When you are already in the middle of a call, you are able to pick up or start a new one at any time. The current call can be put on hold while you begin a new conversation while the existing call is being put on hold.
The participants of a call will be notified that the call is on hold, but they will not be able to see or hear you while it is on hold. As you look at the left column of your call window, you’ll see your on-hold calls displayed for you to return to them at any time
Tip: You may want to take a look at this article to get an idea of what you can do when you are on a call in Teams.
There is no problem answering or starting a new call even if you are already on a call.
You will be taken directly to your new call after your original call has been placed on hold.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do you make a multi call on a team?
You can reach Calls by going to the Contacts menu, typing the name or number, and pressing Call. Whenever you make a second call after your first one, your first call is automatically put on hold. As soon as the second call is connected, select More actions (…) > Merge calls on your call controls after the second call has been connected.
How do you add a third call to a team?
It might be necessary to create a group call in some cases, so that you are able to add someone new to a call when you are already on a call. In your call controls, click on the search box in the call list and type the name of the person or their phone number.