Is there a Standalone Player for Viewing WRF Files in webex
Is there a standalone player for viewing WRF files?
Is there a standalone player for WRF files on Windows?
Is there a standalone player for WRF files on a Mac?
How can I provide attendees a link to download the WRF player?
MP4 Recordings Default in Webex Meetings 40.10
The upcoming October update (40.10) will feature new video-centric features in Webex Meetings including the ability to record new meetings in MP4 format, either in the cloud or locally, based on the settings set by a site administrator or host. In addition to being able to choose from a wider selection of playback tools, you will also be able to improve security and enjoy an enhanced collaboration experience resulting from a standard recording format. On the Webex site, you will still be able to download or play recordings that have already been made for the ARF and WRF. Webex Meetings and Webex Events can record video-centric network-based MP4 files for more information.
In addition to WRF’s standalone players, there are also Mac and Windows versions. Webex requires a host account in order to download the WRF player.
Follow the steps below to download the standalone WRF player:
You can access your Webex account by logging in. (For example,
The left side of the page has a section for selecting service types. The following Webex services are available: Webex Training, Webex Events (classic), or Webex Support.
Select Downloads from the Support section.
Click the link to Recording and Playback under the Recorders and Players section.
Provide the attendees with the links above if the host would like them to download the players. You can this by right-clicking on the link of the player you want to copy, as well as copying the URL. Once this link is pasted, it can be sent via email or posted on a website. Participants don’t have to log in to download players using this method.
For more information about downloading Webex players, visit
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