Install and Set Up Cisco Webex Productivity Tools for Mac
Two distinct packages of Webex Productivity Tools are available for use with WBS39.10 and subsequent versions. interactions with other applications are supported by Productivity Tools. These interactions include those with Microsoft Office Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Installing Webex Productivity Tools on your Mac will make it simpler to participate in Webex sessions and to create new ones. After that, you’ll have the option to customize your Webex Productivity Tools in accordance with your individual preferences.
End of Support for Mac Productivity Tools
As of the middle of May, Microsoft intends to begin blocking injection-based extensions on Mac Outlook, so the final version of Productivity Tools for Mac, version 41.5, will be its last release. Customers using Mac versions of Outlook who are interested in using Webex are encouraged to switch to the Cisco Webex Scheduler.
The Webex Meetings desktop application starts at version 39.10, and there is a distinct package called Webex Productivity Tools. Since version 41.2, interactions with IBM Lotus Notes, IBM Sametime, Microsoft Lync, Internet Explorer, and Skype for Business are no longer supported by Productivity Tools.
Install Webex Productivity Tools for Mac
If the options for your Webex site’s Webex Productivity Tools have been switched on by your site administrator, then your site will have all of the Webex Productivity Tools automatically installed. In addition, Webex Productivity Tools are automatically updated to more recent versions whenever there is a newer version accessible.
You also have the option to manually download and set up the Webex Productivity Tools if that becomes essential.
In the event that you already have an older version of the Productivity Tools installed on your computer, you must first uninstall that version before downloading the new version.
Before you begin
Ensure that the following minimal system requirements are met on your computer before installing the Webex Productivity Tools:
- To make changes to your computer, you will need to have administrator capabilities.
- For a list of supported operating systems, browsers, and other minimal system requirements, please refer to the Webex Meetings Suite system requirements document.(WBS39).
- Launch your Webex client and log in.
- Navigate to the option labeled Webex Meetings.
- In the left navigation column, click the Download option that is located under Support.
- Ensure that the Mac option is selected on the Webex Meetings Downloads screen located under Productivity Tools, and then click the Download button.
- The dialog box for the file download will display.
- On your personal computer, save the cwptools.dmg file that contains the implementation instructions.
- First, open the file labeled cwptools.dmg, and then open the file labeled Webex Productivity tools.pkg that appears.
- Enter your email address, password, and the URL of your Webex site when requested to do so.
Set Up Webex Productivity Tools
- Choose Preferences from the Webex menu in the top menu bar of your Mac to configure the Webex Productivity Tools or check the current state of your preferences.
- Make any necessary modifications to the items listed below:
Account: Check that the Webex site URL is correct, as well as your identity. Signing out and then back in will allow you to select an alternative Webex site to use.
General: Choose the settings that you want to be enabled:
Start Productivity Tools when system starts: Every time you turn on your computer, the Webex Productivity Tools will start up automatically.
Schedule or start WebEx meetings from Microsoft Outlook: This feature enables you to organize and begin Webex meetings by using the Webex integration that is built into Microsoft Outlook.
Meetings: “Meet Now” settings: To make changes to the “Meet Now” settings, navigate to the My Webex > Preferences page of your Webex account and select the Edit button.
Your Webex site will now display the My Webex page for you. Please see the “Edit Your Webex Preferences” page for further details.
Audio: Check both your PIN and the information associated with your radio account. For instance, you might have one or more accounts with the Webex Personal Conference Number, in addition to other videoconferencing accounts that you use. On your Webex site, navigate to the Preferences menu and then select the Audio and Video submenu to make any necessary adjustments to your audio settings.