Import Data From One Slack Workspace To Another
I am interested in exploring the process of integrating two separate workplaces. By utilizing Slack’s import and export functionalities, it is possible to extract data pertaining to members, messages, and channels from one workspace and subsequently import it into another workspace.
Before you get started
- Please refer to our comprehensive guide on Slack’s import and export tools for a comprehensive review of the functionalities and features associated with Slack’s import and export capabilities.
- Please refer to our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section about the transfer of data from one Slack workspace to another for comprehensive information and solutions to frequently encountered queries.
- Please reach out to your designated customer success manager or contact our team to begin the process of scheduling your merging. The duration of timelines for a workspace merging project might vary significantly, spanning from a few days to several months. Therefore, it is crucial to engage in thorough prior planning.Please be advised that our platform does not provide assistance for importing data into Enterprise Grid organizations. One such approach is the importation of data into a distinct workspace, which may then be transferred to the organization in question.
Understand your export options
Data export is available exclusively for public channels on all subscription plans. Users who have subscribed to the Business+ or Enterprise Grid plans have the option to request the export of data pertaining to all channels and chats within their workspace or Enterprise Grid organization. Please find below a comprehensive breakdown of the contents included in each export type.
public channels
- The public channels encompass both the communications transmitted inside them and the individuals who are part of these channels.
- Hyperlinks to files that have been shared in publicly accessible channels.
- The data pertaining to the profiles of members.
The various channels and conversations
- The topic of interest pertains to both public and private channels, encompassing their respective messages and participants.
- The user’s request pertains to the topic of direct communications.
- This inquiry pertains to the provision of hyperlinks to files that have been shared inside both channels and direct messages.
- The information pertaining to the profile of a member.
Step 1: Export data from your origin workspace
In order to streamline the process of merging, it is advisable to export data from a smaller or less active workspace and afterwards import it into a bigger or more active workspace. To initiate the import process, please adhere to the following steps:
- Please refer to our instructional manual for the step-by-step process of acquiring a duplicate of your workspace data.
- Once the export file has been downloaded, the user should proceed to sign in to the workspace where the data will be imported.
Step 2: Upload your export file
Please be aware that making any modifications to your export file before to uploading it may potentially result in complications during the import process. After the file has been uploaded, users have the option to select the specific data they wish to import.
- Please upload your compressed export file to a secure cloud storage platform, such as Google Drive, Dropbox, or Box, and establish a publicly accessible direct download link. Please ensure that you retain this link for future reference. If desired, it is possible to bypass this particular step and proceed directly to step five, where the file can be uploaded.
- To initiate the desired action, the user is advised to navigate to the upper left corner of their desktop and proceed to click on the designated workspace name.
- Navigate to the “Settings & administration” section and proceed to select “Workspace settings” from the available menu options.
- Please select the option labeled “Import/Export data.” Adjacent to the Slack interface, proceed to choose the option labeled “Import.”
- To input your export file, please either insert the link into the designated area labeled “Direct download link” or select the option “Upload it directly” and proceed to selecting the zipped export file from your local storage.
- Please select the option “Upload file” by clicking on it.
An email notification will be sent to you upon completion of the upload process. To proceed with the import process, please access the email and locate the option labeled “Continue your import.” By selecting this option, the imports page will be displayed. Once on the imports page, proceed by clicking on the button labeled “Next.”
Step 3: Choose members to import
At this point, you are prepared to proceed with the process of importing members into your designated workspace.
Default member import options
The following are the default import settings available for various user categories. One has the option to execute a batch action from the first drop-down menu, or alternatively, manually choose an alternative choice for a specific user prior to commencing the import process. The FAQ section provides a comprehensive list of member import choices that are available for viewing.
Please be aware that choosing a batch action from the initial drop-down menu will supersede any default or individual user preferences.
User type | Default import option |
Individuals that possess an email address that corresponds to the one found in the target workspace. | Merge users |
Users who are actively engaged on the platform but do not have a corresponding email address. | Import just their messages |
Users who have been deactivated but do not have a corresponding email address. | Import as deactivated |
External users refer to individuals or entities who are not part of the primary organization or group but have access to a shared channel. | Import just their messages |
External users are not accessible in the user import choices and cannot be imported.
