Known Issues for Cisco Webex Meetings for Slack
Known Issues and Limitations
Direct message limitations:
- Direct communications do not include meeting alerts such as reminders or indications that a meeting is already in session.
- There is no indication in direct messaging of any recording reminders for previously recorded sessions.
- If you use the /webexschedule command within a direct message, the people who are receiving the message won’t immediately be added as attendees to the meeting you’re scheduling.
- It is not possible to use the /invite [@botname] command within direct messages.
You will notice a Start Meeting button in the meeting notifications that display in the chat whenever you book a Webex meeting or a Personal Room meeting that starts within the next ten minutes. In the event that you do not respond, a reminder of the meeting will be emailed to you ten minutes before it is due to begin. It will prompt you to use the /webexschedule list command in order to display a list of your forthcoming appointments in WebEx, and it will do so automatically. When the meeting is ready to begin, hosts may do so by clicking the Start button that is located next to the meeting in the list. Invitees can show a list of their forthcoming meetings by using the /webexschedule list command, and then they can pick the Join button that appears next to the meeting in the list to join the meeting.
Meetings for your Personal Room that you arrange in Slack won’t appear in the list of upcoming events on your Webex site. In addition, invitation email messages are not delivered to the people who have been invited.
Installing the Webex app is required for the principal owner of a workspace in order to view the “In a Webex meeting” status for all participants of the workspace, including administrators of the workspace.