How are my contact details used in Skype?
Microsoft accounts (which can be used with Outlook, Xbox, and Skype) and Skype profiles (which are used only within Skype) can have different contact details. A Skype user’s email address or phone number may be used in a variety of ways depending on the contact details provided. This article explains how Microsoft accounts and Skype profiles are used.
How does Skype use the phone number in my Skype profile?
Mobile phone numbers can be added to your Skype profile. The Skype app can use your Caller ID if you have one, but it isn’t required.
If you have saved a phone number to your Skype profile, you can choose to make it searchable, unless you opt out of search. Change your Skype phone number or remove it from your profile if you wish.
Skype requires you to verify your mobile number when you add it to your profile.
How does Skype use the email address in my Skype profile?
A primary email address is required in your Skype profile. The email address you provided is used primarily for Skype account communications. In your Skype profile, you have the option to opt out of receiving emails concerning special offers, new features, or marketing research invitations.
It is also possible to opt out of being searched for by Skype by using your primary or supplementary email addresses. It is possible to update your Skype profile if you want to change your primary email address.
How does Skype use the phone number in my Microsoft account?
When you sign in to Microsoft products and services using your Microsoft account, you can create an alias using your mobile phone number. Your number will be used to sign into Skype if it is your primary alias in your Microsoft Account.
Unless you opt out of Skype searching, your phone number will also be used to locate you in searches.
Your Microsoft account can be updated by changing its phone number or e-mail address.
How does Skype use the email address in my Microsoft account?
Signing into Microsoft products and services can be done with an alias created in your Microsoft account. Skype will use your primary alias email address for signing into your Microsoft Account if it is your primary alias.
Additionally, Skype will search for you based on your email address unless you opt out of search.
Your Skype account communications will not be sent to this email address. Microsoft may send you email communications about other topics, however. Your Microsoft account allows you to manage the communication preferences that you would like to receive from the company.
You can change your Microsoft account’s phone number or e-mail address by following these steps.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is my contact details for Skype?
Can Skype share contact details such as?
Can Skype contacts see my phone number?
How are contacts added to Skype?
Can Skype contacts see my email?
How can I tell if my Skype is being monitored?
Does Skype automatically add contacts?
Can I change my Skype ID?
How do I hide my contact details on Skype?
How do I edit a Skype contact?
- Open Skype.
- Select the contacts icon.
- Select a contact.
- Select the contact’s name.
- Click the pencil icon.
- Edit the name.
- Put a checkmark next to it. Does this article contain up-to-date information? I agree. I disagree.