Interact during Webex meetings from a mobile device
To help you familiarize yourself with how to use the Meetings app to create a better experience, we have compiled a list of tasks and links for you to use to familiarize yourself with it.
Mute and unmute participants
Depending on the role you play in the meeting, you have different options for muting and unmuting the meeting. If you are using an iOS device to convene a Webex meeting and would like to learn more about how to mute or unmute during the meeting, please read Mute or unmute in Webex Meetings from a mobile device.
Change your audio connection options
- If you tap More > Audio Connection, you will have the option to change it.
- The following options are available for you to choose from:
Use the Internet for audio—Make sure that you are connected to a Wi-Fi network unless you are using your 3G or 4G data plan. You use wide-band audio whenever you are a participant in an audio conference that utilizes Webex Audio or VoIP (without any other technology).
When a participant without wideband audio joins a meeting with wideband audio in use, the audio quality for everyone in the meeting is downgraded as a result. A warning message is not displayed before a downgrade is performed in Webex Meetings.
Call me—Enter your phone number to have the meeting call you.
You will receive calls automatically as soon as you open your app if you have enabled the option Auto call me in your app’s settings.
Call in—You will see on the screen a number that you can use to call in. Click on the Global call-in numbers link to the left of the screen if you would like to view a list of international call-in numbers.
Don’t connect audio—The audio conference has ended and you are leaving.
Change your video connection options
The screen will display a green dot as soon as the video is turned on during the meeting as soon as you turn it on.
- To switch between the front and back cameras on your device, tap Video > Swap camera while you are in a call or meeting.
- It is possible to turn off your video by tapping Video and then tapping Stop my video when you are ready to do so.
The iPad has a wider button with text for starting and stopping the video, which can be easily pressed by the user.
Change your video background
It is possible to blur the background of your meeting or set a virtual background so that participants will have no difficulty focusing on you during a meeting. If you change your background, your surroundings will be altered as the background changes, allowing you to remain in focus.
If you are interested in learning more about using a virtual background in Webex Meetings, please visit the Use a virtual background article.
Search for participants
There is a search option in the Participants section where you can enter the name of the participant that you would like to locate and then tap Search.
Send chat messages
- Tap on the Participants tab and then tap on the recipient who you would like to send a private message to.
- Enter your message in the Chat box, and then tap on Send to send it.
- A message can be sent to all participants by tapping the Participants tab, then clicking Chat.
- Tap the Send button after you have entered your message.
- When you are done with the chat window, you can click on Back to close it.
Change participant roles
- Changing a participant’s role in a meeting is as simple as tapping Participants, and then tapping the participant whose role you wish to change.
- Choose one of the following options: Make Presenter, Make Host, or Make Cohost.
It is possible to share content at any time when you enable Anyone Can Share when you schedule the meeting. During a Webex meeting, you may be able to disable Everyone Can Share so that only the presenter can share content during the meeting as the host.
Change participants’ displayed names
Hosts have the ability to change the display names for call-in users who are calling in.
- Click on Participants, select the person whose name you want to change and then tap on the participant who needs to be changed.
- Using the Change Name button, you will be able to edit their name to make it easier for you to identify them.
When you change the name of a participant, it will be reflected in the meeting’s system for all participants.
Invite more attendees
- Once you have selected Participants, tap on Invite.
- To add attendees from your contact list on your device, you can either type their email addresses in the box, or tap Contacts to add attendees from your contacts list.
- Click on the Send button when you are done.
Share and annotate content
It is recommended that you consult Share and annotate content during a Webex Meeting on your iOS device for information on sharing content during a meeting from your iOS device.
Record a meeting
Whether you are a guest or cohost at a meeting, you can record the meeting using your mobile device and transfer it to the cloud. A notification will be sent to you via email once the recording of the meeting you recorded has ended. Once the recording is ready, you can access it. On the mobile app, there is also a page called Recordings, where you can access your recordings.
