How to get started with Zoom Apps
It is possible to access your favorite apps within the Zoom desktop client and meetings, while taking advantage of the power of video communications, with Zoom Apps. In addition to enhancing work flow, collaborating with colleagues, and introducing fun and wellness elements to your interactions with your colleagues, family members, and friends, Zoom Apps offer a variety of ways for you to streamline workflows and increase productivity through various means including Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. In this article, we will explain how to install and use the Zoom Apps in the desktop and mobile apps, both inside and outside of meetings, as well as how to use them while in meetings.
You can install these apps from the Zoom Marketplace or directly from the desktop client, including apps that have been reviewed and approved by Zoom. Install the Zoom desktop client, and you will be able to work on projects directly from the Zoom desktop client, or you can open a Zoom meeting using the app once it has been installed, and invite others to view and collaborate with you.
As well as addressing other frequently asked questions about admin deployment and preapproval of Zoom Apps, we have more information available to you.
Prerequisites for installing and accessing Zoom Apps
Zoom Apps support in Meetings
Client for Zoom on the desktop
The operating system must be at least 5.7.3
There must be a version of macOS higher than 5.7.3
A VDI version of at least 5.8.4 is required
Mobile app for Zoom
The iOS version must be at least 5.12.6
Zoom Apps support in Breakout Rooms
Client for Zoom on the desktop
In order to use VDI 5.8.4 or higher, you need Windows version 5.8.3 or higher.
A version of macOS higher than 5.8.3 is recommended
Zoom Apps support in Webinars
Client for Zoom on the desktop
Version 5.11.0 or higher of Windows is required
A macOS version of 5.11.0 or higher is required
The Zoom Apps can be downloaded from the Zoom Apps Marketplace before the meeting, from the desktop client’s Apps tab during the meeting or from the Zoom Apps desktop client before the meeting. Meetings should be started as soon as possible Choose the Apps option from the drop-down menu. Then click the Discover button. Take a look at the featured apps in the Discover section of the site. Please click the View link to view more details about the app, then click Add to install the app on your device. On the screen you will see the steps you need to follow to complete the authorization process. There may be some differences between these depending on the application you are installing. Please open Zoom on your desktop by clicking on the icon. Your account is now active. Please sign in to access it. In the Apps section, click the app you wish to install. Using the Discover tab, you will be able to view the list of Apps that can be installed. The app name is next to the view button, so you can see more details about it, and then click the add button to install it. Visit the App Marketplace and sign in with your account information. The app discovery feature allows you to enter text into a search bar, select a category from the drop-down menu, or filter the apps that are currently displayed to find the ones you want. Click on the app icon after you have performed a search and selected the app you would like to use. You will be prompted to install the software. In addition to being able to use the Zoom App during live meetings, you can also use the Zoom App within the desktop client outside of live meetings in order to encourage collaboration on a project. In the Apps section, click the app you wish to install. Using the My Apps link will allow you to see what apps you have already installed on your device. Click on the icon next to the App that you would like to use and then click the Open button. You can use the switch between multiple open apps option at the top of the window to choose another active app by clicking on the icon that appears next to the name of the app. You can also click the My Apps option at the top-left corner of the screen to return to the list of installed apps so you can choose another app to open. Start Meeting: Invite others to begin collaborating right away by starting an instant meeting. The meeting will open any apps that are currently open, and the Invite window will appear to allow you to invite additional participants to join in the meeting and collaborate with you. Send: The open App can be used by others outside of a meeting to collaborate with you, so they can use it outside a meeting as well. There will be a chat message sent to these recipients and they will be notified as soon as possible. Upon receiving the request, the recipient must also install and authorize the Zoom App on their smartphone. More : Open in a New Window: When this option is selected, a new window will appear that allows you to move and resize it independently of Zoom’s desktop client. App needs to be refreshed Then Close There is the possibility to open Zoom apps from within the client, bring them into a session, or start them during an active session, depending on the need. Meeting hosts, or in more specific terms, users who are members of the meeting that a meeting belongs to, are primarily responsible for restricting access to Zoom Apps during meetings and webinars, as opposed to the participant who currently holds the host role. Zoom Apps may be required to access information about meetings and webinars that would normally be made available only to the host of the meeting or webinar. Zoom Apps will only be able to work if the host of the meeting or webinar is present at the time of the meeting or webinar, as well as provide access to information about meetings and webinars that would normally only be shown to the host. Alternatively, Zoom Apps which require less information access can be used by users without the presence of the host, but their functionality is limited as a result. It should also be noted that the host has the option, at any given time, to immediately suspend the use of Zoom Apps, via the in-meeting security controls, at his or her discretion. Let’s start a webinar or a meeting. Click the Apps button in the control toolbar at the top of the page. If you want to view the apps you already have installed, click on My Apps. You will be able to open the App in the side panel after clicking the App you want to use. (Optional) When you have opened more than one application at a time, you can toggle between them by clicking the icon next to the name of the app in the center panel at the top and selecting another app. Collaborate: It allows you to invite others directly into the Zoom application to be able to collaborate on a piece of content that you are currently viewing, without leaving the app that you are currently using. As a result of this, those users can view, edit, and add content to the document or project as they wish, without the need to share and annotate or use a remote control to control it. Note: There is no guarantee that all Zoom Apps will support this feature, as not all Zoom Apps will be able to support this feature, so it may not appear in all Zoom Apps. Share: During the meeting, you should begin to share your view of the app with the other participants. It is also possible to share with a computer audio as well by clicking the next to share button. Send: The app can be installed and used collaboratively by other participants by inviting them to do the same. Send to all participants can be chosen by the user, or select the participants