producer.
- Due to changes made in Facebook’s API as of April 2018, certain users are now unable to livestream to groups on Facebook. It is possible to configure the Facebook Live stream as a custom service if you are not able to live stream your webinar to Facebook.
Streaming for meetings
- Pro, Business, Education, or Enterprise account
- The host is Licensed
- Zoom desktop client
- Windows: version 5.0.0 or higher
- macOS: version 5.0.0 or higher
- Live stream is enabled on Facebook
Streaming for webinars
- Pro, Business, Education, or Enterprise account
- The host is assigned a Webinar license
- Zoom desktop client
- Windows: version 5.0.0 or higher
- macOS: version 5.0.0 or higher
- Live Stream is enabled on Facebook
Enabling Facebook live streaming for meetings
Live streaming meetings on Facebook can be accessed by all members of your organization if you do the following:
- You will need a Zoom account with administrator privileges to access the web portal.
- Navigate to the Account Management tab and then to the Settings tab.
- If you look under the Meetings tab, on the In Meeting (Advanced) section, make sure the Livestreaming of meetings option is enabled, check the Facebook box, and click the Save button to confirm the changes.
- For purposes of making this setting mandatory for all users in your account, you may click the lock icon, and then select Lock in order to confirm the setting.
You may notice that the Group Management page has been renamed to Groups if you have created a Zoom account after August 21, 2021, or if you are using the New Admin Experience on your account.
To enable the live streaming of meetings on Facebook by all members of a group:
- Edit groups using the Zoom web portal if you are an administrator.
- Click User Management, then select Group Management.
- Select the group you wish to modify.
- Find the Allow livestreaming of meetings setting under the Meeting tab, ensure it is enabled, check the Facebook option, and click Save.
Note: - When an option is grayed out, it means that it has been locked at the Account level, and it must then be changed at the Account level.
- Click the lock icon if you wish this setting to be mandatory for all members of this group. In addition, click Lock to confirm the setting.
Live streaming meetings hosted on Facebook can be enabled by following these steps:
- Log in to the Zoom web portal.
- Select Settings from the menu.
- Locate and enable the Allow livestreaming of meetings setting in the Meeting tab under the Discussion (Advanced) section, check the Facebook option, and click Save to save the changes.
Note: - You will need to contact your Zoom administrator if the option is grayed out because it has been locked either at the group or account level.
Enable Facebook live streaming for webinars
Live webinars on Facebook can be streamed by all members of your organization if the following steps are followed:
- As an administrator, login to the Zoom web portal and edit the account settings.
- Go to Account Management, then Account Settings, then click Edit Account.
- You can find the Allow livestreaming of webinars setting under the Meeting tab under the In Meeting (Advanced) section. Verify that the radio button is selected, select the Facebook option, and then save your changes.
- The option to make this setting mandatory for all users in your account can be found by clicking the lock icon, followed by clicking Lock to make it mandatory.
Live streaming of webinars on Facebook can be made available to all members of a specific group by following the steps below:
- Become an administrator with group editing privileges on Zoom’s web portal.
- Choose Group Management from the User Management menu.
- Identify the group that needs updating.
- Locate the Allow livestreaming of webinars setting under the Meeting tab of the Advanced section, check that it is enabled, check the Facebook option, and click Save.
Note: - Grayed out options have been locked at the account level, and need to be changed at that level if they need to be changed.
- Click the lock icon to lock the setting in place for all members of the group. If you want this setting to be mandatory for all members of this group, click the Lock icon to confirm the setting.
You can host live webinars on Facebook by following the steps below:
- Log in to Zoom.
- Select Settings.
- The setting, Allow livestreaming of webinars, is located under the Meeting tab (Advanced) section. Make sure it is enabled, then select Facebook, and click Save to save your changes.
Note: - A grayed-out option has been restricted at the account or group level, which means your Zoom administrator must be contacted to make the changes.
Starting a live stream on Facebook
Direct streaming from a meeting or webinar
- You are now ready to start your meeting or webinar.
- Just click More in the meeting/webinar control panel.
- On the Facebook page, click Live.
- If you are not already logged in to Facebook, your default browser will open and you will be prompted to log in if you are not already logged in.
- Enter your Facebook username and password.
- You will be redirected to Facebook once you have entered the information:
Once this endpoint is deprecated, it may not be possible to access it once the next Graph API version is released. Instead, please use API.”
You should disregard this message. Please select the Facebook page where you would like to live stream and click on the Next button. Zoom will be making changes to ensure your Facebook live stream is not interrupted in the future.
