How Do I Subscribe to the RSS Feed for Incidents and Services from the Webex Service Status Page in webex?
The Webex Service Status page has a RSS feed that lets you know about incidents and services. How can I subscribe to this feed?
Is there a way to subscribe to RSS feeds for Cisco Webex Control Hub incidents so that I can get information about my incidents?
The CWCH Control Hub offers you the option to subscribe to an RSS feed for incidents and services that impact the cloud. How do I do this?
From the Webex Service Status page, you will find an RSS feed of incidents and services that are updated:
A RSS feed is now available for each incident, as well as each individual Webex Service Status page. There are several RSS readers that the users can use to subscribe to their favorite RSS feeds.
There is an icon at the top right of the Status page where you can access the RSS feed for incidents by clicking the RSS Feed icon. By clicking the RSS Feed icon next to each of the individual services, you will be able to access the RSS feed for that service. Please note that if you are a user of the Webex App, you are advised to use the RSS bot. Every time there is an update, a message is sent by the bot.
To access the RSS Feed for incidents from Cisco Webex Control Hub:
Go to to access the Cisco Webex Control Hub if you haven’t already.
If there is a service incident, you can view it by selecting the service icon under Notifications.
Within the Cisco Webex Control Hub, administrators have access to a list of service incidents that are occurring. In order to subscribe to this service, you do not need to interact with your administrator in any way. From the Webex Service Status feed, a support feed is generated based on the status of the Webex service.