Known Issues and Limitations for Webex Meetings
Known Issues and Limitations for the Webex Meetings Desktop Application
Mac Outlook Plugin in the Cisco Webex Desktop App Requires Upgrade to Version 39.5.1
When users open an appointment and try to change it, the Webex Mac Outlook plugin continues to display Add Webex Meeting even though it does not recognize Webex meetings in Mac Outlook 16.23 or later for Microsoft Office 365.
You will need to upgrade your Webex Outlook plugin to WBS39.5.1 or a later version in order to restore this compatibility between the Webex Mac Outlook plugin and the Windows Outlook plugin.
For these changes:
- The administrator of the site is responsible for checking. Configure the Cisco Webex Site Administration’s Configuration > Common Site Settings > Third-Party Integration to automatically join people with this Webex site if the email address associated with their Webex account is identical to the email address associated with their Microsoft Office 365 account.
- Within the Webex Site Administration interface, the administrator needs to grant Webex permission to access Microsoft Office 365. To get started with the procedure, select the Add New Authorization option.
- See the article “Deploy and Configure the Cisco Webex Scheduler for Microsoft 365” for further information on how to deploy and configure the Cisco Webex Scheduler for Microsoft 365.
- Make sure that the email address that is used in Webex is the same as the email address that is used for the Microsoft 365 account, and also make sure that the Webex email address is confirmed.
Known Issues with the Webex Outlook plugin WBS39.5.1
- Interoperability problem with the Personal Room meeting: If the meeting was formed or changed via the Webex Outlook plugin for Windows, the information about the Webex Personal Room meeting cannot be erased when selecting Cancel Webex Meeting in Mac Outlook. Cancelling the appointment in Outlook is a workaround that can be used.
- Interoperability problem with the PCN meeting: When users access the appointment in Mac Outlook, the button will continue to display Add Webex Meeting even if the meeting was initially established or edited via the Webex Windows Outlook plugin. There is no way around this problem.
- The following is the schedule for the issue that was found in MAC outlook version 16.25 (19051201): It has been determined that a flaw in Mac Outlook has an effect on the Webex Scheduler. This Outlook flaw was addressed in the Microsoft Office slow channel 16.26 (19053000), and it was addressed in the Microsoft Office fast channel 16.27 (19060500). Because of this bug, when an assistant opens the calendar of another person and tries to set an appointment for that person, the appointment is instead generated for the assistant. The workaround involves upgrading to a version of Mac Outlook later than 16.26.
When a site that has upgraded to the latest version of the Webex Mac Outlook plugin (39.5.1), but does not meet the preconditions, attempts to modify or amend a Webex meeting, the site receives an error message.
Backward compatibility
The old Webex Windows and Mac Outlook plugins were used to arrange the meetings, and the new version does not fix the problems that were caused by those plugins. When users make an attempt to edit or amend a Webex meeting, they are met with the same error notice.
- In order to accommodate this change, Cisco Webex has redirected the primary service to GSB.
- Users will be unable to create or change Webex meetings by using the Webex Mac Outlook plugin if this upgrade is not installed.
- Only websites that have their Auto Update setting turned on will be given this update automatically.
General Cisco Webex Meetings Desktop App Known Issues and Limitations
- There are now two separate entries in the Windows application list following the installation of the Webex desktop app. When you choose any option for removal, the other option is also removed.
- Two Webex icons will appear on the task bar of the user’s computer once the desktop app has been used to initiate a meeting. These two will eventually be combined into one.
- After making a change to the DPI setting in Microsoft Windows, the display of the user interface may appear distorted. To fix that, you’ll need to sign out of Windows and then back into it again.
- There is currently no support for scheduling in Microsoft Outlook using an account that was set up via Google Calendar.
- Only if Microsoft Outlook is installed on the computer and the user is logged in can the desktop software see the meeting list. The very first time they use the application, Mac users are required to configure their Outlook account by entering their email address and password.
- Because Windows 7 is missing some library files that Outlook 2016 requires, it is possible that the desktop software will not be able to scrape the meeting list from the Outlook calendar for users who are running Outlook 2016 and are running the operating system Windows 7. You can obtain the Visual C++ Redistributable Packages by going to the website maintained by Microsoft. This problem is not present in Windows 7 and Outlook 2013, respectively.
- Whenever the desktop program for Windows attempts to read the meeting list from the Outlook calendar, users of Windows can receive a MAPI error. Close the Outlook application, then start it back up again.
- When users try to start or join Webex meetings that require authentication on a different site, the meeting application will first redirect user to the browser. This is done in order to fulfill the authentication requirements of the other site. Users of Cisco Webex Events and Cisco Webex Training will also initially be sent to the browser.
- When users try to join a meeting on a Webex site that is different from the site that signed in through the desktop app, the start and join flows are redirected to the browser first rather than opening the Webex Meetings program. This is done in order to prevent users from accidentally joining the wrong meeting.
- When users on Windows click the Connect to a Device button on the desktop software, the exclusive mode is the only one that will be used to try to couple the user’s device with Cisco video devices that are nearby. This indicates that other apps that are running in exclusive mode either impede the pairing or have an impact on it.
- It is possible that the Windows proximity pairing function will not operate if the Enable Audio Enhancements setting is turned on. you avoid this, make sure you take the following precautions:
- pick Properties from the drop-down menu that appears when you pick the Recording tab in the Windows Sound configuration screen. After that, deselect the box labeled Enable audio enhancements.
- Only the content that is displayed on the primary screen of a computer that has multiple displays will be transmitted to any associated Cisco video devices.
- Cisco video devices will not be identified by proximity on a computer if the computer has a headphone that is connected in to it.
- “Share On Device” allows you to wirelessly project your desktop onto the screen of the video system without the need for Webex Meetings when the endpoint is associated with a desktop application.
- The information about meetings that is shared through the Hybrid Calendar Service is not displayed in the desktop application for Webex Meetings.
- If you use Webex as the calendar that you use for your meeting list, any meetings that are planned to take place in Personal Rooms will not be displayed.
