How to manage Zoom Users ?
Zoom user management permits account admins and owners for managing the group of users with features like adding, deleting, assigning roles, etc. So, follow the below trend before beginning the article.
- The zoom internal users belong to the zoom account.
- The zoom external users do not belong to the zoom account.
- The zoom external contacts are for the external users who have been added by the zoom internal users from the contacts directory.
From this article, know about how to add a recent user? access the user management, and more.
- The zoom managing users should have free pro, business, credit card, and an enterprise or education account.
- Should have the zoom account admin or owner privileges.
How to access the user management?
Step 1. You have to zoom sign in to the web portal.
Step 2. From the navigation menu tap on the user management > users. Then you will discover the following tabs:
- Users: For the current account users, have the following-
- For each user’s account type (licensed, basic, and on-prem), you can edit or department.
- You can import a CSV file that will add several users all at once or add a user at a time.
- You can export the users to a CSV file
- You can assign a custom role or set admins, in case you are an owner.
- Pending. Those individuals who have been invited to join the meeting kink but missed attending the meeting.
- Advanced. You can get the display of the user statistics and can also alter multiple users all at once.
Remember, It is the account owner who can promote or demote a member from the admin status.
How to add a new zoom user?
Remember, Through importing a CSV file you can either update or add multiple users at once.
Step 1. You have to zoom sign in to the web portal.
Step 2. From the navigation menu tap on the user management > users.
Step 3. After clicking on add users, it will add new users to the account.
Step 4. input the below information-
- User type. Choose on whether the user should have a free or basic account, licensed or premium (on-prem) account. To assign a new license user you have to have the availability of the license. For assigning the in prem user, one should have enabled the meeting connector. Further, addons like large meetings or webinars are not enlisted. Such as the user types options. Verify the features you wish to have. You should have the available licenses for the features.
- Email address. Input on the user’s email id. In case you require to add several users with similar settings then you can input multiple email id separated with punctuations like a comma.
- Location, manager, department, and job title. Entering details for this section is optional. You have to input the information displayed into the user’s profile. The user’s profile will be shown to other users. If the user wishes they can customize the zoom profile by altering the job title, department, location, and other information.
- User group. If you are choosing user management then click a group to add the users to.
- Default Password. Setting a password for the default user.
- IM Group. In case you are using IM management, then choose the IM group for adding the users.
Step 5. Tap on add.
- Recent users will get an activation email. And the zoom users with already present zoom accounts with the same email id will be sent a confirmation emailing an order to accept your account or approve the invitation.
- The paid zoom owners from the account will also be notified on deciding how to tackle the remaining balances from their account.
- Once the account owner accepts the invitation or joining the account mail, the below details will be transferred to you-
- The individual’s profile information like name, picture, time zone, etc.
- The cloud recordings.
- Schedule webinars or meetings.
- Contacts.
- IM history.
Settings can get changed when they have disputes between the group settings and the account the individual would join. For that, any licenses like a webinar or large meeting won’t transfer. Therefore, this won’t be assigned by the admin or the new account. The data reporting should also be not accepted by the account invitation. In case the IM history is shifted and gets access to the user, then IM history prior to joining won’t be accessible to the zoom account admins or for the new account.
Viewing pending users.
Step 1. You have to zoom sign in to the web portal.
Step 2. From the navigation menu tap on the user management > users.
Step 3. Tap on the pending user’s section to view users who haven’t verified their accounts:
- In case a user has not accepted the joining invitation. Then he will no longer find it in the inbox. You can again send the confirmation mail to them by tapping on resend.
- In case you don’t wish to permit the user from joining the account. Tap on delete prior to accepting the email invitation.
- Those pending requests remain in the pending list after thirty days get auto-deleted.
- Resending an invitation link against a newly set expiratory timer. Thereby, it gives a new thirty days timer.
How to edit user license, user role, and add-on?
Step 1. You have to zoom sign in to the web portal.
Step 2. From the navigation menu tap on the user management > users.
Step 3. Rundown or search for the user.
Step 4. Next to the user information, you will find the edit option. Tap on it.
Step 5. Based on that, you are allowed to edit the below details-
- User type- select in between the zoom free, licensed, or on-prem account.
- User role. Only openable for the by default zoom account owners or those users having a custom role having the permission for role management. Users can be altered to zoom members, admins, or custom roles.
- Add on licenses. Accessible for add-on license for large meetings and webinars. It can be chosen for assigning licenses to the user. However, this you should buy before billing the assignment.
- Manager.
- Location.
- Job title.
- Department.
On Contrary, a zoom owner or admin can choose various users for the user page to quickly alter the license, group, role.
How to alter the advanced user management settings?
The advanced settings permit you to alter the user type of multiple users at once, setting the default user type and removing the users.
Step 1. You have to zoom sign in to the web portal.
Step 2. From the navigation menu tap on the user management > users.
Step 3. Tap on the advanced section for viewing the below information-
- User summary.
- Total users. It sums the number of basic, on-prem, licensed, or room users.
- Altering the user type.
- Change all account members who are not administrators. It converts the users who are the specified use types for another user type. However, you won’t be able to alter the account admins or change. For instance, you can alter the licensed or basic users.
- Unlink all account members with user type. You can eliminate all those members having a particular user type. The zoom accounts will be delinked from the account.
Remember, this does not impact the admins or zoom users associated with associated domain-based accounts.
- Change default domain user type. You can alter the default type while adding the new users along with the associated domains.
- Alter user group.
- Set default user group. The new users can by default be assigned to the set user group.
- Switch user group. Shift all unassigned users to a particular group from another group.
- Add domain users to the group. Allocating every user with an accepted associated domain to a particular group.
- Alter IM group.
- Switch IM group. Shift every user unassigned individuals for a specific IM group to other groups.
- Set default IM group. It sets an IM group as by default for new users for automatically assigned ones.
- Adding custom attributes for users. This permits you to create up to 5 customized attributes which will then be assigned to the users. This is used for sorting them to the user page.
How to view and remove the external contacts?
If you are an account owner or admin then you can view the external added contacts by the users. And if you find it appropriate then can also delete them.
Remember, the external contacts will have some specified discretion for accessing the account channels.
Step 1. You have to zoom sign in to the web portal.
Step 2. From the navigation menu tap on the user management > users.
Step 3. On the user tab, tap in the gear icon. This will be available at the top-right edge of the table. Then choose, external contacts followed by a tap on confirm.
Step 4. Place a user from the external contacts and then tap on the no. of external contacts column. There you can view the already added external contacts by the user.
Step 5. This step is optional. Tap on the number from the channel column. Now you can view the channels or the groups in which they are members.
Step 6. Tap on the number in the channels column for seeing group chats or channels they are part of.
Here are conditions, which will occur as a result of deleting external contacts.
- This will remove the external contact from the internal contact list from the mobile application or desktop client. ( This includes my contacts from the contact tab).
- From all the internal groups or channels the external contact will be removed.
- The one-on-one chat history will be accessible for external contacts, then also
- The admin can also view the external contacts’ chat history. This would include group chats, channels,s and more.
- They again can be added by the internal users.
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