How to use the command Box in Microsoft Teams
Try it!
If you go anywhere in Microsoft Teams, you will always see the command box at the top of the screen, ready to assist you with everything from searching, to taking quick actions, to opening apps.
Use the command box to search
- Type the name of the message, person, channel, or file that you are looking for in the command box.
- From the list of suggestions, you can select one of them.To see more results, simply press the Enter key.
Use slash commands to perform tasks
- You can see a list of commands and descriptions by typing a / in the command box.
- From the list, select a command or type it.In order to call someone, for instance, you would type /call, press Tab, and then select or type their name in the area where the contact information is shown.You can find a list of all the available commands by going to Available commands or you can type / in the command box to bring up the menu.
Use the @ command
- You can message someone by typing @[someone’s name], pressing Tab, and then typing a message without leaving your work.
- Directly launch an app by typing @[app name].
Check all steps in Video
Frequently Asked Questions
How do you give a team a command?
- Click on the Chat Window. Minecraft’s chat window is the best place to run commands.
- Enter the command. The following command will create a team called “Team DigMinecraft” in Minecraft Java Edition (PC/Mac) 1.15: /team add Team1 {“text”:”Team DigMinecraft”}
How do I create a command prompt from a team?
- Press the Win key.
- Type cmd.
- Press the Enter key.
- Type or copy/paste. Cd %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\Teams\current.
- Type Teams.exe.
- Press the Enter key.
How can we search for commands in the Teams search box?
Search your current location with Ctrl+F
In Teams, you can search messages within a chat or channel by pressing Ctrl+F (cmd+F on macOS). If you are looking for information about a recent chat or a general channel within a team, for example, you can choose to search in that area. Enter your search terms into the search bar by pressing Ctrl+F, then press Enter when you are finished.