- Because of safety concerns, the Webex Meetings Desktop software cannot link with a device that has a public IP address while using the Proximity feature.
Webex video platform version 2 known issues
Only Webex Meetings sites that have the Media Resource Type list accessible in the Cloud Collaboration Meeting Room site options are eligible to use this section of the documentation. For further information, please get in touch with your system administrator.
H.264 video codec required for content sharing
The H.264 video codec is the only one that is supported for content sharing. Older video systems that do not support the H.264 codec will be unable to share content because of this limitation.
In-meeting video thumbnail experience
Any cascades that occur in Webex Meetings are restricted to a maximum of six streams moving in each direction at any given moment. Participants in Webex Meetings, for instance, are only able to view a maximum of six video streams generated by Webex Video Platform users who are connected to the meeting via Webex Cisco Webex, Webex Room and Desk Devices, Skype for Business, and any other SIP or H.323 devices that are linked to the meeting. Similarly, users of the Webex Video Platform can only view up to six other participants while utilizing any of the Webex Meetings tools, which include desktop, mobile, and web apps. Additionally, any participants that are linked through Webex Video Mesh nodes have the same limitation between their particular Webex Video Mesh node and devices or apps that are connected directly to the Webex cloud or other Webex Video Mesh nodes. This limitation applies to all participants that are connected through Webex Video Mesh nodes.
On-premises-registered video device roster
There is a cap placed on the total number of participants that can be viewed on a video device roster that is registered on the premises. As a consequence of this, the roster may not accurately reflect the entire number of people that attended the meeting, as shown in the desktop application for Webex Meetings.
Known Issues and Limitations for Video (WBS30)
This section outlines the known problems and constraints that are associated with Webex integrated video. See the Cross-platform Features and Known Issues page for further information about the web browsers, operating systems, and versions of Webex that are supported, as well as the known issues that affect other Webex services.
High-definition video
During application, desktop, and streaming media sharing, the high-definition video will not play by default. When those functions are complete, it will start operating normally once more.
Medianet and IPv6 support
At this time, only IPv4 addresses are supported by Medianet and metadata, despite the fact that the Webex program supports IPv6. The addition of support for IPv6 is planned for a subsequent edition.
Streaming media in Webex Meetings stops presenter’s video
Playing video from a file and sharing it with all of the participants in Cisco Webex Events needs the presenter’s video camera to be stopped. Only a single video stream at a time can be transmitted by the presenter. After the presenter has done streaming the file or media, the video camera can have its power restored so that it can be used once more.
This restriction has been put in place to safeguard customers from potential bandwidth concerns that could be brought on by an increase in video traffic if several non-thumbnail video streams are distributed to a significant number of participants at the same time. It is anticipated that the restriction will be eliminated at some point in the near future.
Webex Video and CMR Hybrid common issues
The following problems are seen frequently in Webex video meetings as well as in CMR Hybrid (Webex-enabled TelePresence) gatherings:
Sending video from Webex applications to video conferencing systems or applications
When using TelePresence (or any other video conferencing system or application) in conjunction with Webex, the video resolution of the meeting will always begin at the highest possible quality, regardless of whether it is a Webex video conference or a CMR Hybrid meeting. Everyone who is participating will have access to high-definition footage if it is made accessible. The resolution between TelePresence and Webex will be reduced in order to accommodate any participant on the Webex side who is experiencing bad network conditions. As a direct consequence of this, the video resolution for all of the other participants will be subpar. The minimum bit rate that a Webex application must be able to process from the Webex Cloud in order to be able to receive video as well as application or screen sharing material (formerly referred to as “desktop sharing”) is 1.2 Mbps. If you enter a value that is lower than that, the Webex application will just display the shared screen or application.
Users will see a “low-bandwidth” warning message instead of receiving TelePresence video starting with WBS29.11. This will occur if the Webex application is unable to maintain the 1.2 Mbps bit rate as described above due to conditions that are local to the Webex application, such as high CPU or RAM use, or if the network bandwidth available to the Webex application is inadequate. Users of Webex applications running WBS29.11 and later versions will have the ability to retest their connection to the Webex Cloud automatically on a periodic basis to determine whether or not any network or local circumstances have been resolved. They will be able to resume transmitting and receiving video if they are capable of sending and receiving video at a bit rate of 1.2 Mbps or higher.
In-meeting video experience
Users of Webex are only able to view the video endpoint of the currently active speaker or the most recently active speaker within the Webex application. Users of the video endpoint who are not currently speaking will not be displayed in the Webex application.
Users using video endpoints can only view the currently active speaker or the speaker who was the most recently active in Webex on their screens. Users of Webex who are not now conversing will not appear on the users’ screens.
It is possible for the video for a particular TelePresence room to appear as the active speaker in a Webex meeting if there is background noise in the room where the TelePresence room is being used. If it becomes necessary, the host has the ability to lock the video display of another participant’s video by utilizing the Lock Video command.
During a Webex video conferencing conference or a CMR Hybrid meeting, participants’ videos who have joined the meeting from Apple iPads or iPhones over 4G LTE will not be viewable on TelePresence systems, but their audio will still be accessible. This is in contrast to the situation where participants’ audio will be accessible. This issue arises due to the fact that sending video to TelePresence systems requires the use of 180 p video, however sending 180 p video over mobile networks is not enabled due to the restrictions that the Apple iTunes store for programs stipulates.
Full-screen video view
When a presenter transitions to full-screen video view while simultaneously sharing his or her screen, application, or document with participants, sharing on the participant side is paused (the most recently shared screen freezes). When the presenter returns to a view that isn’t full screen, the sharing feature will immediately start up again.
When the presenter stops sharing, participants remain in full-screen video view; however, when the presenter begins sharing again, participants are instantly taken out of full-screen video view.
Users of the Mac or PC Webex program with two monitors can view full-screen view on one monitor and full-screen view or application sharing on the other monitor by dragging the video window to the other display and selecting the “View all participants in full-screen view” option. This allows users to view full-screen view on one monitor and full-screen view or application sharing on the other monitor.