Notes:- You may need to clear your browser’s cache and cookies if you cannot begin the live stream.
- Please disregard any notifications asking you to try the updated Facebook Live Producer. Zoom does not support this updated version of Facebook Live.
- The live stream on Facebook will begin to load when it has finished loading. Click Online to start the broadcast.
- When the Zoom client notifies you that your webinar is available on Facebook, start your meeting.
- In Zoom, you can stop streaming by clicking the Stop Streaming icon at the bottom of the client window.
Streaming to Facebook via custom live streaming
- Set up Custom Live Streaming for your webinar or meeting.
- Locate your webinar or meeting.
- In the Live Streaming section, click Configure live stream settings at the bottom of the page.
- Sign your Facebook account.
- You can share a video by clicking Share Video on the page, group, event, or timeline where you want to share your video.
- Select Schedule Live Video Event from the left side of the page.
- The name of the event is entered, followed by the date and time, and optionally, a description is added, and the privacy settings are adjusted to your liking.
- Click Next.
- Then, you can add a cover photo to the event and make any necessary adjustments to the streaming settings.
- To create an event, click the Create Event button.
- Zoom’s Live streaming page URL is the URL of the Facebook post. Copy and paste that URL into Zoom.
- Click on Upcoming Videos and Events on the left side of the screen.
- Click on Set Up Live Video for the event that you just created.
- You can view the Stream Key and Server URL by selecting Use Stream Key in the Get Started section.
- The Server URL and Stream Key on Facebook must be copied and pasted in Zoom into the Stream URL and Stream Key fields.
- Zoom will then ask you to click Save to add the live streaming service.
- Once the event has begun, Zoom will ask you to start your meeting or webinar.
- Select the Live on Custom Live Streaming Services option from the Meeting Controls and click More.
Tips for live streaming on Facebook
Processing time
Facebook Live has a processing time of approximately 20 seconds, thus participants viewing the stream over Facebook will see the same material approximately 20 seconds after they view the stream over Zoom.
Audio echo
Approximately 20 seconds delayed, your audio will play back to you if you have opened the Facebook window on your computer. For those of you who need to keep the Facebook window open to read and respond to comments, you can mute the live stream by clicking the speaker icon below the live stream on the Facebook page.
Video layout
If participants are watching your livestream on Facebook, you can change how the meeting or webinar video is laid out.
- Speaker view:
- The video window will only display the video of the speaker. Video will switch between speakers if there are multiple speakers.
- Gallery view:
- A Zoom participant’s video will be displayed as thumbnails in a grid pattern if that participant is online. For participants watching on Facebook, participants whose videos are off won’t be able to see them.
Note: - If multiple speakers are using video, we recommend using Gallery view.
If the speaker has enabled their video, the speaker’s video will appear as a thumbnail if the speaker is screen sharing. The shared content will appear in the large video window when screen sharing is enabled. If the speaker’s video is turned off, Facebook participants can only view the shared content if the speaker’s video is turned off.
Checking Facebook permissions
Streaming is possible on your Facebook Timeline, as well as in a Facebook Group or on a Facebook Page, if you have the appropriate permissions.
To check your permissions for a Facebook page
If you wish to stream to a Facebook page, you must be an admin or editor. If you are a moderator, analyst or advertiser.
- You need to be logged into your Facebook account.
- Go to that page and choose it.
- Click Page Roles in the left-hand column.
- There will be a list of all the roles who have been assigned to this page under Existing Page Roles. A page can only be streamed to by admins and moderators.
To check your permissions for a Facebook group
Streaming is only available to admins of a group. The Facebook Group will not allow you to live stream if you have the permissions of a moderator or member.
- Go to Facebook and log in.
- You can stream to any group you choose.
- Select Members.
- Each role assigned to this page will be listed under Admins & Moderators. Streaming is only available to admins.
- Select … next to your name.
- Those who are moderators will have the option of removing themselves as moderators. The live stream will no longer be broadcast.
- Change to Moderator and Remove as Admin will be available if you are an admin for the group. Live streaming will be available.
Adding Zoom to your group will also be necessary.
- Go to Facebook and sign in.
- Find a group to stream to and select it.
- Choose Settings from the left-hand menu.
- Under Manage Advanced Settings, click on Edit next to Apps.
- Enter a name for the app.
- Under Zoom, locate Zoom and click on it to add the app.
- It is very easy to authorize Zoom to access this Facebook group by following the on-screen prompts that appear.