How to Show channel info in Microsoft Teams
By clicking on the icon in the upper-right corner of the screen you will be able to quickly view key details about a channel. You can find all the information you need about the channel by clicking the title of it. A window will open to the right of the channel when you click on the channel itself, and inside the window there will be a description of the channel, a list of its members, recent contributors, pinned posts, and a description of its most recent updates.
The pane can be closed by selecting it again.
There are several recent contributors to the site or members and I would like to review a small but complete list of these people. Then at the bottom of the page, there is a link that will take you to a complete list of all members.
The channel description will appear here if a channel owner has provided one. You can discuss design projects, for example, as an example.
Pinned posts
In the channel info, like in chat, there is a place where posts can be pinned, which can be found below the list of members. There are only two pins in the channel, as you can see from the information in the channel page, and these are the two most recent pins that you can see in the channel. Pinned posts can be viewed by clicking on the Pinned posts link at the top of the page.
Hovering over the post that you wish to pin, selecting More options at the top right corner, and selecting Pin to pin the post will be all that is necessary to pin it.
When in the original post, click the More options button, and from the list of options on the left, choose Unpin from the list of options, in order to remove a pinned post.
If you are a channel owner or moderator, you can edit the channel settings in the admin area by selecting More options in the channel toolbar, clicking Manage channel, and then selecting Allow members to pin posts. You can then choose the option to allow members to pin posts to your channel under the drop-down menu that appears under Channel moderation. Check the box that allows members of the channel to pin messages to the channel.
We have recently updated our team and channels, as well as adding new members, which can be seen here. Please take a look at the details of the changes. The bottom of each update may have a dropdown arrow with which you can select to see additional entries written by the contributor that wrote the update you are viewing.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I edit Teams channel description?
How do you make a channel always visible in a team?
How do I hide the team sidebar?