We’re excited to announce that the Teams desktop app now has a new look and feel for the calling experience, making it a quicker and more effective way for Teams users to connect! A breakdown of what’s changed in the seamlessly combined contact, voicemail, and call history view is provided below, so you can see what’s new in the newly streamlined view.
Currently, it is not possible to make use of the new calling platform with the Teams web app due to technical limitations.
1. Make a call with a phone number or name
Teams has the ability to make calls to anyone who is enabled with a calling plan. When you wish to reach someone on Teams, you can go to the Calls tab and from the dial pad, you can enter the telephone number that you wish to reach. You will then be able to call by clicking the Call button. It is possible to dial someone using their name by going to Calls and putting the name of your contact in the text box on the dial pad.
There is an option to make group calls when you enter a number in the dial pad, and click the Call button.
2. See your call history and filter your calls in a new way
In the calls experience, you will now have access to your call history which will show a list of the past calls you made (including those you missed). Click on the More actions menu at the top of your Call History list and select Call back from the list of options to return a missed call. There are also additional options for you on this menu that include the possibility of chatting with the contact, adding them to speed dial, and adding them to your contacts.
There are a variety of filters available at the top of the list of your call history which can be used to view lists of calls you’ve missed, lists of calls that came in, and your voicemails.
3. Access your speed dial, contacts, and voicemail summaries in one place
It is now possible to see your speed dial contacts, as well as any contact and call groups that you manage, to the right of Teams. As a team or as a role, contact groups are an easy way to discover or reach certain individuals in your organization. Select More actions next to the name of a contact group, then click on Add a contact next to the option to add someone to that group.
In addition to voicemail, there are many other tools you can use to make the most of your calls. On the right side of Teams, you will be able to see the transcripts and summaries of the voicemail messages you have left. In the call history list on your voicemail, you may select More actions next to their name, and then select Call back. You may also select Call under the contact details if you want to call someone back immediately from your voicemail.
Now that you are able to edit the settings directly within the call experience, you will be able to easily manage the settings for your calls while on the call. The dropdown menu at the bottom left of the calls experience provides you with the option of changing the device with which you connect to the phone. On this quick settings menu, you have also got the option to manage call forwarding as well as call groups.
You can manually check this box by going to your Teams Profile Picture>Settings>General. After that, you need to click on the Application button and then check the check box in the field. If you go to Teams, you will see the picture of your profile in the upper right corner. It is important that you quit Teams and restart your computer after checking the box.
How do you improve team calling?
The performance of your Microsoft Teams online calls can be affected by the browser you’re using when you use the online client. It is recommended that you disable any add-ons that you may have on your browser, increase the size of the cache, and keep your browser window open all day long.
What are some of the calls features available in Teams?
Utilize your voice and video calls for business in the most effective way possible
Calls can be made and answered.
Calls can be forwarded.
Calls can be transferred from one number to another.
If you have a voicemail, you can access it here.
Be notified when you receive a potentially spammy call.
Calls can be transferred from one device to another.
Apple CarPlay allows you to make calls from your car.
Why I don’t have the new meeting experience on Teams?
As of the latest Teams updates, the “Turn on new meeting experience” option has been removed from the settings menu of your profile, so you will not be able to choose whether to enable it. There was a plan to keep most of the important meeting features – such as breakout rooms, video views, etc. – by default for the “new meeting experience”.
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