Manage a webinar series
People are able to sign up for many Webex Webinars all at once when they participate in a webinar series. Hosts have the ability to initiate the creation of a webinar series and can invite contributors to participate in the series. Both the hosts and the contributors have the ability to add webinars to the series that they own, as well as the ability to delete webinars from the series that they own.
Create a webinar series
1 After logging in to your Webex account, navigate to the Webinars tab.
2 Choose one Establish a series of webinars.
3 Please include a name and a description for the webinar series you are creating.
Make your description look more appealing by formatting it with HTML’s various formatting choices, such as bold text, hyperlinks, or buttons. Simply selecting the HTML format will reveal all of the possible HTML choices.
4 Click the “Copy series invitation” button to make a duplicate of the invitation for the webinar series, which you can then share to other people.
Click the “+Add webinars to this series” button in order to include previously held webinars in this collection.
You can see a list of all of the webinars that you have created here. Click the Save button after checking the box to the left of each individual webinar that you want to include in the series.
Click the “Create a webinar” button to begin the process of adding a brand-new webinar to this series.
5 In the area labeled “Registration form,” click the Edit button in order to personalize the registration form for your attendees.
A single registration form can be used for multiple webinars in a series.
6 To enable attendees to register for one or more of the webinars in the series, navigate to the Registration type section and click the Edit button.
- Participants have the option of registering for more than one webinar in the series.
- Only one of the webinars in the series can be registered for at a time by attendees.
- Participants can sign up for the entire series of webinars all at once if they so choose.
On the registration page for the webinar series, the time zone of the attendee’s Webex profile is displayed, provided that the participant has an account on the same Webex site that the webinars are planned to take place on. Attendees who do not have a Webex account on the same site as the webinars will see the time zone of the Webex site on which the webinars were scheduled.
7 In the Contributors area, you should provide other people’s email addresses if you wish to enable others to make changes to this series. An email is sent out to all of the contributors you’ve added. In relation to this series, they are able to do the following:
- Include in the series any webinars that they’ve developed as well.
- Take out of the series any webinars that they’ve developed themselves.
- Make necessary changes to the title, description, registration form, and type of registration for the webinar series.
- Include additional authors and contributors in the series.
Add an existing webinar to a series
1 Webinars can be added to a series by both the host and the contributors.
Step one is to log in to your Webex account, then navigate to the Webinars menu and pick Webinar series.
- When you plan a webinar, you also have the option of adding it to a series of webinars.
- If you already have a webinar that requires registration, the registration form for that webinar automatically syncs with the registration form for the series to which you are adding the webinar. The registration information that was gathered in advance of adding the webinar to a series is saved. Any new registration information is collected for the options in the series registration form rather than the individual webinar form. This occurs whenever there is new registration information. When you add a webinar to an existing series, that webinar will maintain its own set of registration and permission restrictions.
2 To add existing webinars, select “+Add webinars to this series” after clicking the “+Add webinars” button.
- You can see a list of all of the webinars that you have created here. Click the Save button after checking the box to the left of each individual webinar that you want to include in the series.
- When you add a webinar to the series, the host is notified via email of the addition.
Schedule a new webinar for a series
1 Step one is to log in to your Webex account, then navigate to the Webinars menu and pick Webinar series.
When you plan a webinar, you also have the option of adding it to a series of webinars.
2 Simply select “+Add webinars to this series” and then “Schedule a new webinar” from the drop-down menu.
3 Make arrangements for your webinar.
To view your webinar in the list of series, go to Webinars > Webinar series, then select your webinar series from the drop-down menu that appears.
- When a new webinar is added to the series, an email is sent to the host of the series.
Move a webinar to a different series
A webinar can be moved to a different series at the discretion of both the host and the contributors.
1 After logging into your Webex account, go to the Webinars menu and select “My webinars.”
You also have the option to pick Calendar and then look for your webinar in the list of upcoming events.
2 Click after you have chosen the webinar you wish to transfer to another location.
3 Select the choices under Advanced.
4 Click the Edit button within the Webinar series.
5 From the drop-down list titled “Add to webinar series,” pick the webinar series to which you wish to add this webinar, and then click the “OK” button.
In addition, you have the option of starting a new webinar series and including this webinar in it.
When a webinar is dropped from the series, an email is sent to the host of the webinar.
Remove a webinar from a series
Any webinar in a series can be dropped entirely at the discretion of the host. Contributors have the ability to remove webinars from a series that they have generated.
1 After logging in to your Webex account, navigate to the Webinars menu and select Webinar series.
2 Click the button that is located next to any webinar that you have produced.
3 Select the Remove button.
When a webinar is dropped from the series, an email is sent to the host of the webinar.