Note: It is not possible to import users as guests or combine them into pre-existing guest accounts. Guest users can be imported as deactivated full members and subsequently reactivated as guest users once the import process has been completed.
Choose members to add
- Determine the appropriate approach for importing users based on the presence of a matched email address. Users have the opportunity to pick an alternative choice for all users by clicking on the initial drop-down menu. Alternatively, they can override the default import setting for specific users by clicking on the arrow adjacent to “Show users.”
- The user is advised to make a decision on the method of importing people who do not own a corresponding email address. Users have the opportunity to pick an alternative choice for all users by clicking on the initial drop-down menu. Alternatively, they can modify the preselected import configuration for individual users by clicking on the arrow adjacent to “Show users”.
- Please go to the next step by clicking on the “Next” button.
Step 4: Choose channels to import
It is possible to consolidate many channels into pre-existing public channels. Due to privacy considerations, it is not possible to combine any channels with pre-existing private channels or shared channels. In contrast, a novel channel will be established. The many choices for importing channels may be found in the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section.
Please be aware that selecting a batch action from the initial drop-down menu will result in the application of this action to all users. This will override any default settings or settings specific to individual channels.
Default channel import options
Channel type | Default import option |
Channels that possess identical names as a publicly accessible channel within the target workspace. | Merge channels with existing Slack channels |
Public channels within the origin workspace that do not own corresponding names. | Create new public channel |
In the context of the origin workspace, it is possible to create private channels that do not have matching names. | Create new private channel |
Channels that have been stored in the origin workspace but do not own corresponding names. | Don’t import |
Note: Archived channels that are selected for import will not retain their archived status in the destination workspace. By default, the setting for archived channels is “Don’t import.” However, users have the option to import these channels as ordinary channels and afterwards archive them once the import process is over.
Choose channels to add
- The determination of the method for importing channels that possess congruent names. Users have the opportunity to pick an alternative choice for all channels by clicking on the initial drop-down menu. Alternatively, they can override the default import setting for particular users by clicking on the arrow adjacent to “Show channels.”
- The user is required to make a decision on the preferred method of importing channels that do not have a corresponding name. Users have the opportunity to pick an alternative choice for all channels by clicking on the initial drop-down menu. Alternatively, they can override the default import setting for particular users by clicking on the arrow adjacent to “Show channels.”
- To import direct messages from your export file, please select the checkbox under “Direct messages between imported users.”
Please go to the next step by clicking on the “Next” button.It should be noted that throughout the process of importing, channels are established and each channel is accompanied by a channel creator. If one assumes the role of the importer, it is possible to be included in channels and designated as the creator of these channels in cases when the original author of the channel is not being imported.
Step 5: Review summary and run import
- Please review your imported options to ensure that all details are accurate and appropriate. To make any last modifications to your import, please click on the “Edit” option. This will redirect you to Step 4 inside the import process, allowing you to modify channel data. To make modifications to users, please pick the option “Choose users to import.” Please select the “Next” button in order to get back to the import summary.
- To initiate the data import process, please select the “Import” option when you are prepared. The progress bar may be utilized to monitor the progress of the import process. The presence of the label “Importing…” indicates that the data is presently being transferred into the Slack platform.The import process in Slack is divided into five distinct parts, and upon completion of the import, a notification email will be sent to the user.
Please be advised that throughout the import process, members are still able to utilize the destination workspace as they normally would. However, it is recommended that they refrain from making any modifications to channels or user accounts. Implementing these modifications has the potential to result in a failure of the import process.
Troubleshooting imports
- In the event that you possess any inquiries or encounter difficulties pertaining to imports, we kindly direct you to consult our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section, where you will get troubleshooting suggestions.
If the import process is interrupted before its completion, please reach out to us for assistance in resolving the issue and ensuring the successful continuation of the task.
To initiate the cancellation and reversal of an import, use the option labeled “Reverse import.” The execution of this step will result in the elimination of imported channels and messages from your Slack workspace, while retaining the members.