When you are on the Recordings page, tap More, and then Edit Name, you will be able to edit the name of a recording.
Enable and disable audio-only mode
As soon as you are in a meeting in Audio-only mode, you will still be able to hear the audio portion, but you will not be able to send or receive any video. It is important that you do not use your device during meetings, in order to conserve the battery life of your device, and to prevent distractions.
- It is recommended that you tap More > Audio-Only Mode while you are connected to the audio portion of the meeting.
- By tapping Back or swiping right, you can disable the Audio-only mode on your device.
While muted, you will remain muted if you enable the Audio-only mode.
Furthermore, the app can detect if your device’s battery is about to run out before the scheduled end time of an active meeting, and can provide you with the option of switching to Audio-only mode in that case.
Use People Insights
If you would like to know more about how to use People Insights on your mobile device, please see the following links:
Create or edit your People Insights profile
View someone’s People Insights profile during a meeting
Hide or show your People Insights profile in a meeting
Lock and unlock your Personal Room
Your Personal Room can’t be entered by participants when you aren’t in it. You are responsible for controlling access to your Personal Room once you are logged in.
When you tap More, you’ll be able to toggle on and off Lock room.
As soon as you lock your Personal Room, a red indicator appears above Participants when an individual enters the lobby after you’ve locked your Personal Room.
Lock or unlock a scheduled meeting
A host can lock their meeting so that they can control who can join their meeting if they schedule a Webex meeting. Meetings and Webex Training can both take advantage of this feature.
- Tap More > Lock Meeting if you wish to lock your scheduled meeting.
- Using the More > Unlock Meeting option, you will be able to unlock your scheduled meeting.
Manage your Personal Room lobby
You will receive a notification when participants try to join the meeting if you lock your Personal Room, which you and your cohosts can view. You can let only one person in the lobby if there is only one person waiting there, or you can remove the person from your list of people you want to enter. You will receive a notification when more participants wait in the lobby, which will update you on how many people are in the lobby, and you will need to manage the lobby from the Participants panel as more people arrive.
- You can view the attendees who are currently waiting in your Personal Room lobby by tapping Participants and then tapping the notification which appears.
- Based on the information next to each name on the list, take a look at the list of participants who are waiting to join and decide whether or not to admit or remove them:
Internal—A Webex meeting host is required to authenticate participants within the same Webex organization.
External—Webex meeting participants who are not members of the meeting host’s organization who are authenticated.
Unverified—Participant who is not authenticated.
Participants both inside and outside of the company will see the domain name displayed on their screens.
- The participants that you wish to allow into the meeting can be selected, and then you can choose whether to let them in or remove them as a member of the meeting.
Select the person from the Participants panel and select Move to Lobby to temporarily excuse them from a meeting. When you do this, the person will be removed from the meeting.
Leave or end a meeting
Choose from one of the following options when you tap End or Leave meeting:
You can leave the meeting by tapping the Leave meeting button.
You can leave the meeting or end the meeting for everyone if you are the host.
The host of a meeting can leave the meeting by assigning a participant the host privileges before leaving the meeting in order for the meeting to continue.
As the co-host of a meeting, you are able to leave the meeting or end it if you wish to do so. In Meetings, you are asked if you want to close the meeting for all participants or if you want to end it for yourself.
Mute and unmute participants
See Mute or unmute in Webex Meetings from a mobile device for more information on how to mute or unmute during a meeting using your Android device.
Change your audio connection options
- If you tap More > Audio Connection, you will have the option to change it.
- The following options are available for you to choose from:
Use Internet for audio—Make sure that you are connected to a Wi-Fi network unless you are using your 3G or 4G data plan. You use wide-band audio whenever you are a participant in an audio conference that utilizes Webex Audio or VoIP (without any other technology).
There is a situation in which a participant without wide-band audio joins a meeting in which wide-band audio is being used, and audio for everyone is downgraded as a result. During the downgrade process, Webex Meetings does not provide any warning message.
