Getting Started with Expert on Demand in webex
Cisco Webex Expert on Demand enables frontline workers using the RealWear HMT-1 to connect to remote experts like Cisco engineers at any time and anywhere. The Webex app offers you the opportunity to provide immediate assistance and guidance to frontline workers as a remote expert within the app.
Set up spaces and add people
A range of spaces can be created and experts from within the organization as well as from outside it can be added. You will be able to identify an external user easily when you add them as a user from outside your organization. Users can be added to your Control Hub organization by an administrator if you think they should be in it or if you have new users to add.
In order to make it easier for people to find the relevant spaces, it is a good idea to update the name of the space or add a picture.
Schedule meetings
When you schedule a meeting in your space, you will be able to invite frontline workers to participate in the meeting by using Webex Expert on Demand, which will be available when the meeting starts.
It is possible for front-line workers to take part in meetings associated with Webex spaces with Webex Expert on Demand. The following are some of the topics that will be discussed during these meetings:
It is possible to schedule meetings within the Webex app from within a space.
A meeting schedule which is based on the Meetings app and where the meeting location in Outlook has been set as “@webex:space”.
It is also possible for frontline workers to attend scheduled meetings in a Personal Meeting Room (PMR), which isn’t an official Webex space, as well.
The Webex scheduling application recommends that you schedule only meetings associated with the Webex space. This is due to the fact that meetings that are not associated with the Webex space have some limitations, for instance:
A frontline worker will only be able to send a direct message to the meeting host through the Webex app if they try to share a photo during a meeting that is not associated with a Webex space.
The remote expert should be aware that if the frontline worker is sharing their screen and the meeting isn’t associated with a Webex space, the remote expert will not be able to add annotations unless the frontline worker joins the meeting with a Webex Desk Pro, DX80 or Webex Board.
Respond to a request for help
It is possible for frontline workers who require assistance to send a message directly to the support team, or to post a message in a group space if they need assistance. You are able to help the frontline worker by starting a meeting or calling him directly as a remote expert or admin if you are working remotely.
During a meeting
There are times when you can choose to add annotations to a shared screen, such as when you or someone else is sharing theirs in a meeting.