Presenter may unintentionally disable video for all participants
If a Webex user who is the presenter in the meeting unchecks the Video option in the Meeting Options dialog box, video is disabled for all participants in the conference, regardless of whether they entered through a Webex meeting application or from a video conferencing system. This behavior applies to all participants in the meeting. It is the responsibility of whoever is hosting the meeting or the person who is now presenting to ensure that the Video option in the Meeting Options dialog box is selected.
Prompted to install Webex Meetings multiple times
Even if you have already loaded the desktop app, you may see the installation screen again the next time you attend a meeting through your web browser if you delete your cookies in Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Safari. This is the case even if you have already installed the desktop app. If you click the installation file, the desktop application will begin to run.
Recording playback on mobile devices
A mobile device is unable to play back a recording that was created over a network.
Default meeting templates
This option is enabled by default in the meeting scheduler on your Webex site if the “First attendee to join will be presenter” option is enabled in the Site Administration section of your Webex site. It is also enabled in the default meeting template that you use in Productivity Tools to schedule Webex meetings using Microsoft Outlook. You can find it under the “Meetings” tab. Users will not lose access to their own individualized meeting templates, which they have previously established. It is necessary for a host to manually enable the setting in the custom templates in order for the first participant to join a meeting to automatically become the presenter. If a host schedules meetings using custom templates, attendees must manually enable the setting.
Network-based recordings
For recordings that are stored on a network, a bandwidth of at least 2.0 megabits per second is required for smooth playback; otherwise, pauses may occur.
MP4 Playback in non-Webex Meetings video meetings not supported for the Webex Meetings desktop app for Linux
Users of the Linux desktop app for Webex Meetings are unable to start or join a video meeting hosted by a third-party service that has MP4 playback enabled. They get a warning notice informing them that their operating system is not supported for this meeting. This is due to the fact that Linux is the only operating system that supports the ARF recording format.
We highly recommend the Webex Meetings web app for users of Linux who require MP4 playback capability in video conferences that are not hosted by Webex.
Active audio-only meetings recycled
Even if the meetings were hosted or joined inside the 90-day or 180-day recycle periods for audio-only meetings, the meetings are recycled according to the 90-day meetings recycle period or the 180-day recurring meetings recycle period.
Personal Rooms
Windows 8 mobile devices and the Webex Meetings desktop client for Linux are supported.You will not be able to start a meeting in your Personal Room or host one if you are using a device that runs Windows Phone 8 or the Webex Meetings desktop client for Linux.
When beginning or hosting meetings from within their Personal Rooms, Linux users should utilize the Webex Meetings web tool as our recommendation.
Personal Room lobby—The following electronic gadgets or software programs prohibit their users from waiting in the lobby when a Personal Room is locked: Desktop application for Linux, TelePresence devices, and Windows Phone 8 devices designed for use with Webex Meetings. Users who simply join the audio component of the conference are not permitted to wait in the lobby while a Personal Room is being locked. These users will receive a notification informing them that the room is locked; nonetheless, they will be unable to enter the room until the lock on it is removed.
We strongly suggest that anyone using Linux download and use the Webex Meetings web client in order to wait in a lobby while a Personal Room is being locked.
Webex Meetings web app
Video Limitation
When the video conferencing feature of Webex Meetings is turned off for the host account, VoIP calls are not supported.
Slow join times after a major upgrade
You may experience a lengthy load time after a significant upgrade to the Webex Meetings Suite, which has more new features than a usual service pack release. This is because more files need to be downloaded and installed after the upgrade. The amount of traffic on your network and the bandwidth available to your computer at the time of the download both affect how long it takes for files to load. In general, load times might be anything between 20 seconds and three minutes or even longer.
One meeting at a time
Users on Mac computers are only allowed to participate in a single meeting at a time.
In-meeting experience
- When Korean is selected as the language to use, the characters that make up the meeting topic might not always be correct.
- When a participant is viewing content that has been shared with them while in full-screen mode on a Mac, the video settings button does not appear in the Participants panel.
- Support for screen readers and navigating using the keyboard:
- The Tab key cannot be used to navigate through the video thumbnail items in the Participant panel.
- The Tab key cannot be used to navigate some of the items in the file sharing panel or the Polling panel at this time.
- The Tab key cannot be used to navigate the items that are visible when the video is being viewed in full screen mode.
- Screen readers are unable to interact with elements contained within the video user interface.
- Screen reader support is not currently available for video thumbnail items.
- Screen readers are not supported by the participant list that is contained within the Participant panel.
- Screen readers are unable to interact with certain components of the Polling panel and the file sharing system.
- When viewing a file that has been shared via using file sharing, the Pan tool will not be available to you.
- Linux users are unable to access the newly designed user interface.
- On a Mac, the information that the presenter annotates during application sharing or screen sharing (formerly known as desktop sharing) and takes notes or produces a poll cannot be preserved. This applies even if the presenter annotates while taking notes or creating a poll.
- When an annotation is being used during the sharing process on a Mac, the annotation choice that was most recently used is not remembered if the user switches from tab view to full-screen view.
- If an audience turns their screen saver on and then the presenter starts file sharing, the screen saver will exit itself immediately on some versions of Windows as well as on Linux workstations. This behavior is similar to what happens when a Linux user logs in.
- After upgrading to this edition, it is possible that some of the custom Quick Start templates you generated with previous versions of Webex Meetings will no longer function properly.
- When uploading a particularly large Microsoft PowerPoint file to share in the conference, there is a possibility that the presenter’s connection to the meeting will become severed in a few instances.
Initials in avatars
When there isn’t an image available to use for an avatar, the first letter of a user’s first name and the first letter of the user’s last name are substituted for it. Users whose second names are composed of more than one word will have their names incorrectly shown as three letters. For instance, “Mary Van Buren” and “Robert Smith Jr.” will be displayed as “MB” and “RJ” respectively.
