Getting started with provisioning desk phones in zoom App
Providing Zoom Phone desk phones is described in this article. Several relevant articles are linked for more information on the provisioning process.
Provision desk phones by following these steps:
- Find out which desk phones are supported
- By Zoom and how to add them
- To a Zoom account and how to provision them
- Without touching them
- Through assisted provisioning
- Provisioning here is how you can customize provisioned phones
- If you are experiencing trouble with provisioning
- through Zero Touch Provisioning
(1) How to find supported desk phones
We support various models of Polycom, Yealink, Cisco, and AudioCodes phones with Zoom Phone. Despite this, some phone features may not be supported by these models.
If you have a phone with zero touch provisioning, make sure to check whether it supports this option.
(2) How to add desk phones to the Zoom Web portal
Begin by adding your desk phone to the Zoom web portal after you have a compatible desk phone.
Prior to turning on a new phone or performing a factory reset on an old phone, add your phone to the Zoom web portal. On the bottom or back of your phone, you will find the model name and MAC address.
(3) How to start the provisioning process
Depending on your phone, you can choose from two provisioning methods:
Zero touch provisioning
The phone’s web interface can automatically provision the phone if it supports zero touch provisioning.
- In order to trigger provisioning on a previously-used phone, you will need to perform a factory reset. Here are the steps for resetting a Polycom or Yealink device to factory defaults.
- New out-of-the-box phones will automatically trigger zero touch provisioning.
- To complete provisioning, you will need to reboot your phone several times. As soon as provisioning is complete, phones will be updated to the latest firmware version.
- Default settings for Poly and Yealink devices allow them to receive new provisionings without having to restart. Changes to the settings may require a restart.
- Refer to the Poly or Yealink support site for firewall rules for zero-touch provisioning.
Assisted provisioning
If your phone does not support zero touch provisioning, you need to do the following:
- Install the latest firmware on the phone and reset it to factory default. For Polycom and Yealink, follow these instructions.
- Use the web interface for provisioning the phone. For Polycom or Yealink, use the assisted provisioning instructions.
Provisioning will automatically update Polycom and Yealink handsets’ firmware to the latest supported version after completion. Devices from Poly, Yealink, and Netgear are configured by default to receive the new provisioning without the device having to be restarted. It may however be necessary to restart the device if the settings need to be changed.
How to customize provisioned phones
The following methods can be used to customize phones after provisioning:
Admin or user
- Setting up the desk phone
- To customize the line keys
Admin only
- Changing the desk phone settings on an account-by-account basis
- By configuring provision templates
How to troubleshoot provisioning issues
Here are some troubleshooting tips for provisioning desk phones:
- Refer to the Poly or Yealink support site for firewall rules for zero touch provisioning.
- Please make sure Zoom Phone is compatible with your desk phone. It is important to keep in mind that some older Polycom models cannot be used with Zoom Phone.
- The device must be reset to factory defaults and the latest firmware must be installed (see the Polycom or Yealink articles for more information). Provisioning can be prevented if the firmware on your phone is outdated.
- ZTP devices can be re-synchronized if they lose connection to the server.
- When you attempt to provision the phone, ensure that another provisioning server is not communicating with it.
- Ensure the assisted provisioning URL is copied and entered correctly if you’re using it.
- Check to make sure the Polycom device is not an end-of-sale model if you’re having trouble provisioning it. Zoom Phone is not compatible with these models.
- See our assisted provisioning guide if you’re experiencing difficulties provisioning your Polycom SoundStation IP 6000.
- Contact Zoom support if you’re still experiencing issues. We may ask you to export your deskphone logs. Click here to see the article for Polycom and Yealink.
Zero touch provisioning URLs
ZTP URLs are determined by the manufacturer for most certified devices:
Manufacturer | ZTP URL |
AudioCodes | |
Cisco |$MAC |
Poly | |
Yealink | |
On the Poly OBi series of ATAs and the Poly D230 DECT phone, single ZTP URLs are not supported.