How to Mark a message as important or urgent in Microsoft Teams
Make your message important or urgent to make sure it gets noticed.
Choosing Set Delivery Options under the compose box will allow you to choose from Important or Urgent delivery options to accomplish this.
The word IMPORTANT is added here! Alternatively, URGENT! Regarding your message. You can include any files, links, or images you need to convey your point in the message.
The message will be sent to the recipient as usual if you select Standard from your delivery options, and this option will be undone.
When an urgent message is sent, it alerts an individual or group repeatedly, for the next 20 minutes or until the individual or group has read it. Depending on your organization or group, you’ll have to decide which messages are urgent and which are not.
Make your message important or urgent to make sure it gets noticed.
Message priority can be changed by selecting Important or Urgent under More options. IMPORTANT is added here! It’s URGENT! Regarding your message. Write your message after that.
You can undo this option by retracing your steps and tapping it again.
Every 2 minutes for 20 minutes or until the recipient reads it, an urgent message notifies a person or group repeatedly. Depending on your organization or group, you’ll need to determine which messages are urgent.