Call me—In order to be contacted by the meeting, please enter your phone number.
In your app’s settings, if you enabled Auto call me, then you will receive calls automatically as soon as you open the app.
Call in—There will be a call-in number displayed on the screen. To view a list of international call-in numbers, click on Global call-in numbers on the top left of the screen.
Disconnect audio—You are leaving the audio conference.
Change your video connection options
If you turn on your video during the meeting, a green dot will appear at the bottom of the screen.
- To switch between the front and back cameras on your device, tap Video > Swap camera while you are in a call or meeting.
- It is possible to turn off your video by tapping Video and then tapping Stop my video when you are ready to do so.
Change your video background
It is possible to blur the background of your meeting or set a virtual background so that participants will have no difficulty focusing on you during a meeting. Your surroundings are not altered when you change your background, so you are not out of focus while the background is changed.
If you are interested in learning more about using a virtual background in Webex Meetings, please visit the Use a virtual background article.
Search for participants
Click on Participants on the left hand side of the screen, and then use the search bar to enter the name of the participant you are looking for.
Send chat messages
- Tap on the Participants tab and then tap on the recipient who you would like to send a private message to.
- Enter your message in the Chat box, and then tap Send once you are finished.
- The best way to send a message to everyone is to tap Participants and then tap Chat to send a message to everyone.
- Tap the Send button after you have entered your message.
- When you are done with the chat window, you can click on Back to close it.
Change participant roles
- It is very easy to change the role of someone in a meeting by tapping the Participants tab, and then tapping the participant for which you would like to change the role.
- If you want to become a presenter, host, or co-host, tap Make Presenter, Host, or Co-host.
It is possible to share content at any time when you enable Anyone Can Share when you schedule the meeting. When you host a Webex meeting scheduled for a given date and time, you can allow only the presenter to share content during the meeting by turning off Anyone Can Share.
Change participants’ displayed names
Hosts have the ability to change the display names for call-in users who are calling in.
- Click on Participants and then click on the participant whose name you would like to change.
- You can edit their name by tapping Change Name and then editing it for a better identification of them.
When you change the name of a participant, it will be reflected in the meeting’s system for all participants.
Invite more attendees
- Once you have selected Participants, tap on Invite.
- If you choose to invite attendees by email, you will be asked to enter their email addresses, and then select Accept invitees to add attendees from your device’s contacts, or you can choose to invite attendees by adding them from your contact list.
- You will be able to tap Done once you have finished.
Share and annotate content
See Share and annotate content during a Webex Meeting on an Android device for more information on sharing content and annotating content during a Webex Meeting on an Android device.
Record a meeting
A host or cohost has the option to record meetings from their mobile devices and upload the recordings to the cloud. A notification will be sent to your inbox once the meeting that you recorded ends, letting you know how to access the recording. There is also an option within the mobile app for you to access your recordings directly from the Recordings page.
When you visit the Recordings page, tap the More options button and then tap Edit Name, you will be able to edit the name of the recording.
Enable and disable audio-only mode
As soon as you are in a meeting in Audio-only mode, you will still be able to hear the audio portion, but you will not be able to send or receive any video. It is important that you do not use your device during meetings, in order to conserve the battery life of your device, and to prevent distractions.
- Tap the More options > Advanced > Audio-only mode option while you are connected to the audio portion of the meeting.
- The Audio-only mode can be disabled by swiping right on the screen.
While muted, you will remain muted if you enable the Audio-only mode.
Furthermore, the app can detect if your device’s battery is about to run out before the scheduled end time of an active meeting, and can provide you with the option of switching to Audio-only mode in that case.
Use People Insights
If you would like to know more about how to use People Insights on your mobile device, please see the following links:
Create or edit your People Insights profile
View someone’s People Insights profile during a meeting
Hide or show your People Insights profile in a meeting
Lock and unlock your Personal Room
Your Personal Room can’t be entered by participants when you aren’t in it. You are responsible for controlling access to your Personal Room once you are logged in.
