Known Issues and Limitations for the Webex Meetings Desktop Application
Known Issues and Limitations for the Webex Meetings Desktop Application
Mac Outlook Plugin in the Cisco Webex Desktop App Requires Upgrade to Version 39.5.1
When users open an appointment and try to change it, the Webex Mac Outlook plugin continues to display Add Webex Meeting even though it does not recognize Webex meetings in Mac Outlook 16.23 or later for Microsoft Office 365.
You will need to upgrade your Webex Outlook plugin to WBS39.5.1 or a later version in order to restore this compatibility between the Webex Mac Outlook plugin and the Windows Outlook plugin.
For these changes:
- The administrator of the site is responsible for checking. Configure the Cisco Webex Site Administration’s Configuration > Common Site Settings > Third-Party Integration to automatically join people with this Webex site if the email address associated with their Webex account is identical to the email address associated with their Microsoft Office 365 account.
- Within the Webex Site Administration interface, the administrator needs to grant Webex permission to access Microsoft Office 365. To get started with the procedure, select the Add New Authorization option.
- Make sure that the email address that is used in Webex is the same as the email address that is used for the Microsoft 365 account, and also make sure that the Webex email address is confirmed.
Known Issues with the Webex Outlook plugin WBS39.5.1
- The Webex Personal Room meeting information cannot be removed when selecting Cancel Webex Meeting in Mac Outlook if the meeting was formed or changed using the Webex Outlook plugin for Windows. This is an issue that arises during interoperability with the Personal Room meeting. Cancelling the appointment in Outlook is one way to get around this problem.
- Interoperability problem with the PCN meeting: When users access the appointment in Mac Outlook, the button continues to display Add Webex Meeting even if the meeting was initially established or edited by the Webex Windows Outlook plugin. There is no other way around this.
- The following is the issue’s scheduled maintenance for MAC outlook version 16.25 (19051201): It has been discovered that Mac Outlook has a flaw, and this flaw has an effect on the Webex Scheduler. Both the slow channel 16.26 (19053000) and the fast channel 16.27 (19060500) of Microsoft Office contain the remedy for this Outlook bug. When an assistant opens the calendar of another person and attempts to establish an appointment for that person, the appointment is instead created for the assistant. This error occurs when the calendar is opened. Upgrade to Mac Outlook 16.26 or a later version to work around this issue.
When a site that has upgraded to the latest version of the Webex Mac Outlook plugin (39.5.1), but does not meet the preconditions, attempts to modify or amend a Webex meeting, the site receives an error message.
Backward compatibility
The old Webex Windows and Mac Outlook plugins were used to arrange the meetings, and the new version does not fix the problems that were caused by those plugins. When users make an attempt to edit or amend a Webex meeting, they are met with the same error notice.
- In order to accommodate this change, Cisco Webex has redirected the primary service to GSB.
- Users will be unable to create or change Webex meetings by using the Webex Mac Outlook plugin if this upgrade is not installed.
- Only websites that have their Auto Update setting turned on will be given this update automatically.
General Cisco Webex Meetings Desktop App Known Issues and Limitations
- There are now two separate entries in the Windows application list following the installation of the Webex desktop app. When you choose any option for removal, the other option is also removed.
- Two Webex icons will appear on the task bar of the user’s computer once the desktop app has been used to initiate a meeting. These two will eventually be combined into one.
- After making a change to the DPI setting in Microsoft Windows, the display of the user interface may appear distorted. To fix that, you’ll need to sign out of Windows and then back into it again.
- There is currently no support for scheduling in Microsoft Outlook using an account that was set up via Google Calendar.
- Only if Microsoft Outlook is installed on the computer and the user is logged in can the desktop software see the meeting list. The very first time they use the application, Mac users are required to configure their Outlook account by entering their email address and password.
- Because Windows 7 is missing some library files that Outlook 2016 requires, it is possible that the desktop software will not be able to scrape the meeting list from the Outlook calendar for users who are running Outlook 2016 and are running Windows 7. You can obtain the Visual C++ Redistributable Packages by going to the website maintained by Microsoft. This problem is not present in Windows 7 and Outlook 2013, respectively.
- When Windows users attempt to read the meeting list from the Outlook calendar, the desktop software may give them a MAPI error. Close the Outlook application, then start it back up again.
- When users attempt to begin or join a Webex meeting that requires authentication on a different site, the meeting application will first direct the user to the browser in order to complete the necessary steps. Users of Cisco Webex Events and Cisco Webex Training will also initially be sent to the browser.
- When users try to join a meeting on a Webex site that is different from the site that signed in through the desktop app, the start and join flows are sent to the browser first rather than opening the Webex Meetings application. This occurs because the desktop app signs users in to the site that they signed in to when they signed up for the desktop app.
- When users on Windows click the Connect to a Device button on the desktop software, the exclusive mode is the only one that will be used to try to couple the user’s device with Cisco video devices that are nearby. This indicates that other apps that are running in exclusive mode either impede the pairing or have an impact on it.
- It is possible that the Windows proximity pairing function will not operate if the Enable Audio Enhancements setting is turned on. you avoid this, make sure you take the following precautions:
- pick Properties from the drop-down menu that appears when you pick the Recording tab in the Windows Sound configuration screen. After that, deselect the box labeled Enable audio enhancements.
- Only the content that is displayed on the primary screen of a computer that has multiple displays will be transmitted to any associated Cisco video devices.
- Cisco video devices will not be identified by proximity on a computer if the computer has a headphone that is connected in to it.
- “Share On Device” allows you to wirelessly project your desktop onto the screen of the video system without the need for Webex Meetings when the endpoint is associated with a desktop application.
- The information about meetings that is shared through the Hybrid Calendar Service is not displayed in the desktop application for Webex Meetings.
- If you use Webex as the calendar that you use for your meeting list, any meetings that are planned to take place in Personal Rooms will not be displayed.
- Because of safety concerns, the Webex Meetings Desktop software cannot link with a device that has a public IP address while using the Proximity feature.