Generate Reports for Webex Events (Classic)
Generate Reports
You have the option of exporting or downloading the information to a comma-separated values, or CSV, file, which you can then open in a spreadsheet tool such as Microsoft Excel. You also have the option to print the reports in a format that is easy to print.
1 To generate a report, first log in to your Webex site, then click on your name in the upper-right corner of your Webex site, and then click on My reports.
2 Choose the kind of report you want to make from the drop-down menu.
3 Specify the search criteria that you want to use, such as a date range that covers the report data that you want to view.
4 Make sure that you select Display Report.
5 Choosing the column headings will allow you to alter the sequence in which the report’s data is ordered.
The information in the report is organized according to the column that contains an arrow next to the header of the column. To change the order in which the columns are sorted, select the column header. To sort using a different column, select the heading of the column you wish to use.
6 Choose one of the following actions to take, depending on the context:
- You should pick the Printer-Friendly Format option if you are viewing a general report on event usage and whenever you wish to present the report in a format that is suitable for printing.
If you are currently viewing the use report for an event and would like to view the material that is included in the report, click on the link that is located next to the event name.
- If you are reading a Webex Events (classic) Registration Report, you can send an email reminder to the registered attendees for that event by selecting the number that is displayed in the Registered column when the report is displayed. The default email template can be edited in the new window that opens up with the email editor.
- If you are viewing a Webex Events (classic) Registration Report or a Webex Events (classic) Attendance Report, you can select the event name in the Event Name column to view a detailed report of the registered users for that event. This report provides more options for sending email reminders to registered attendees. If you are viewing a Webex Events (classic) Registration Report or a Webex Events (classic) Attendance Report, you can select the event name in the Event Name column.
- If you are looking at an Attendance Report for Webex Events (classic), you have the option of sending an email message to the people who attended the event by selecting the number in the Attended column. Alternatively, you can pick the number in the Absent column to send an email message to the people who did not attend the event. An email editor will open and provide you with the opportunity to make changes to the default email template. For instance, you might add a link to the modified event recording.
- You can pick the event name in the Event Name column to receive a full report of the attendees for that event. This provides more choices for sending email messages to participants for the event. If you are reading an Attendance Report for Webex Events (classic), you can select the event name in the Event Name column.
About Reports
If you have the reports option included in your user account, you will have access to the following reports:
- When it comes to certain reports, a preliminary version of that report will be displayed to you if you pick the report link within the first 15 minutes after the event has concluded. A rapid entry point to the data is provided by the preliminary report before the final, more accurate data are accessible. The final report will have all of the information that is needed, but the preliminary report will only have a selection of that information.
- The preliminary report is replaced with the final report as soon as the final, more exact data are available, which is typically within the first 24 hours after the event has come to a close.
The preliminary reports as well as the final reports are both available for download as comma-separated values (CSV) files.
General Event Usage reports
These reports include information regarding each online session that you host and their contents are described below. The following reports are available for your perusal:
Summary Usage report: Contains a summary of the information pertaining to each event, such as the topic, date, start and end time, duration, number of participants you invited, number of invited attendees that attended, and the type of voice conference you utilized.
This report first appears as a Preliminary Usage Summary Report, but once the final, more accurate usage data is available, it is changed to the Final Usage Summary Report and the Preliminary Usage Summary Report is removed.
- Summary Usage report CSV (comma-separated values) file: Contains further details about each event, such as the minutes that all participants were linked to the event and tracking codes. Contains also the minutes that all participants were connected to the event.
Session Detail report: Contains extensive information about each participant in an event, such as the time the participant joined and left the event, the participant’s attentiveness throughout the event, and any information that the attendee provided themselves.
This report first appears as a Preliminary Session Detail Report; however, once the final, more exact session detail data is available, it is changed to the Final Session Detail Report and the Preliminary Session Detail Report is removed.
Access Anywhere usage report
This report provides details regarding the distant computers that you have accessed, such as the date, as well as the beginning and ending timings for each session.
Event Center reports
These reports include a wealth of information pertaining to the events that you organize and host. You have access to the following sorts of reports related to Webex Events (classic):
Registration Report: Includes information on registration for an event that you hosted, such as the name of the event, the date and time of the event, as well as the number of people who were invited, who registered, who attended, and who were missing. Additionally, it gives you the ability to send email reminders before to the event.
Now, when you generate a report from your site, attendees who disconnect and then reconnect throughout the course of an event will not be recorded more than once in the report. This change was made to prevent participants from being tallied more than once. Only the overall number of individual attendees is included in the report.
Attendance Report: Contains in-depth information about those who attended as well as those who did not attend an event that you hosted. The report contains the event ID, the key, the name, the start and end times, the duration, the number of attendees, the host’s name, and the total number of minutes that each attendee spent at the event. In addition, the report contains the username, email address, and IP address of each attendee, as well as the time the attendee attended the event, the time the attendee departed the event, and an evaluation of the attendee’s attentiveness while the event was taking place. You can even send follow-up emails using the attendance report after the event is over if you want to.
This report first appears as a Preliminary Attendance Report; however, once the final, more accurate attendance data is available, it is replaced by the Final Attendance Report. The Final Attendance Report has more information than the Preliminary Attendance Report.
In-Event Activity Report: Includes the event’s name, date, and time, as well as information about the number of attendees, the number of questions asked and the response rate for the questions, the number of polls and the response rate for the polls, and the number of questions asked and the response rate for the questions.
This report is only accessible for activities that have been recorded on the server.
Attendee History Report: Includes a list of all of the events on your Webex site that a participant has joined as an attendee.
Event Recording Report: Contains access and registration information about persons who have downloaded a recording for a specific event from your Webex site. The event in question was a specific one.
Unlisted Program Links Report: Contains both outdated and current program URLs for your programs that are not included.