- Tap More options > Lock room if you wish to lock your Personal Room.
- Then tap More options > Unlock room to unlock your Personal Room.
As soon as you lock your Personal Room, a red indicator appears above Participants when an individual enters the lobby after you’ve locked your Personal Room.
Manage your Personal Room lobby
You will receive a notification when participants try to join the meeting if you lock your Personal Room, which you and your cohosts can view. You can let only one person in the lobby if there is only one person waiting there, or you can remove the person from your list of people you want to enter. You will receive a notification when more participants wait in the lobby, which will update you on how many people are in the lobby, and you will need to manage the lobby from the Participants panel as more people arrive.
- Tap Participants and then tap the notification to see the attendees waiting in your Personal Room lobby. You will then be able to see their names.
- Based on the information next to each name on the list, take a look at the list of participants who are waiting to join and decide whether or not to admit or remove them:
Internal—In order to participate in the meeting, you must be a valid Webex participant as well as the meeting host.
External—Webex meeting participants who are not members of the meeting host’s organization who are authenticated.
Unverified—Participant who is not authenticated.
For both internal and external participants, the domain name appears on the screen.
- The participants that you wish to allow into the meeting can be selected, and then you can choose whether to let them in or remove them as a member of the meeting.
Select the person from the Participants panel and select Move to Lobby to temporarily excuse them from a meeting. When you do this, the person will be removed from the meeting.
Leave or end a meeting
Choose from one of the following options when you tap End or Leave meeting:
You can leave the meeting by tapping the Leave meeting button.
You can leave the meeting or end the meeting for everyone if you are the host.
The host of a meeting can leave the meeting by assigning a participant the host privileges before leaving the meeting in order for the meeting to continue.
As the co-host of a meeting, you are able to leave the meeting or end it if you wish to do so. In Meetings, you are asked if you want to close the meeting for all participants or if you want to end it for yourself.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can you use Webex from your phone?
When you’re on the go, you can connect to meetings using the Meetings mobile app, which can be installed on either iOS or Android devices, so you can stay in touch while you’re on the go. If you enjoy participating in meetings, setting up meetings, sharing content, managing settings, or even connecting to video devices, then this interface is the right one for you.
Can you use Webex from a Android phone?
If you would like to attend meetings on your phone or tablet, you can use the Android and iOS versions of WebEx. The following instructions will guide you through the process of installing the app. If you do not know where to go, go to the App Store or Google Play Store on your device. You can find Webex Meetings by searching for it and clicking on it.
Can you join a Webex meeting from an iPhone?
A confirmation email will be sent to you once your account has been activated. I suggest you download the app to your Apple iPhone or iPad using the link you received in your email from the Apple Store. In addition to this, you can also search for “Cisco WebEx Meetings” in the Apple App Store using the search engine on your iPhone or iPad. The Meet Anywhere category is where you will find this app.
Do I need Webex app to join a meeting?
Joining a Webex meeting does not require you to have a Webex account.
It is still possible to join the meeting even if you are unable to download a meeting installer because you can still use the browser. A web browser is all you need to launch it, and you do not need to install anything.
What’s the difference between Webex and Webex Meetings?
It is possible to connect audio via Call me in Webex Meetings, where you will not be able to do the same in Webex Teams. The Webex Teams application allows you to store documents and files, but the Webex Meetings application does not. In Webex Meetings, ad-hoc meetings are conducted using Meet Now. Share the link for the meeting on Webex Meetings.
How do I attend a Webex meeting?
Click on the Join meeting button. You will receive an email invitation with a link to join the meeting. Once you open the email, you will click on the link called Join Meeting. You will need to enter your name and e-mail address into the text box, and then select Join Meeting from the menu. It is now time for the installation of the desktop app for Webex Meetings.
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