they wish to send to… There will be a banner and chat message letting participants know that they are being invited to use the Zoom app, plus they will need to install the Zoom app and authorize it in order to use it. Expand: In order to facilitate ease of use, the Zoom App panel has been expanded on the side to make it easier to use it. In order to revert to the original size of the window, click on the Collapse button. The features and functionalities of each app will differ from one to another, and will be in addition to what is listed here. You can find more information about Zoom Apps in their dedicated documentation, which can be found here. In some cases, it is possible to collaborate with apps by simply sharing your files alone, rather than installing the app directly. Unless you are using the required version of the desktop client, if you are not using the latest version of the desktop client, the app message in chat will appear as “[Upgrade to the latest version to see this message]”. An app can be used to participate in a Zoom Meeting using the Guest Mode so that participants don’t need to give Zoom full access to their Zoom account data in order for the app to be able to use the Zoom Meeting. As a result, all participants will be able to experience the app interactively without having to add it themselves themselves in order to participate. It is still necessary for apps to be able to operate based on some participant data. The following information can be accessed by Apps in guest mode: A brief description of your profile Basic Browser and Device Data Basic Information about how you interact with Zoom It is always possible to find out more information about specific apps in Zoom’s App Marketplace by clicking on their listing pages. Zoom’s mobile app requires you to sign in before you can use it. Select the tab More from the menu. The Apps tab will appear once you have tapped it. To open a Zoom App that has been installed, tap it. Send: The opened App can be used by others and they can collaborate with you by using it. There are several options available to you, including the following: Invite User to Use: Invites the user to install and open this application by sending an invitation to the user. Copy Link: This will copy a link to the Marketplace page for your app, which can be shared with others who are interested in the app. More Options: Provides access to iOS’s sharing options. More : Start Meeting : Invite others to begin collaborating with you by starting an instant meeting and inviting them to join the meeting. The meeting opens automatically in any apps that are currently open and the Invite window appears to select other contacts who can participate in the meeting and collaborate with you. Refresh App : You can reload the application that you are currently using. Close: You can close the app you are currently using. You can open Zoom Apps inside the Zoom application and then bring them into the current meeting, or you can start them during an active meeting if you need to do so. Meeting hosts, or in more specific terms, users who are members of the meeting that a meeting belongs to, are primarily responsible for restricting access to Zoom Apps during meetings and webinars, as opposed to the participant who currently holds the host role. Depending on the Zoom App, it may be necessary for it to obtain access to meeting or webinar information that is normally available only to the original host of the meeting. In other words, Zoom Apps are only available during meetings and webinars where the original host is present in order to be able to be used. While other Zoom Apps do not require as much information access, they can still be used without the host present, but their functionality is limited as a result. It is also possible for the host to suspend all Zoom App use immediately, at any time, through the security controls provided in the meeting, at any time. Let’s start a webinar or a meeting. Select the Apps option from the control toolbar on the left. There will be a list of all the apps that you have installed. There are currently no apps that can be run on mobile that are greyed out. There are two ways to install apps on your mobile device. The first is via the desktop client, and the second is via the Marketplace. It may not be possible for you to use certain Zoom Apps without the owner of the meeting or webinar present. To open an app that has been installed, simply tap it. Send: The app can be installed and used collaboratively by other participants by inviting them to do the same. A user has the option to send the message to all participants or to select a group of participants… In addition to receiving a banner on their screen and a chat message, participants will also be required to install and authorize the Zoom App after they have been notified of the invitation to use it. More : Share : Let your meeting participants know what you think about the app by sharing your views with them. As soon as you click the share button, you will also be able to choose whether to share with computer audio or not. Refresh App : This will reload the current app that you are using. Close: The current application will be closed. It is possible to collaborate with some apps by simply sharing alone, without having to install the app itself. You will see a message in chat stating that if you are not using the desktop client version required to see this message, you will need to upgrade to the latest version. All images and contents credit goes to support.zoom.usHow to install Zoom Apps
Installing a Zoom App in a meeting or webinar
Installing a Zoom App on the desktop client
There will be a web page launched where you can authorize the app to access your account information through a web page that will appear. The instructions that are provided will guide you through the process.
Installing a Zoom App from the Marketplace
In the desktop client, once the Zoom App has been installed, you will be able to use it to host meetings using Zoom.
How to open Zoom Apps
Windows | macOS
Opening a Zoom App outside of a meeting
When the Zoom window is opened, the Zoom App will appear within it.
You will be able to access the following additional options once the app has been opened:
Opening a Zoom App in a meeting or webinar
You are also able to access the following options once you have opened the App:
Opening a Zoom App in Guest mode
The name displayed on the Participant’s profile is the only information included in this section.
As using web browser technology, apps use the same IP address as other web browsers to function, and like other web browsers, they are able to store cookies on the user’s device in order to allow them to access their content.
In return for participating in Zoom, a participant’s mobile app will receive basic information about how he or she interacts with Zoom, such as his or her reactions and whether or not the participant turns on or off their camera or microphone during the course of the Zoom session.
Performance statistics
There is also the possibility for apps to collect performance statistics for how well their apps are performing.
Opening a Zoom App outside of a meeting
On the left side of the screen, you will see the list of your installed apps. There are currently no apps that are compatible with mobile devices that are greyed out.
You will also be able to access the following options once the App is opened:
Opening a Zoom App in a meeting or webinar
The following options are available once the App has been opened, in addition to those mentioned above: