How to receive email notifications in the zoom app?
Zoom has the feature to receive email notifications so that you get the notification every time there are some changes in your ongoing meetings. At the same time, please note that this zoom notifications feature is for the user level. And for admins or owners of the account, they can bring changes to the zoom account and group level plus having the access to user-level settings.
How to disable or enable cloud recording-related zoom notifications for email?
Do the following steps to disable or enable cloud recording email notifications-
- Open the zoom app and then sign in.
- Go to the left side of your zoom page and tap on settings.
- Tap on email notifications.
- As an optional part, you can toggle to disable and enable the below-given zoom meeting notifications:
- When the cloud recording is going to be permanently deleted from the trash.
- When a cloud recording is available.
- Check the box and send cloud recording zoom email notifications to the webinar host or those users who have scheduling privilege for the zoom meeting. The box you will find next to send a copy to the person who scheduled the meeting or webinar for the host. This part is optional for you
- To send email notifications to the alternative host whom the most has added then check the box next to send a coy to the alternative host.
How to disable or enable meetings-related zoom notifications for email?
You can disable and enable zoom meeting notifications for an email in this way-
First step. Go to the zoom app and sign in.
Second step. Tap the settings option on the left side of the zoom page.
Third step. Tap email notification.
Fourth step. Then switch in to disable or enable the zoom meeting notifications. This part is optional for you. They are given below;
- Toggle to enable or disable for – when an alternative host is set or removed from the meeting.
- When attendees join the meeting before the host.
- When someone schedules a meeting for a host.
- When a meeting is canceled.
Follow up the steps above given to receive email notifications from zoom during an on-call zoom meeting.
All credit – zoom us