Anyone can share feature
- On the Webex Meetings desktop client, Linux users cannot access the Anyone Can Share functionality because it is not supported by their operating system. Additionally, mobile users who are utilizing older versions of the Webex Meetings mobile app are unable to access it at this time. This function will be supported in the Webex Meetings app version 6.6 or later for iOS devices like the iPhone and iPad, and in version 6.5 or later for Android devices like phones and tablets. If the mobile app in question has the capability to act as a presenter, then even users of older versions of the application on mobile devices have the potential to become presenters by having the presenter function delegated to them.
To access the Anyone Can Share functionality, we advise Linux users to use the Webex Meetings web app instead of the desktop client.
- Participants in a meeting who are utilizing older versions of the Webex Meetings app for iPhone, iPad, and Android devices will still be able to share content even if the host begins the meeting on a desktop computer and later decides to stop the functionality that allows anyone in the meeting to share content during the course of the conference.
- Users of the Webex Meetings mobile app will not have the ability to turn off the Anyone Can Share function while they are in a meeting; instead, the app will adhere to the settings that have been determined by the site administration for that feature.
Host role taken over by a joining alternate host
Even though the host of a meeting or session has already joined, it is possible for an alternate host to step in and take over the hosting responsibilities in certain situations. In the event that this happens, we strongly suggest that the alternate host gives the host role back to the host.
Links generated by Webex Meetings and Webex recording services
Changes are being made by Cisco to strengthen the management of cryptographic keys that are used to generate URLs that are used in the Webex Meetings Suite and the Webex recording services. These changes are being made as part of our ongoing improvements to improve the security of our systems. As a direct consequence of this, pre-existing links that were produced by those services have been updated, and in certain cases, new linkages have been created.
Multi-monitor support in Windows 10
When you share content from a secondary screen that has a higher resolution than your primary screen, the content you share may not display in its entirety or may display only a portion of it. We suggest that you change the display settings in your copy of Windows such that the monitor with the most horizontal space is designated as the primary display.
Shared documents display quality
For the purpose of importing documents that are not natively supported, Webex Meetings makes use of a printer driver interface. The presentation quality of documents that are shared in Print Driver mode, such as those created with Microsoft Word, Excel, and Adobe PDF, cannot be greater than the quality of a hard-copy printout of the same document that was produced by a physical printer. This problem becomes more apparent when the documents in question incorporate images of text.
Cropped, cut off, or misplaced drawing objects
Drawing objects whose coordinates fall partially or entirely outside the range of 15-bit twips (32768 × 32768 twips = 22.75 x 22.75 inches) are either not rendered at all, cut off, or misplaced. This includes the standard PD drawing objects, photos, and annotations, as well as UCF objects. Screen resolution and screen size both have a role in determining the actual size of a pixel’s representation.
We strongly suggest that you resize any huge documents so that they can be accommodated within the coordinate range that was presented earlier.
Microsoft Office 2013 and later support
- When it comes to sharing PowerPoint files, the following functionalities are not supported if you have Microsoft Office 2013 or a later version installed on your computer:
- Animations and transitions
- Embedded video or audio files
- UCF Toolkit
- If you have modified your Info Tab in any way, there is a possibility that certain custom elements will not be supported. It is strongly suggested that you validate it in order to guarantee that it will continue to display in the appropriate manner in a Webex meeting.
- In exceptional circumstances, one might run across issues such as the following:
There is a possibility that the colors of the text and fill will vary somewhat from the real colors used in a slide.
- There is a possibility that a slide is missing certain graphic elements.
- There is a possibility that the fonts will appear fuzzy on a slide or that they will differ from the original.
- It’s possible that the sizes of the forms won’t be exactly the same as the originals.
- If an object in a PowerPoint presentation does not display correctly when the presentation is in edit mode, the object is automatically deleted when the presentation is viewed in Slide Show view. However, the object may continue to display when the file is shared in a Webex meeting since Webex does not automatically remove objects that do not display correctly.
- Using the function that allows you to share files, you cannot distribute password-protected PowerPoint 2013 presentations. Instead, you should use the capabilities that allow you to share applications or your desktop.
- Using Windows 8’s built-in file sharing capability, it is not possible to collaborate on Excel 2013 documents. Instead, you should make use of the features that allow you to share applications or your screen (these functions were originally known as “desktop sharing”).
- Using the file sharing feature on Windows 8 (64-bit), it is not possible to collaborate on Word 2013 (64-bit) documents with other users. Instead, you should use the features for sharing the application or the screen.’
Tagging internal participants
In the following instances, participation tags for internal participants do not appear:
- When a person logs in using their mobile device
- In the event that a participant using One-Touch TelePresence Plus does not make use of SAML single sign-on:
- During the Personal Conference sessions of the meetings
File sharing
During file sharing, if you are the host using Windows and you do not have a universal printer driver that is installed on your system, you will not be able to share any file types other than those associated with Microsoft PowerPoint. In this scenario, the operating system will give you the choice to switch from file sharing to application sharing instead of continuing, or it will prompt you to install a universal printer driver before continuing. (A driver that is compatible with any printer is already pre-installed on computers running Windows 7.)
Streaming media sharing
The video resolution for attendees has been optimized to 480p. The resolution of video files that have a greater original resolution is scaled down to 640 pixels by 480 pixels. At this time, support is provided for the following varieties of multimedia file: WMV, WMA, WAV, MP3, ASF, AVI, MPG, MPEG, FLV, F4V, and MP4.
System requirements recommended for video file sharing on the Presenter side are as follows:
Core2-Duo E6750 @ 2.66GHz for VGA file is required
AMD 9650 2.3GHz (4 core) 8GB is preferred
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo -E7400 2.8GHz 2.79GHz is preferred
Audio switching to internal speakers when file sharing
Sharing a file with sound, such as a WRF file, causes the Webex Meetings application to switch to the internal speakers, even if you have the external source selected in the Webex Meetings sound settings. This occurs even if you are using an external audio device, such as headphones or external speakers. As soon as you stop sharing the file, the application will switch back to using the external device.
Unable to join meeting
If NTLM authentication is enabled with the ISA proxy, it’s possible that Linux and Unix users won’t be able to join the conference. As a workaround, the Webex Meetings online tool is one that we strongly suggest users of Linux download and utilize.
Viewing Office 2007 and later documents
When the presenter shares a Microsoft Office 2007 or later document, attendees who join the conference through the Webex Meetings desktop software for Linux or Unix may experience display difficulties. For instance, it’s possible that certain animations and visuals won’t be displayed at all or would appear distorted. We strongly suggest that guests make use of the Webex Meetings online application as a solution.
Microsoft Office PowerPoint
It is possible that text that is copied from a web page and then put into the notes panel in Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 and subsequent versions will not render correctly. The text can be copied into Microsoft Word or Microsoft Notepad, and then the text can be copied again from that editor into the notes section. This is a workaround.
Importing contacts into Microsoft Outlook 2010
Microsoft Outlook 2010 64-bit does not support importing your company’s address book into your Webex Meetings contacts. This functionality is not available.
Closing a meeting
If there are many tabs open in the browser and the Webex Meetings “Meeting in Progress” page is not the tab that is now in the foreground, the meeting manager cannot be stopped in Internet Explorer 7. If another tab is on top of the Webex Meetings page, then the “Close meeting” confirmation dialog box will be hidden from view. This is the cause for this behavior.
Full-screen video view
When the presenter switches to full-screen video view while sharing his or her screen (formerly referred to as “desktop sharing”), an application, or a document, sharing is paused on the audience side (the last-shared screen freezes), and this occurs only if the attendee only has a single monitor. When the presenter returns to a view that isn’t full screen, the sharing feature will immediately start up again.
When the presenter stops sharing, attendees remain in full-screen video view; however, when the presenter begins sharing again, attendees are instantly removed from full-screen video view.
If the presenter has access to two or more monitors, they will have the ability to effortlessly switch between full-screen video view on one display and content sharing on another monitor.
Automatically restarting a meeting on a backup site
When a site becomes offline and immediately redirects to your backup site that was backed up with the Webex Global Site Backup (GSB) system, there is no automated shared state recovery that takes place. When the Meeting window is reconnected to the meeting that is taking place on a backup site, the state of the shared content is lost, and the presenter will need to begin sharing information again.
End-to-end encryption using PKI
It is no longer possible to encrypt data used in meetings using a public and private key pair that is supplied by the administrator of the hosting site; this feature is no longer supported. Only an automatically generated session key can be used to achieve end-to-end encryption during a live meeting. This option will remain available.
Denied access on iOS device after upgrade
If you try to join a meeting from your iOS device, you can see an error notice that says “The version of your Webex Meetings application is not compatible with the current Webex service.” This could prevent you from doing so. Immediately upgrade the application.” This is because there is a security option that, with any mobile app upgrade, requires protected access to be enforced.
Overlapping meetings prematurely ending
There are times when meetings that overlap will finish at the same time as the first meeting.
For instance, if a host schedules a daily repeat meeting with a duration of 24 hours and a starting time of 8:00 a.m., and if the meeting supports joining before the host 15 minutes before the meeting start, and if the host is not present, the meeting ends at 8:00 a.m., and the host and participants must join the meeting again. In this scenario, the host must join the meeting again.
Limitations during screen sharing
Even if the presenter on the computer being remotely controlled is sharing their screen, you are unable to interact with the system apps that are running on that machine.
Unable to join before host when meeting has already been started
When hosts schedule a meeting in Microsoft Outlook and check the box that says Attendees can join meeting X minutes before starting time, if the meeting has already been started once on the same day, attendees can only connect to the meeting audio using their computer after the hosts start the conference. This is the case even if the hosts schedule the meeting in Microsoft Outlook and check the box that says Attendees can join meeting X minutes before starting time. This is a safety measure that has been taken.
High frame rate content sharing
When the option Optimized for motion and video is selected for a Webex Meeting, there is a possibility that certain participants will experience sporadic difficulties in their ability to view content that has been shared. A solution is being considered for a subsequent update. If the problem still exists after that time, you will probably need to deactivate this option.
Unable to pair with Proximity
Because of security concerns, the Webex Meetings desktop client cannot pair with a device that has a public IP address while utilizing Proximity.
Remote Desktop Protocol
The Remote Desktop Protocol cannot be used with Webex Meetings since it is not supported.
Certain meetings don’t appear in your calendar without Hybrid Calendar
The following meetings will not show up on your calendar on your Webex site or in the Webex Meetings app if you do not have Hybrid Calendar:
- Personal Room meetings
- Meetings that you didn’t receive a direct invite to (forwarded invites or invites sent to a distribution list)
- Meetings hosted on a different Webex site
Known issues and limitations for Events (classic)
Starting events when Events (classic) is disabled
In the case that the administrator of your site has disabled Events (classic), you will not be able to begin previously booked events from the Webex site. Instead, initiate the event via the calendar application on your device or the email invitation.
Recording playback on mobile devices
A mobile device is unable to play back a recording that was created over a network.
Using other teleconfrences services
When an alternative Teleconference Service is utilized for a Webex Event (classic), the recording of the event will not prioritize video content.
Slow join times after a major upgrade
You may experience a lengthy load time after a significant upgrade to the Webex Meetings Suite, which has more new features than a usual service pack release. This is because more files need to be downloaded and installed after the upgrade. The amount of traffic on your network and the bandwidth available to your computer at the time of the download both affect how long it takes for files to load. In general, load times might be anything between 20 seconds and three minutes or even longer.
In-meeting experience
- When Korean is selected as the language to use, the characters that make up the meeting topic might not always be correct.
- When a participant is viewing content that has been shared with them while in full-screen mode on a Mac, the video settings button does not appear in the Participants panel.
- Support for screen readers and navigating using the keyboard:
- The Tab key cannot be used to navigate through the video thumbnail items in the Participant panel.
- The Tab key cannot be used to navigate some of the items in the file sharing panel or the Polling panel at this time.
- The Tab key cannot be used to navigate the items that are visible when the video is being viewed in full screen mode.
- Screen readers are unable to interact with elements contained within the video user interface.
- Screen reader support is not currently available for video thumbnail items.
- Screen readers are not supported by the participant list that is contained within the Participant panel.
- Screen readers are unable to interact with certain components of the Polling panel and the file sharing system.
- The Tab key cannot be used to navigate through the video thumbnail items in the Participant panel.
- When viewing a file that has been shared via using file sharing, the Pan tool will not be available to you.
- Linux users are unable to access the newly designed user interface.
- On a Mac, the information that the presenter annotates during application sharing or screen sharing (formerly known as desktop sharing) and takes notes or produces a poll cannot be preserved. This applies even if the presenter annotates while taking notes or creating a poll.
- When an annotation is being used during the sharing process on a Mac, the annotation choice that was most recently used is not remembered if the user switches from tab view to full-screen view.
- If an audience turns their screen saver on and then the presenter starts file sharing, the screen saver will exit itself immediately on some versions of Windows as well as on Linux workstations. This behavior is similar to what happens when a Linux user logs in.
- After upgrading to this edition, it is possible that some of the custom Quick Start templates you generated with previous versions of Webex Meetings will no longer function properly.
- When uploading a particularly large Microsoft PowerPoint file to share in the conference, there is a possibility that the presenter’s connection to the meeting will become severed in a few instances.
Initials in avatars
When there isn’t an image available to use for an avatar, the first letter of a user’s first name and the first letter of the user’s last name are substituted for it. Users whose second names are composed of more than one word will have their names incorrectly shown as three letters. For instance, “Mary Van Buren” and “Robert Smith Jr.” will be displayed as “MB” and “RJ” respectively.
Shared documents display quality
Importing documents that are not natively supported in Events (classic) is accomplished through the use of a printer driver interface. The presentation quality of documents that are shared in Print Driver mode, such as those created with Microsoft Word, Excel, and Adobe PDF, cannot be greater than the quality of a hard-copy printout of the same document that was produced by a physical printer. This problem is especially noticeable in situations in which the documents in question incorporate images of text.
Attendee invitations
In the case that the host of an event removes any of the attendees for that event, the link to the event that was included in the invitation will no longer work for those attendees. We suggest that you make use of a third-party mailing provider if you intend to invite a large number of individuals to participate in a mass mailing list. After that, you should connect to the event address that should be used by attendees.
Host role taken over by a joining alternate host
Even though the host of a meeting or session has already joined, it is possible for an alternate host to step in and take over the hosting responsibilities in certain situations. In the event that this happens, we strongly suggest that the alternate host gives the host role back to the host.
Links generated by Webex Meetings and Webex recording services
Changes that Cisco is making to strengthen the management of cryptographic keys used to create URLs that are used in the Webex Meetings Suite and the Webex recording services are being made as part of our ongoing improvements to increase security. As a direct consequence of this, the previously generated links by those services have been modernized, and users may in certain instances be required to make a fresh link request.
Joining a Webex meeting on Chrome and Firefox
Users of Chrome and Firefox are need to manually enable the Webex plug-in in order to comply with the revised policies implemented by Google and Mozilla.
One event at a time
Users of a Mac can only participate in a single event at a time.
Multi-monitor support in Windows 10
When you share content from a secondary screen that has a higher resolution than your primary screen, the content you share may not display in its entirety or may display only a portion of it. We suggest that you change the display settings in your copy of Windows such that the monitor with the most horizontal space is designated as the primary display.
Microsoft Office 2013 and later Support
- When it comes to sharing PowerPoint files, the following functionalities are not supported if you have Microsoft Office 2013 or a later version installed on your computer:
- Animations and transitions
- Embedded video or audio files
- UCF Toolkit
- If you have modified your Info Tab in any way, there is a possibility that certain custom elements will not be supported. It is strongly suggested that you validate it in order to guarantee that it will continue to display in the appropriate manner in a Webex meeting.
- In exceptional circumstances, one might run across issues such as the following:
- There is a possibility that the colors of the text and fill will vary somewhat from the real colors used in a slide.
- There is a possibility that a slide is missing certain graphic elements.
- There is a possibility that the fonts will appear fuzzy on a slide or that they will differ from the original.
- It’s possible that the sizes of the forms won’t be exactly the same as the originals.
- If an object in a PowerPoint presentation does not display correctly when the presentation is in edit mode, the object is automatically deleted when the presentation is viewed in Slide Show view. However, the object may continue to display when the file is shared in a Webex meeting since Webex does not automatically remove objects that do not display correctly.
- Using the function that allows you to share files, you cannot distribute password-protected PowerPoint 2013 presentations. Instead, you should use the capabilities that allow you to share applications or your desktop.
- Using Windows 8’s built-in file sharing capability, it is not possible to collaborate on Excel 2013 documents. Instead, you should make use of the features that allow you to share applications or your screen (these functions were originally known as “desktop sharing”).
- Using the file sharing feature on Windows 8 (64-bit), it is not possible to collaborate on Word 2013 (64-bit) documents with other users. Instead, you should use the features for sharing the application or the screen.
Shared documents display quality
For the purpose of importing documents that are not natively supported, the Webex Meetings Suite makes use of a printer driver interface. The presentation quality of documents that are shared in Print Driver mode, such as those created with Microsoft Word, Excel, and Adobe PDF, cannot be greater than the quality of a hard-copy printout of the same document that was produced by a physical printer. This problem is especially noticeable in situations in which the documents in question incorporate images of text.
Streaming media sharing
The video resolution for attendees has been optimized to 480p. The resolution of video files that have a greater original resolution is scaled down to 640 pixels by 480 pixels. At this time, support is provided for the following varieties of multimedia file: WMV, WMA, WAV, MP3, ASF, AVI, MPG, MPEG, FLV, F4V, and MP4.
System requirements recommended for video file sharing on the Presenter side are as follows:
Core2-Duo E6750 @ 2.66GHz for VGA file is required
AMD 9650 2.3GHz (4 core) 8GB is preferred
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo -E7400 2.8GHz 2.79GHz is preferred
HTML email content
There is a difference between the text of the default HTML email and the iCalendar (.ics) template that corresponds to it [295149].
