Installing and uninstalling apps from Marketplace in Zoom
There are a number of apps in the Zoom Marketplace that can be integrated with Zoom in order to enhance your experience with the software and make it that much more engaging for you. This website offers users a variety of categories from which to choose an app, which can then be downloaded and installed.
Prerequisites for installing and removing apps from Zoom Marketplace
In order to install apps on Zoom, you need to have an account
Users who own the account or are administrators have the ability to install/remove apps, and can pre-approve users in order for them to do so.
How to search and install an app from Zoom App Marketplace
The Zoom web portal can be accessed by administrators through the Zoom web portal.
You can access the App Marketplace by clicking on Advanced in the navigation panel.
Enter the name of the app you are looking for on the top right of the page or search the app by any of the following:
Choosing a category from the list of categories on the left.
The app can be filtered by compatibility, approval status, and who has the right to install them.
Click Add or Visit Site to Add.
Please click on Install on Zoom after clicking on the Visit Site button if an app requires you to click on it to add it to your account.
In the event that you are a user and your admin has not approved the installation of the app for you, please click the Request to Install button. Your admin will be notified about the request on your behalf so that they can approve it.
Admins can follow these instructions if they want to pre-approve apps before users in your account can install them themselves. Please follow the instructions below if you are an admin.
Click Authorize after reviewing the information about the app.
The application can be verified to make sure that it has been added to your account by selecting Manage at the top right of the screen; then clicking Added Apps under PERSONAL APP MANAGEMENT under the PERSONAL APP MANAGEMENT heading.
How to uninstall/remove an app from Zoom App Marketplace
Ensure that you are logged in as an administrator to the Zoom web portal.
You can access the App Marketplace by clicking on Advanced in the navigation panel.
You will find a Manage button on the right hand side of the page.
Click on Added Apps in the left sidebar of the page.
You will need to identify the app that you wish to remove before clicking the Remove button.
If the pop-up window for removing an app appears, choose the reason for removing it, then click on the Remove button.
How to pre-approve an app for installation
Owners and administrators of websites should follow these instructions regarding pre-approving apps in order to install and use them on their website.
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