How to Share an email to Teams from Outlook in Microsoft Teams
The email can be shared to a chat or channel in Teams across Outlook or Outlook on the web.
Important: There is an Outlook add-in called Share to Teams that you need to have installed on your computer. In the case of Teams users, it will be installed automatically. On top of that, it is currently not possible to share to a team through the Share to Teams feature on mobile devices at the moment, as it is currently not supported.
Send an email from Outlook
You can copy a copy of an email (including attachments) and share it in a chat or channel within Teams by following the steps below:
- Select the Share to Teams option located on the toolbar ribbon when viewing an email in the Outlook desktop app.
The new version of Outlook for Mac (and the web version of Outlook) has a new Share to Teams option that can be found under More actions.
Tip: The Share to Teams option can be pinned to the ribbon in Outlook for the web (see instructions here) or new Outlook for Mac (see instructions here), which allows you to save time when you share emails with your team members. In order to do so, you will need to select View more options and select Customize Toolbar from the list of options.
- As you can see in this step, you now have the option of either selecting an individual to share your email with, or selecting a group or channel to share your email with. In order to do this, either search for the term or choose from a list of suggestions provided to you.
We recommend messages based on your recent emails, your regular Share to Teams destinations, the chats and channels you have recently visited in Teams as well as the frequently visited chats and channels you have recently tried, as well as emails you have sent recently.
- Your message is the part of your email in which you can tell your recipients more about your email or include any additional information that might be of interest to them. @mentions can be used in the same way as other Team messages in order to ensure that the right people are seeing your message.
- In the case of an email that includes attachments, when you send it to Teams, they will be automatically included. It is also possible to remove attachments before submitting the message to Teams if you do not want them to be included.
View the email in Teams
By clicking on the message you sent in Teams, you can see a preview of the email as a message in the channel or chat to which it was sent, along with a link to the email that you sent, which will take you directly to the message you sent. When you start a chat with the recipient for the first time, you will be prompted to start a new one.
It is possible to view and open the entire content of an email in Teams by selecting the preview of the message that is attached to the message in the chat or channel conversation, which can then be viewed in the chat window in order to view the full content of the email.
Under the Files tab in that chat or channel, you may also be able to find a copy of the original email in a copy you have in that chat or channel. Within the Files tab on the channel, on the left hand side, you will find an Email Messages folder that stores your emails.