Description in iCalendar attachment
If the event description is too long for the Outlook calendar, it will not appear in the iCalendar attachment. This occurs when the length of the description is greater than the allowed maximum. If the length of the field is more than these limits, the description will not be displayed.
In Microsoft Outlook 2000 the field length limit is 8KB.
In Microsoft Outlook 2003 the field length limit is 4KB.
In Microsoft Outlook 2007 there is no limit for field length. [271477]
Play button in Flash files
If the presenter is using a Flash (.swf) file, hitting the Play button will “pause” the file rather than play it when it is shared with the audience. To begin playing the file, the Presenter must first push the Play button twice before proceeding. [289318]
Deleting meetings from My Meetings list
Even if you have the option to Delete from My Meetings when completed chosen, an event will continue to be displayed on the Meetings list even if the host finishes the event before the end time of the event. After the end time of the scheduled event has passed, the event will be removed from the list. For instance, if a meeting is planned to go from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. and the host terminates the event at 10:45 a.m., the event will continue to be displayed under the Meetings list and the Webex Event Calendar until 11.01 a.m., which is after the time that the meeting was originally scheduled to conclude. When you set on Show past events, the event will remain visible at all times.
Participants Panel on Solaris
On machines running Solaris, certain characters that are not part of the English alphabet do not appear correctly in the Participants Panel. [276651]
Switching poll coordinator role
When you make a change to the polling coordinator position while it is being conducted, the window to Save Polling Results will appear.
Adding attendees to address book
When you click the “Add Attendee” button in the event scheduler, an error warning appears if you have chosen the option to add an attendee to your address book from within the event scheduler.
iCalendar attachment
The iCalendar attachment that participants normally utilize to immediately add the event to their calendar application is not included in the first and second event reminders that attendees receive from Webex Meetings.
Email messages with iCalendar content
HTML email messages are unable to correctly show the contents of.ics calendars due to a constraint imposed by the iCalendar attachment format known as.ics. As a consequence of this, the content of plain text email messages will be pulled into HTML email messages when we create them. Because of this, the modifications that a user makes to an HTML email message are not going to be reflected in the iCalendar attachment that is sent along with the message.
Importing a CSV file when Creating an invitation list
Creating an invitation list on a MAC does not allow the ability to import a CSV file when the list is being created. As a direct consequence of this, the button to import CSV files is inaccessible while using Safari or MAC.
Past events
On the Events (classic) page and the Welcome pages, the criteria for identifying historical events are not consistent with one another. After the event’s scheduled start time has gone, the event is considered to be a “past event” in accordance with the Events (traditional) logic. Despite this, if the event’s start time has already gone, it will continue to be displayed on the Welcome page, even if the option to Display past meetings has not been selected. [244342]
For the convenience of attendees, the status of past events is displayed on the “Events (classic)” calendar. When an attendee looks at the calendar for Events (classic) and selects the option to Show prior events, all past events are displayed with the state of Register and/or Not started. However, in an attendee’s view, no status should appear for past events at all. [244153]
Event templates
The list of attendees and panelists is not kept when an event is saved as a template by the host; nevertheless, the information about the panelists and their passwords are saved. [180534]
Money symbol
On the page containing information about the program, the money symbol is missing from the budget column. [183019]
Panelist information as search criteria
On the Events (classic) search page, the information about panelists is not available to be utilized as a search criteria. On the other hand, you can begin your search right from the Welcome page [177716].
Saving user information when using Firefox
When Firefox is used by a user, the user’s information is always saved, regardless of whether or not the option to “Remember me on this computer” is selected. [228112]
Calendar display of daily audio-only events
Because Events (classic) does not have a concept of a recurring event, the Events (classic) calendar is unable to display the event correctly if it is a daily audio-only event that has been planned [161351].
Participant view of video
Only the first one thousand people who register for an event will be eligible to obtain participant video. To give you an example, if you are a panelist and you turn on a webcam or other video device, only the first one thousand participants will be able to see your video.
Microsoft Office 2013 and later support
- When it comes to sharing PowerPoint files, the following functionalities are not supported if you have Microsoft Office 2013 or a later version installed on your computer:
- Animations and transitions
- Embedded video or audio files
- UCF Toolkit
- If you have modified your Info Tab in any way, there is a possibility that certain custom elements will not be supported. It is strongly suggested that you validate it in order to guarantee that it will continue to display in the appropriate manner in a Webex meeting.
- In exceptional circumstances, one might run across issues such as the following:
- There is a possibility that the colors of the text and fill will vary somewhat from the real colors used in a slide.
- There is a possibility that a slide is missing certain graphic elements.
- There is a possibility that the fonts will appear fuzzy on a slide or that they will differ from the original.
- It’s possible that the sizes of the forms won’t be exactly the same as the originals.
- If an object in a PowerPoint presentation does not display correctly when the presentation is in edit mode, the object is automatically deleted when the presentation is viewed in Slide Show view. However, the object may continue to display when the file is shared in a Webex meeting since Webex does not automatically remove objects that do not display correctly.
- Using the function that allows you to share files, you cannot distribute password-protected PowerPoint 2013 presentations. Instead, you should use the capabilities that allow you to share applications or your desktop.
- Using Windows 8’s built-in file sharing capability, it is not possible to collaborate on Excel 2013 documents. Instead, you should make use of the features that allow you to share applications or your screen (these functions were originally known as “desktop sharing”).
- Using the file sharing feature on Windows 8 (64-bit), it is not possible to collaborate on Word 2013 (64-bit) documents with other users. Instead, you should use the features for sharing the application or the screen.
Microsoft Office PowerPoint
It is possible that text downloaded from a web page and placed into the Notes panel in Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 and subsequent versions will not render correctly. The workaround requires copying the text into an editor such as Microsoft Word or Microsoft Notepad, and then copying the content once again from that editor into the Note panel.
