I Get Prompted to Download SAML2AuthService while Logging into SSO Enabled Cisco Jabber in webex
When I log into Cisco Jabber with SSO enabled, I am prompted to download SAML2AuthService.
SAML2AuthService needs to be downloaded on a domain that supports Single Sign-On (SSO).
A registry key under the MIME directory may be missing, which may cause this issue.
Get assistance from your company IT department to create the below registry key:
Notepad should be open.
The following code should be copied and pasted into Notepad:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\MIME\Database\Content Type\text/xml] “CLSID”=”{48123BC4-99D9-11D1-A6B3-00C04FD91555}”
“Encoding”=hex:08,00,00,00 -
Make sure the Notepad file has an extension of .REG. A good example is mime.reg
To load the key into the registry, double-click the saved .REG file.
Your computer needs to be rebooted.
Jabber should now be able to be accessed.
Obtain further assistance from Cisco Webex Technical Support if the issue still persists. For information about contacting Webex Customer Service or Technical Support, see WBX162 – How Do I Contact Webex?