Frequently asked questions about the new Zoom payment address for check payments
Zoom’s payment lockbox may have been notified by email to customers that it will be moving to a new location as part of the migration process. While this email contains a valid notification, it was not sent to the correct recipient and the payment address was incorrect.
Note: You are not required to get a new W9; all that needs to be done is to change the location of the payment address.
Payments made by check should be mailed to the following address:
Video Communications, Inc., a Zoom Video company
P.O. BOX 888843
Los Angeles, CA 90088-8843
As of November 5, 2021, this change will go into effect. If you would like to make sure that the new address above is reflected in your AP system, please update it.
Frequently Asked Questions
What happened?
The customers have received an email informing them that the address used for payment of checks has changed. On November 5, 2021, Zoom will be changing our new address for sending payments from San Francisco to Los Angeles. This is a legitimate email that was sent from Zoom.
As soon as the email was delivered to customers, we became aware that there had been an error in the Zoom company’s name and address in the payment information.
Was this a SPAM/phishing attempt?
No. In spite of the fact that Zoom’s name and address in the email contained an error, this is not a scam or phishing attempt in any way. It is a legitimate event that has taken place, and future checks mailed to customers may indicate this address change, but they should not use the same name or address as in the original email.
Is Zoom changing its name?
It is not our intention to change our name. The Zoom Video Communications, Inc. company remains the same.
I haven’t seen the email yet. What is the new payment address?
Here is the correct address and name for the company:
Founded by Zoom Video Communications, Inc., it is a premier provider of
P.O. BOX 888843
Los Angeles, CA 90088-8843
Do I need a new W9 since Zoom changed its address?
In this particular case, a new W9 is not required. The address for our corporate headquarters will not change as a result of the change in our W9.