Initials in avatars
When there isn’t an image available to use for an avatar, the first letter of a user’s first name and the first letter of the user’s last name are substituted for it. Users whose second names are composed of more than one word will have their names incorrectly shown as three letters. For instance, “Mary Van Buren” and “Robert Smith Jr.” will be displayed as “MB” and “RJ” respectively.
Shared documents display quality
For the purpose of importing documents that are not natively supported, Webex Meetings makes use of a printer driver interface. The presentation quality of documents that are shared in Print Driver mode, such as those created with Microsoft Word, Excel, and Adobe PDF, cannot be greater than the quality of a hard-copy printout of the same document that was produced by a physical printer. This problem is especially noticeable in situations in which the documents in question incorporate images of text.
Streaming media sharing
The video resolution for attendees has been optimized to 480p. The resolution of video files that have a greater original resolution is scaled down to 640 pixels by 480 pixels. At this time, support is provided for the following varieties of multimedia file: WMV, WMA, WAV, MP3, ASF, AVI, MPG, MPEG, FLV, F4V, and MP4.
System requirements recommended for video file sharing on the Presenter side are as follows:
Core2-Duo E6750 @ 2.66GHz for VGA file is required
AMD 9650 2.3GHz (4 core) 8GB is preferred
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo -E7400 2.8GHz 2.79GHz is preferred
High-definition video
Only the main session will have video in high quality available for viewing. At this time, there is no support for breaking up into smaller groups.
High-quality video
Only the main session will have high-quality footage available for viewing. At this time, there is no support for breaking up into smaller groups.
Operating system limitations
If you use Solaris or Linux you cannot:
- Show the animations and transitions in PowerPoint that were created by UCF.
- Save copies of the instructional materials before the class begins.
- Check out the indicator for ready attendees here.
- Use Webex Meetings integrated video
- Webex Meetings Recorder can be used to record meetings, while the Webex Recording Editor can be used to modify previously recorded sessions.
- On Solaris or Linux, you can play back a recording of a training session that was saved in WRF format.
- Utilize PCNow.
- Set up the integration to work with Microsoft Outlook.
- Hands-on labs should be conducted.
The redesigned interface, the Training Control panel, streaming video sharing, computer audio enhancements, the new participant panel, and high-quality video behavior, including full-screen video behavior, are not supported on the Linux platform.
Presenters using Linux are unable to exchange files created in Microsoft Office, Open Office, or Star Office. Sharing of files is only permitted through UCF.
You will not be able to do the following if you operate on a Mac:
- Integration with Microsoft Outlook should be installed.
- Look at the PowerPoint Notes in a separate window.
- Use Quick Start
- During full-screen document sharing, application sharing, and desktop sharing, attendees can be invited or reminded using the Session Option tray.
- Set Hands-On Lab choices
- Record meetings to a local computer with the help of the local Webex Meetings Recorder, and then edit those recordings using the Webex Recording Editor (only compatible with.WRF format).
Other Mac limitations
- Users with a Mac can only participate in a single session at a time.
- When a host on a Mac offers the Presenter role to an attendee on a Mac while at the same time having polling list, invite choices, or Q&A tab options available, these options do not automatically disappear for the new presenter if the person does full-screen or Application/Desktop sharing. This is the case even if the host is doing full-screen or Application/Desktop sharing.
- It is not possible for a host to initiate a session on a Mac at the same time as they are watching a Webex Meetings Network Based Recording.
- When a significant amount of text is entered into the message, the Chat and Q&A text box does not contain a scroll bar.
- Even if a participant shifted roles from attendee to presenter in the middle of a test, they are allowed to continue taking the test.
- During a desktop share, attendees will be able to view the Presenter’s Sharing menu if the computer being shared from is an Intel Mac.
- If the Presenter wants to simultaneously assign attendees to breakout sessions from the Session Options tray while executing desktop sharing, the panel will cover the Assignment dialog, and this dialog will disappear if the presenter clicks elsewhere on the desktop.
- Even if there isn’t actually a scroll bar, there is always empty space for polls in the scroll bar.
- If launched during desktop sharing and other functions from the session options tray are being used, Session Options will always appear on top of any other windows that are currently active.
Attention tracking
If an attendance is using Solaris or Unix and they take a test during the session, it is presumed that they are constantly paying attention in the session for as long as they are in the session during and after they have finished the test. This applies even if the attendee is still in the session after they have finished the exam.
Known Limitations for Webex Meetings for Google
- If a user has more than one Webex account, and that user signs in to one Webex account (such as in the Chrome browser, and then signs in to the Cisco Webex Meetings for Google extension with the user’s Google account, and then uses a different Webex account ( with different credentials, then that user will not be able to sign in to the Cisco Webex Meetings for Google extension. If the user has this issue, they should first check out of their Chrome browser, delete any cookies that may have been stored on their computer, and then attempt to sign in to Cisco Webex Meetings for Google again.
- When a user signs in to Google calendar with one Google account and then signs in to Cisco Webex Meetings for Google with a different Google account, the calendar won’t open and won’t display the scheduled meeting, even though the meeting may have been scheduled successfully. This occurs even if the user selects Schedule Meeting in the Cisco Webex Meetings for Google window.
- In the event that a user makes adjustments to the meeting settings for their Personal Room, the alterations will not be instantly reflected in Cisco Webex Meetings for Google. Changes made to the Personal Room meeting settings are synced when the user either restarts the Chrome browser, signs in to Cisco Webex Meetings for Google a second time, or signs in to their Webex account through Cisco Webex Meetings for Google. This occurs whenever the user performs one of these three actions.
- A confirmation occurs that includes the video link whenever the host adds a Webex Personal Room meeting to a meeting in their Google Calendar; however, invitees are unable to view this video address. On the other hand, the video address and the meeting link are both visible to those who have been invited to the event.
- There are several instances in which the Cisco Webex Meetings for Google window does not display in its entirety. In the event that this occurs, the user can attempt to fix the issue by performing a double click on the Cisco Webex Meetings for Google icon located in the Chrome browser.